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387 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tom Cosgrove
f334d9622b Add unit tests for bignum_new.c:mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
These tests are also used to test the existing mpi_montmul() function (which
too is renamed with mbedtls_ prefix). Some of these are replays of captured
invocations during unit test runs. Others are generated.  They use a mixture
of primes and odd numbers for N, with four randomly-generated cases for each N.

The lines in the .data file were generated by the following script

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # - generate MPI tests in Perl for mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul()
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';


    sub generate_tests {

    # XXX mbedtls_mpi_grow() and mbedtls_mpi_shrink() work in little-endian manner

    # \brief Montgomery multiplication: X = A * B * R^-1 mod N  (HAC 14.36)
    # \param[out]     X      The destination MPI, as a big endian array of length \p n.
    #                        On successful completion, X contains the result of
    #                        the multiplication A * B * R^-1 mod N where
    #                        R = (2^ciL)^n.
    # \param[in]      A      Big endian presentation of first operand.
    #                        Must have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      B      Big endian presentation of second operand.
    # \param[in]      B_len  The number of limbs in \p B.
    # \param[in]      N      Big endian presentation of the modulus.
    #                        This must be odd and have exactly \p n limbs.
    # \param[in]      n      The number of limbs in \p X, \p A, \p N.
    # \param          mm     The Montgomery constant for \p N: -N^-1 mod 2^ciL.
    #                        This can be calculated by `mbedtls_mpi_montg_init()`.
    # \param[in,out]  T      Temporary storage of size at least 2*n+1 limbs.
    #                        Its initial content is unused and
    #                        its final content is indeterminate.
    # void mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul( mbedtls_mpi_uint *X,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *A,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *B, size_t B_len,
    #                                const mbedtls_mpi_uint *N, size_t n,
    #                                mbedtls_mpi_uint mm, mbedtls_mpi_uint *T );

    sub generate_mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul {

        my $sub_name = (caller(0))[3];      # e.g. main::generate_mbedtls_mpi_sub_mpi
        my ($ignore, $test_name) = split("main::generate_", $sub_name);

        my @cases = ();

        my @replay = (
            # [ limbsAN_4, limbsB_4, limbsAN_8, limbsB_8, hexA, hexB, hexN, hexExpected ]
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "19", "1", "1D", "18" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "7", "1", "9", "1" ],
            [ 2, 1, 1, 1, "4", "1", "9", "7" ],
            #A.n = 3
            #A.p = FFFE000000008004
            #      0000000000007FFC
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 3
            #N.p = 0000000000000001
            #      0000000000008000
            #      0000000000000000
            #mm = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
            #res.n = 3
            #res.p = EFFF9FFF3FFF8001
            #        0000000000007FFF
            #        0000000000000000
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT32", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "2000C001800100000000" ],
            #[ "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64", 3, 1, 3, "7FFCFFFE000000008004", "1", "80000000000000000001", "7FFFEFFF9FFF3FFF8001" ],

            [ 12, 1, 6, 1, "3C246D0E059A93A266288A7718419EC741661B474C58C032C5EDAF92709402B07CC8C7CE0B781C641A1EA8DB2F4343", "1", "66A198186C18C10B2F5ED9B522752A9830B69916E535C8F047518A889A43A594B6BED27A168D31D4A52F88925AA8F5", "36E139AEA55215609D2816998ED020BBBD96C37890F65171D948E9BC7CBAA4D9325D24D6A3C12710F10A09FA08AB87" ],

            #A.n = 5
            #A.p = 340E918CE03C6211
            #      9888165CB75BFA1F
            #      FCCE74B999E470CA
            #      1E442976B0E63D64
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 4
            #N.p = 8054B3D124D0E561
            #      92A338655DCE4CA8
            #      E28581ECD892E0F5
            #      B3A119602EE213CD
            #mm = E41CFB909805815F
            #res.n = 5
            #res.p = 0E65383B59F8CA5B
            #        B103B17A2EEF84E6
            #        F23BC08FD0801C55
            #        38EB7749F4A5DA80
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 8, 1, 4, 1, "1E442976B0E63D64FCCE74B999E470CA9888165CB75BFA1F340E918CE03C6211", "1", "B3A119602EE213CDE28581ECD892E0F592A338655DCE4CA88054B3D124D0E561", "38EB7749F4A5DA80F23BC08FD0801C55B103B17A2EEF84E60E65383B59F8CA5B" ],

            #A.n = 12
            #A.p = 542306BCA7A2366E
            #      D2780B2B4968F8D8
            #      CBDFC696104353E4
            #      7776839B0AC9DB23
            #      B7E125BE407E7415
            #      D711917FD7537E13
            #      82392870D6D08F87
            #      D83ED5FA38560FFB
            #      9994B0FED1D2A8D3
            #      63C65413F57249F5
            #      007CF5AC97304E0B
            #      0000000000000000
            #B.n = 1
            #B.p = 0000000000000001
            #N.n = 11
            #N.p = E1AD22CEB7BA0123
            #      32B2A6AA42ADA923
            #      C56C62082912B661
            #      C6F0EAD752500A32
            #      DBC8D651793E93C9
            #      0B2F60D99CC1950C
            #      5B4CDCB5734C58F9
            #      09D3CB5BC5585472
            #      9A2C2BE12ED487A8
            #      BE09A8111926AAA3
            #      0284139EA19C139E
            #mm = C02E2164B293C975
            #res.n = 12
            #res.p = F6B14471839D8D31
            #        FF843ED3B17C44D7
            #        1C3D52C7CB9E0BA6
            #        82F3590C866BF9F8
            #        49C371DB2A4FB164
            #        964ECA2527A031ED
            #        FAACEC6982E0E5BE
            #        1F70C4CB2426AEE1
            #        2C92B02886267AB4
            #        0630B14113BEAD74
            #        01E4426A3D6C425F
            #        0000000000000000
            [ 22, 1, 11, 1, "7CF5AC97304E0B63C65413F57249F59994B0FED1D2A8D3D83ED5FA38560FFB82392870D6D08F87D711917FD7537E13B7E125BE407E74157776839B0AC9DB23CBDFC696104353E4D2780B2B4968F8D8542306BCA7A2366E", "1", "284139EA19C139EBE09A8111926AAA39A2C2BE12ED487A809D3CB5BC55854725B4CDCB5734C58F90B2F60D99CC1950CDBC8D651793E93C9C6F0EAD752500A32C56C62082912B66132B2A6AA42ADA923E1AD22CEB7BA0123", "1E4426A3D6C425F0630B14113BEAD742C92B02886267AB41F70C4CB2426AEE1FAACEC6982E0E5BE964ECA2527A031ED49C371DB2A4FB16482F3590C866BF9F81C3D52C7CB9E0BA6FF843ED3B17C44D7F6B14471839D8D31" ],

        for my $c (@replay) {
            # For all of these, la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8 (so we just have $xh)
            my ($la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, $ah, $bh, $nh, $xh) = @$c;    # limbs(A), limbs(B), limbs(N), (A, B, N, expected) hex

            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (replay)";
            # mbedtls_mpi_core_montmul:mpiSize:limbs(A,N):limbs(B):<A>:<B>:<N>:<expected4>:<expected8>
            # (just repeat $xh, as la4 = 2 * la8, so $xh4 == $xh8)
            my $case = output($test_name, $la4, $lb4, $la8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh), str($xh));

            push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        # see for the source of these test cases

        my @generate = (
            # [ hexN, hexA, hexB, info ]
            [ "3", "2", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "1", "2", "" ],
            [ "3", "2", "1", "" ],
            [ "7", "6", "5", "" ],
            [ "7", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "7", "1", "6", "" ],
            [ "7", "5", "6", "" ],
            [ "B", "3", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "7", "4", "" ],
            [ "B", "9", "7", "" ],
            [ "B", "2", "a", "" ],
            [ "29", "25", "16", "(0x29 is prime)" ],
            [ "29", "8", "28", "" ],
            [ "29", "18", "21", "" ],
            [ "29", "15", "f", "" ],
            [ "FF", "e2", "ea", "" ],
            [ "FF", "43", "72", "" ],
            [ "FF", "d8", "70", "" ],
            [ "FF", "3c", "7c", "" ],
            [ "101", "99", "b9", "(0x101 is prime)" ],
            [ "101", "65", "b2", "" ],
            [ "101", "81", "32", "" ],
            [ "101", "51", "dd", "" ],
            [ "38B", "d5", "143", "(0x38B is prime)" ],
            [ "38B", "3d", "387", "" ],
            [ "38B", "160", "2e5", "" ],
            [ "38B", "10f", "137", "" ],
            [ "8003", "7dac", "25a", "(0x8003 is prime)" ],
            [ "8003", "6f1c", "3286", "" ],
            [ "8003", "59ed", "2f3f", "" ],
            [ "8003", "6893", "736d", "" ],
            [ "10001", "d199", "2832", "(0x10001 is prime)" ],
            [ "10001", "c3b2", "3e5b", "" ],
            [ "10001", "abe4", "214e", "" ],
            [ "10001", "4360", "a05d", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3f5a1", "165b2", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "3bd29", "37863", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "60c47", "64819", "" ],
            [ "7F7F7", "16584", "12c49", "" ],
            [ "800009", "1ff03f", "610347", "(0x800009 is prime)" ],
            [ "800009", "340fd5", "19812e", "" ],
            [ "800009", "3fe2e8", "4d0dc7", "" ],
            [ "800009", "40356", "e6392", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "dd8a1d", "266c0e", "(0x100002B is prime)" ],
            [ "100002B", "3fa1cb", "847fd6", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "5f439d", "5c3196", "" ],
            [ "100002B", "18d645", "f72dc6", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "20051ad", "37def6e", "(0x37EEE9D is prime)" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "2ec140b", "3580dbf", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "1d91b46", "190d4fc", "" ],
            [ "37EEE9D", "34e488d", "1224d24", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2a4fe2cb", "263466a9", "(0x8000000B is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000B", "5643fe94", "29a1aefa", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "29633513", "7b007ac4", "" ],
            [ "8000000B", "2439cef5", "5c9d5a47", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4de3cfaa", "50dea178", "(0x8CD626B9 is prime)" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "b8b8563", "10dbbbac", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "4e8a6151", "5574ec19", "" ],
            [ "8CD626B9", "69224878", "309cfc23", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "fb6f7fb6", "afb05423", "(0x10000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "10000000F", "8391a243", "26034dcd", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "d26b98c", "14b2d6aa", "" ],
            [ "10000000F", "6b9f1371", "a21daf1d", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "9f49435ad", "c8264ade8", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "c402da434", "1fb427acf", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "f6ebc2bb1", "1096d39f2a", "" ],
            [ "174876E7E9", "153b7f7b6b", "878fda8ff", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2c1adbb8d6", "4384d2d3c6", "(0x8000000017 is prime)" ],
            [ "8000000017", "2e4f9cf5fb", "794f3443d9", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "149e495582", "3802b8f7b7", "" ],
            [ "8000000017", "7b9d49df82", "69c68a442a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "683a134600", "6dd80ea9f6", "(0x864CB9076D is prime)" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "13a870ff0d", "59b099694a", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "37d06b0e63", "4d2147e46f", "" ],
            [ "864CB9076D", "661714f8f4", "22e55df507", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "2f0a96363", "52693307b4", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "3c85078e64", "f2275ecb6d", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "352dae68d1", "707775b4c6", "" ],
            [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "37ae0f3e0b", "912113040f", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "6dada15e31", "f58ed9eff7", "(0x1000000000F is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "69627a7c89", "cfb5ebd13d", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "a5e1ad239b", "afc030c731", "" ],
            [ "1000000000F", "f1cc45f4c5", "c64ad607c8", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "2ebad87d2e31", "4c72d90bca78", "(0x800000000005 is prime)" ],
            [ "800000000005", "a30b3cc50d", "29ac4fe59490", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "33674e9647b4", "5ec7ee7e72d3", "" ],
            [ "800000000005", "3d956f474f61", "74070040257d", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "48348e3717d6", "43fcb4399571", "(0x800795D9BA47 is prime)" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "5234c03cc99b", "2f3cccb87803", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "3ed13db194ab", "44b8f4ba7030", "" ],
            [ "800795D9BA47", "1c11e843bfdb", "95bd1b47b08", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "a81d11cb81fd", "1e5753a3f33d", "(0x1000000000015 is prime)" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "688c4db99232", "36fc0cf7ed", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "f0720cc07e07", "fc76140ed903", "" ],
            [ "1000000000015", "2ec61f8d17d1", "d270c85e36d2", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "6a24cd3ab63820", "ed4aad55e5e348", "(0x100000000000051 is prime)" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "e680c160d3b248", "31e0d8840ed510", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "a80637e9aebc38", "bb81decc4e1738", "" ],
            [ "100000000000051", "9afa5a59e9d630", "be9e65a6d42938", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "ab5e104eeb71c000", "2cffbd639e9fea00", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "197b867547f68a00", "44b796cf94654800", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "329f9483a04f2c00", "9892f76961d0f000", "" ],
            [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "4a2e12dfb4545000", "1aa3e89a69794500", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "8b9acdf013d140f000", "12e4ceaefabdf2b2f00", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "1b8d960ea277e3f5500", "14418aa980e37dd000", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "7314524977e8075980", "8172fa45618ccd0d80", "" ],
            [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "ca14f031769be63580", "147a2f3cf2964ca9400", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "18532ba119d5cd0cf39735c0000", "25f9838e31634844924733000000", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "a56e2d2517519e3970e70c40000", "ec27428d4bb380458588fa80000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "1cb5e8257710e8653fff33a00000", "15fdd42fe440fd3a1d121380000", "" ],
            [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "e50d07a65fc6f93e538ce040000", "1f4b059ca609f3ce597f61240000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "1ea3ade786a095d978d387f30df9f20000000", "127c448575f04af5a367a7be06c7da0000000", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "16e15b0ca82764e72e38357b1f10a20000000", "43e2355d8514bbe22b0838fdc3983a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "be39332529d93f25c3d116c004c620000000", "5cccec42370a0a2c89c6772da801a0000000", "" ],
            [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "ecaa468d90de0eeda474d39b3e1fc0000000", "1e714554018de6dc0fe576bfd3b5660000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "32298816711c5dce46f9ba06e775c4bedfc770e6700000000000000", "8ee751fd5fb24f0b4a653cb3a0c8b7d9e724574d168000000000000", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "29213b9df3cfd15f4b428645b67b677c29d1378d810000000000000", "6cbb732c65e10a28872394dfdd1936d5171c3c3aac0000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "6f18db06ad4abc52c0c50643dd13098abccd4a232f0000000000000", "7e6bf41f2a86098ad51f98dfc10490ba3e8081bc830000000000000", "" ],
            [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "62d3286cd706ad9d73caff63f1722775d7e8c731208000000000000", "530f7ba02ae2b04c2fe3e3d27ec095925631a6c2528000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "a6c6503e3c031fdbf6009a89ed60582b7233c5a85de28b16000000000000000", "75c8ed18270b583f16d442a467d32bf95c5e491e9b8523798000000000000000", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "bf84d1f85cf6b51e04d2c8f4ffd03532d852053cf99b387d4000000000000000", "397ba5a743c349f4f28bc583ecd5f06e0a25f9c6d98f09134000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "6db11c3a4152ed1a2aa6fa34b0903ec82ea1b88908dcb482000000000000000", "ac8ac576a74ad6ca48f201bf89f77350ce86e821358d85920000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "3001d96d7fe8b733f33687646fc3017e3ac417eb32e0ec708000000000000000", "925ddbdac4174e8321a48a32f79640e8cf7ec6f46ea235a80000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1029048755f2e60dd98c8de6d9989226b6bb4f0db8e46bd1939de560000000000000000000", "51bb7270b2e25cec0301a03e8275213bb6c2f6e6ec93d4d46d36ca0000000000000000000", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "1c5337ff982b3ad6611257dbff5bbd7a9920ba2d4f5838a0cc681ce000000000000000000", "520c5d049ca4702031ba728591b665c4d4ccd3b2b86864d4c160fd2000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "57074dfa00e42f6555bae624b7f0209f218adf57f73ed34ab0ff90c000000000000000000", "41eb14b6c07bfd3d1fe4f4a610c17cc44fcfcda695db040e011065000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "d8ed7feed2fe855e6997ad6397f776158573d425031bf085a615784000000000000000000", "6f121dcd18c578ab5e229881006007bb6d319b179f11015fe958b9c000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "2a462b156180ea5fe550d3758c764e06fae54e626b5f503265a09df76edbdfbfa1e6000000000000000000000000", "1136f41d1879fd4fb9e49e0943a46b6704d77c068ee237c3121f9071cfd3e6a00315800000000000000000000000", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "c1ac3800dfb3c6954dea391d206200cf3c47f795bf4a5603b4cb88ae7e574de4740800000000000000000000000", "c0d16eda0549ede42fa0deb4635f7b7ce061fadea02ee4d85cba4c4f7096034193c800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "19e45bb7633094d272588ad2e43bcb3ee341991c6731b6fa9d47c4018d7ce7bba5ee800000000000000000000000", "1e4f83166ae59f6b9cc8fd3e7677ed8bfc01bb99c98bd3eb084246b64c1e18c3365b800000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "1aa93395fad5f9b7f20b8f9028a054c0bb7c11bb8520e6a95e5a34f06cb70bcdd01a800000000000000000000000", "54b45afa5d4310192f8d224634242dd7dcfb342318df3d9bd37b4c614788ba13b8b000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "544f2628a28cfb5ce0a1b7180ee66b49716f1d9476c466c57f0c4b2308991784306d48f78686115ee19e25400000000000000000000000000000000", "677eb31ef8d66c120fa872a60cd47f6e10cbfdf94f90501bd7883cba03d185be0a0148d1625745e9c4c827300000000000000000000000000000000", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "76bb3470985174915e9993522aec989666908f9e8cf5cb9f037bf4aee33d8865cb6464174795d07e30015b80000000000000000000000000000000", "6aaaf60d5784dcef612d133613b179a317532ecca0eed40b8ad0c01e6d4a6d8c79a52af190abd51739009a900000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "6cfdd6e60912e441d2d1fc88f421b533f0103a5322ccd3f4db84861643ad63fd63d1d8cfbc1d498162786ba00000000000000000000000000000000", "1177246ec5e93814816465e7f8f248b350d954439d35b2b5d75d917218e7fd5fb4c2f6d0667f9467fdcf33400000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],
            [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "7a09a0b0f8bbf8057116fb0277a9bdf3a91b5eaa8830d448081510d8973888be5a9f0ad04facb69aa3715f00000000000000000000000000000000", "764dec6c05a1c0d87b649efa5fd94c91ea28bffb4725d4ab4b33f1a3e8e3b314d799020e244a835a145ec9800000000000000000000000000000000", "" ],

        my %described = ();

        for my $g (@generate) {
            my ($nh, $ah, $bh, $info) = @$g;
            my $a = Math::BigInt->from_hex($ah);
            my $b = Math::BigInt->from_hex($bh);
            my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

            my $ln4 = mpi4s($n);
            my $la4 = mpi4s($a);
            my $lb4 = mpi4s($b);

            my $ln8 = mpi8s($n);
            my $la8 = mpi8s($a);
            my $lb8 = mpi8s($b);

            my $r4 = bound_mpi4($n->copy());
            my $i4 = $r4->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x4 = $a * $b * $i4;
            my $xh4 = Math::BigInt->new($x4)->to_hex();

            my $r8 = bound_mpi8($n->copy());
            my $i8 = $r8->copy()->bmodinv($n);
            my $x8 = $a * $b * $i8;
            my $xh8 = Math::BigInt->new($x8)->to_hex();

            die("") if $la4 > $ln4 || $la8 > $ln8;

            my $desc = "$test_name #NUMBER (gen)";
            if ($ln4 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI4"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 4-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI4"} = 1;
            if ($ln8 > 1) {
                if (!$described{"2-MPI8"}) {
                    $desc .= " (start of 2-MPI 8-byte bignums)";
                    $described{"2-MPI8"} = 1;
            if (length($info) && !$described{$info}) {
                $desc .= " " . $info;
                $described{$info} = 1;
            my $case = output($test_name, $ln4, $lb4, $ln8, $lb8, str($ah), str($bh), str($nh), str($xh4), str($xh8));

            #push(@cases, [$case, $desc, "MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT64"]);    -- now doing it differently
            push(@cases, [$case, $desc]);

        output_cases("", @cases);

    sub output_cases {

        my ($explain, @cases) = @_;

        my $count = 1;
        for my $c (@cases) {

            my ($case, $desc, $dep) = @$c;
            $desc =~ s/NUMBER/$count/; $count++;
            if (defined($explain) && $desc =~ /EXPLAIN/) {
                $desc =~ s/EXPLAIN/$explain/;
                $explain = "";

            my $depends = "";
            $depends = "depends_on:$dep\n" if defined($dep) && length($dep);

            print <<EOF;


    # The first number (a power of 2) that won't fit in the number of MPIs
    # needed for the given number
    sub bound_mpi4 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi4($_[0]));

    sub bound_mpi8 {
        my $one = Math::BigInt->new(1);     # blsft modifies caller
        return $one->blsft(bits_mpi8($_[0]));

    # How many bits (a multiple of 32) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 4-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi4 {
        return 32 * mpi4s($_[0]);

    # How many bits (a multiple of 64) needed to store the specified number
    # when using 8-byte MPIs
    sub bits_mpi8 {
        return 64 * mpi8s($_[0]);

    # How many 4-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi4s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 7) / 8);

    # How many 8-byte MPIs needed to store the specified number
    sub mpi8s {
        my ($n) = @_;
        my $h = $n->to_hex();
        return int((length($h) + 15) / 16);

    sub output {

        return join(":", @_);

    sub str {
        return '"' . $_[0] . '"';

The data for the generated test cases (@generate) for
was created by

    #!/usr/bin/env perl
    # - randomly generate test cases for
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use sort 'stable';

    my %seen = ();

    my @primes = (
        # From here they require > 1 4-byte MPI
        # From here they require > 1 8-byte MPI
        "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7",      # this is 11111111111111111111111 decimal
        # 10^143 + 3^4: (which is prime)
        # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081
    my %prime = map { $_ => 1 } @primes;

    my @moduli = (
        [ "3", "" ],
        [ "7", "" ],
        [ "B", "" ],
        [ "29", "" ],
        [ "FF", "" ],
        [ "101", "" ],
        [ "38B", "" ],
        [ "8003", "" ],
        [ "10001", "" ],
        [ "7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "800009", "" ],
        [ "100002B", "" ],
        [ "37EEE9D", "" ],
        [ "8000000B", "" ],
        [ "8CD626B9", "" ],
        [ "10000000F", "" ],
        [ "174876E7E9", "0x174876E7E9 is prime (dec) 99999999977" ],
        [ "8000000017", "" ],
        [ "864CB9076D", "" ],
        [ "F7F7F7F7F7", "" ],
        [ "1000000000F", "" ],
        [ "800000000005", "" ],
        [ "800795D9BA47", "" ],
        [ "1000000000015", "" ],
        [ "100000000000051", "" ],
        [ "ABCDEF0123456789", "" ],
        [ "25A55A46E5DA99C71C7", "0x25A55A46E5DA99C71C7 is the 3rd repunit prime (dec) 11111111111111111111111" ],
        [ "314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879", "0x314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879 is (dec)99999999977^3" ],
        [ "47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521", "0x47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521 is (dec) 99999999977^4" ],
        [ "97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931", "0x97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931 is (dec) 99999999977^6" ],
        [ "DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499", "0xDD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499 is (dec) 99999999977^7" ],
        [ "141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41", "0x141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41 is 99999999977^8" ],
        [ "2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451", "0x2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451 is (dec) 99999999977^10" ],
        [ "8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051", "0x8335616AED761F1F7F44E6BD49E807B82E3BF2BF11BFA6AF813C808DBF33DBFA11DABD6E6144BEF37C6800000000000000000000000000000000051 is prime, (dec) 10^143 + 3^4" ], # 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000081

    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #ibase=16 ; obase=10 ; 174876E7E9*174876E7E9*174876E7E9
    #99999999977^2: 21E19E0C58BACE25211
    #99999999977^3: 314DC643FB763F2B8C0E2DE00879
    #99999999977^4: 47BF19662275FA2F6845C74942ED1D852E521
    #99999999977^5: 6867A5A664437D20ED7941408583AADA2193CE95695209
    #99999999977^6: 97EDD86E4B5C4592C6D32064AC55C888A7245F07CA3CC455E07C931
    #99999999977^7: DD15FE80B731872AC104DB37832F7E75A244AA2631BC87885B861E8F20375499
    #99999999977^8: 141B8EBD9009F84C241879A1F680FACCED355DA36C498F73E96E880CF78EA5F96146380E41
    #99999999977^9: 1D42AEA1837AA78C6339224E9B39A483E4AAAF12CE7752E1EA1681082CBC8AB056A36B6299557D7A029
    #99999999977^10: 2A94608DE88B6D5E9F8920F5ABB06B24CC35AE1FBACC87D075C621C3E2833EC902713E40F51E3B3C214EDFABC451

    my %mentioned = ();

    for my $mod (@moduli) {
        my ($nh, $info) = @$mod;
        my $n = Math::BigInt->from_hex($nh);

        my $xxx = $n->to_hex();
        die("$xxx != $nh") unless lc($xxx) eq lc($nh);

        my $cases = ($n < 5) ? 3 : 4;
        for (my $case = 0; $case < $cases; $case++) {
            my ($a, $b);
            for ($a = 0; $a == 0; ) {
                $a = int(rand($n));
            for ($b = 0; $b == 0; ) {
                $b = int(rand($n));

            my $cstr = "$a|$b|$n";
            if (exists($seen{$cstr})) {     # don't repeat ourselves

            $seen{$cstr} = 1;

            my $ah = Math::BigInt->new($a)->to_hex();
            my $bh = Math::BigInt->new($b)->to_hex();

            my $desc = "";
            if (length($info)) {
                $desc = $info if !$mentioned{$info};
                $mentioned{$info} = 1;
            } elsif (length($nh) > 1 && $prime{$nh} && !$mentioned{$nh}) {
                $desc = "(0x$nh is prime)";
                $mentioned{$nh} = 1;

            print <<EOF;
            [ "$nh", "$ah", "$bh", "$desc" ],

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-08-23 16:29:00 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
79b70f6394 Make a public version of mpi_montg_init() in bignum_new.c and add unit tests
The unit tests were created by capturing runs of the existing function during
execution of existing unit tests.

Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-08-23 16:28:32 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
7e655f7b4c Use new mbedtls_mpi_core_sub() instead of old static mpi_sub_hlp()
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-08-23 16:15:44 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
90c426b932 Tidy up, removing MPI_CORE(), and using the new mbedtls_mpi_core_mla()
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-08-23 16:15:19 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
82d3f1e824 Remove bignum_internal.h, moving contents to bignum_core.h
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-08-23 12:01:39 +01:00
Janos Follath
ca5688e10c Improve coding style
Co-authored-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
Co-authored-by: Werner Lewis <>

Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-19 13:11:22 +01:00
Janos Follath
620c58ced9 Bignum: make const placement consistent
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-15 11:58:42 +01:00
Gabor Mezei
Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <>
2022-08-12 15:36:56 +02:00
Janos Follath
d0895708e2 Bignum: move internal constants to headers
Now that the check_names script allows it, we can do so.

Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-10 13:32:16 +01:00
Gabor Mezei
6666914b76 Revert "Move Bignum macros to common header"
This reverts commit 62c5901f0a5061a8825e19c77f88c91fea235078.

Reverting commit due the macros are meant to be local and not following the
naming convention.

Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <>
2022-08-05 17:10:51 +01:00
Janos Follath
5f016650d7 Reuse Bignum core I/O functions
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-05 17:08:52 +01:00
Janos Follath
4670f88991 Reuse Bignum helper functions
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-05 17:08:52 +01:00
Janos Follath
4614b9ad1b Move Bignum macros to common header
Signed-off-by: Janos Follath <>
2022-08-05 17:08:52 +01:00
Tom Cosgrove
ce7f18c00b Fix a/an typos in doxygen and other comments
Signed-off-by: Tom Cosgrove <>
2022-07-28 05:50:56 +01:00
Dave Rodgman
Merge pull request #934 from gilles-peskine-arm/mpi-0-mod-2
Fix null pointer dereference in mpi_mod_int(0, 2)
2022-06-29 15:02:59 +01:00
Gilles Peskine
ae25bb043c Fix null pointer dereference in mpi_mod_int(0, 2)
Fix a null pointer dereference when performing some operations on zero
represented with 0 limbs: mbedtls_mpi_mod_int() dividing by 2, or
mbedtls_mpi_write_string() in base 2.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2022-06-09 19:32:46 +02:00
Shaun Case
8b0ecbccf4 Redo of PR#5345. Fixed spelling and typographical errors found by CodeSpell.
Signed-off-by: Shaun Case <>
Signed-off-by: Dave Rodgman <>
2022-05-11 21:25:51 +01:00
Hanno Becker
63eb28c728 Use separate counters for 8-fold and single multiplication steps
Compilers are likely to generate shorter assembly for loops of the
form `while( cnt-- ) { ... }` rather than
`for( ; count >= X; count -= X ) { ... }`. (E.g. the latter needs
a subtract+compare+branch after each loop, while the former only
needs decrement+branch).

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-17 06:16:03 +01:00
Hanno Becker
eacf3b9eb4 Simplify organization of inline assembly for bignum
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-17 06:16:03 +01:00
Hanno Becker
3577131bb4 Reintroduce trimming of input in mbedtls_mpi_mul_int()
Removing the trimming has significant memory impact. While it is clearly what
we want to do eventually for constant-time'ness, it should be fixed alongside
a strategy to contain the ramifications on memory usage.

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-14 11:52:11 +01:00
Hanno Becker
1772e05fca Reduce the scope of local variable in mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-13 07:26:53 +01:00
Hanno Becker
da763de7d0 Revert "Don't trim MPIs to minimal size in mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi()"
This reverts commit 808e666eee.

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-13 07:26:42 +01:00
Hanno Becker
0235f7512f Reduce scope of local variables in mpi_montmul()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-12 11:02:03 +01:00
Hanno Becker
9137b9c587 Note alternative implementation strategy in mbedtls_mpi_mul_int()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-12 11:01:58 +01:00
Hanno Becker
808e666eee Don't trim MPIs to minimal size in mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-12 11:01:57 +01:00
Hanno Becker
99ba4cc6d5 Remove Doxygen from mbedtls_mpi_core_mla() implementation
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-11 13:44:03 +01:00
Hanno Becker
5d4ceeb25c Remove const qualifier for mutable local variable in mpi_mul_hlp()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-11 09:46:47 +01:00
Hanno Becker
284d778d28 Address review comments
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-11 09:19:24 +01:00
Hanno Becker
aef9cc4f96 Rename mpi_mul_hlp -> mbedtls_mpi_core_mla and expose internally
This paves the way for the helper to be used from the ECP module

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-11 07:03:43 +01:00
Hanno Becker
e141702551 Adjust mpi_montmul() to new signature of mpi_mul_hlp()
A previous commit has changed the signature of mpi_mul_hlp, making the length
of the output explicit. This commit adjusts mpi_montmul() accordingly.

It also fixes a comment on the required size of the temporary value
passed to mpi_montmul() (but does not change the call-sites).

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-06 06:59:34 +01:00
Hanno Becker
74a11a31cb Adjust mbedtls_mpi_mul_int() to changed signature of mpi_mul_hlp()
A previous commit has changed the signature of mpi_mul_hlp(), making
the length of the output explicit.

This commit adjusts mbedtls_mpi_mul_int() to this change.

Along the way, we make the code simpler and more secure by not calculating
the minimal limb-size of A. A previous comment indicated that this was
functionally necessary because of the implementation of mpi_mul_hlp() --
if it ever was, it isn't anymore.

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-06 06:59:34 +01:00
Hanno Becker
fee261a505 Adjust mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi() to new signature of mpi_mul_hlp()
The previous commit has changed the signature of mpi_mul_hlp(),
making the length of the output explicit.

This commit adjusts the call-site in mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi() to
this new signature.

A notable change to the multiplication strategy had to be made:
mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi() performs a simple row-wise schoolbook
multiplication, which however was so far computed iterating
rows from top to bottom. This leads to the undesirable consequence
that as lower rows are calculated and added to the temporary
result, carry chains can grow. It is simpler and faster to
iterate from bottom to top instead, as it is guaranteed that
there will be no carry when adding the next row to the previous
temporary result: The length of the output in each iteration
can be fixed to len(B)+1.

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-06 06:59:34 +01:00
Hanno Becker
defe56928e Make length of output explicit in mpi_mul_hlp()
The helper `mpi_mul_hlp()` performs a multiply-accumulate
operation `d += s * b`, where `d,b` are MPIs and `b` is a scalar.

Previously, only the length of `s` was specified, while `d` was
assumed to be 0-terminated of unspecified length.

This was leveraged at the end of the core multiplication steps
computingg the first `limb(s)` limbs of `d + s*b`: Namely, the
routine would keep on adding the current carry to `d` until none
was left. This can, in theory, run for an arbitrarily long time
if `d` has a tail of `0xFF`s, and hence the assumption of

This solution is both fragile and insecure -- the latter because
the carry-loop depends on the result of the multiplication.

This commit changes the signature of `mpi_mul_hlp()` to receive
the length of the output buffer, which must be greater or equal
to the length of the input buffer.

It is _not_ assumed that the output buffer is strictly larger
than the input buffer -- instead, the routine will simply return
any carry that's left. This will be useful in some applications
of this function. It is the responsibility of the caller to either
size the output appropriately so that no carry will be left, or
to handle the carry.

NOTE: The commit leaves the library in a state where it cannot
      be compiled since the call-sites of mpi_mul_hlp() have
      not yet been adjusted. This will be done in the subsequent

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-06 06:59:29 +01:00
Hanno Becker
e7f14a3090 Remove unused variable in mpi_mul_hlp()
Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2022-04-06 06:11:26 +01:00
Przemyslaw Stekiel
76960a7217 mbedtls_mpi_read_binary() document that function guarantees to return an MPI with exactly the necessary number of limbs and remove redundant call to mbedtls_mpi_grow()
Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Stekiel <>
2022-02-22 13:35:27 +01:00
Hanno Becker
9a83443af2 Remove redundant write operation in Montgomery multiplication
This commit removes code from the Montgomery multiplication routine
`mpi_montmul()` which seems to serve no purpose.

Details: `mpi_montmul()` uses a temporary storage `T` for intermediate
results which is assumed to be of twice the size as the inputs to be
multiplied, and which is used as follows: After the i-th (i=0,1,...)
iteration, the n-limb word starting at `T->p + i + 1` contains the
Montgomery multiplication of B with the limbs 0,..,i of A, and the
variable `d` points to `T->p + i + 1`. In particular, after `n` iterations,
`T->p + n` holds the full multiplication
(subject to conditional subtraction).

As a consequence of this way of using the temporary `T`, the contents
of `{T->p, ..., T->p + i}` are irrelevant after the i-th iteration. Nonetheless,
the code copies `A[i]` to `T->p[i]` at the end of the i-th iterations, which is
redundant and can be removed.

Signed-off-by: Hanno Becker <>
2021-12-22 11:23:27 +00:00
Dave Rodgman
351c71b7f2 Fix builds when config.h only defines MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C
Fixes #4929

Signed-off-by: Dave Rodgman <>
2021-12-06 17:50:53 +00:00
Gabor Mezei
Rename internal header constant_time.h to constant_time_internal.h
Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <>
2021-10-20 12:15:20 +02:00
Gabor Mezei
Rename constant-time functions to have mbedtls_ct prefix
Rename functions to better suite with the module name.

Signed-off-by: Gabor Mezei <>
2021-10-20 11:59:27 +02:00
Move mbedtls_mpi_lt_mpi_ct function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:28:44 +02:00
Move mbedtls_mpi_safe_cond_swap function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:28:44 +02:00
Move mbedtls_mpi_safe_cond_assign function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:28:44 +02:00
be8d98b0be Move mbedtls_cf_mpi_uint_cond_assign function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:23:57 +02:00
Move mbedtls_cf_cond_select_sign function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:21:10 +02:00
Move mbedtls_cf_mpi_uint_lt function to the constant-time module
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:21:10 +02:00
Remove module dependency
Elinimate macros defined by modules locally in the functions that are
moving to the new constant-time module.

Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:21:10 +02:00
8d1d5fd204 Move mbedtls_cf_size_bool_eq function to the constant-time module
There were multiple functions called mbedtls_cf_size_bool_eq. They had exactly
the same behavior, so move the one in bignum.c and remove the other.

Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:20:07 +02:00
Rename function to have suitable name
Signed-off-by: gabor-mezei-arm <>
2021-09-28 16:14:47 +02:00
Yuto Takano
538a0cbcf4 Replace _RR with prec_RR to prevent reserved identifier clashes
Signed-off-by: Yuto Takano <>
2021-07-14 10:20:09 +01:00
Yuto Takano
36c8ddc4cc Replace _B with B to prevent reserved identifier clashes
Signed-off-by: Yuto Takano <>
2021-07-12 16:02:07 +01:00
Dave Rodgman
34d8cd2892 Merge remote-tracking branch 'restricted/development-restricted' into mbedtls-3.0.0rc0-pr 2021-06-30 22:51:02 +01:00
Gilles Peskine
b09c7eea97 Correct some statements about the ordering of A and B
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
4d3fd36c44 Clarification in a comment
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
4169c32d6c Simplify is-zero check
The loop exits early iff there is a nonzero limb, so i==0 means that
all limbs are 0, whether the number of limbs is 0 or not.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
2a63c5b781 Write a proof of correctness for mbedtls_mpi_gcd
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
4df3f1f250 Explain how the code relates to the description in HAC
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
997be0aba3 Fix multiplication with negative result and a low-order 0 limb
Fix a bug introduced in "Fix multiplication producing a negative zero" that
caused the sign to be forced to +1 when A > 0, B < 0 and B's low-order limb
is 0.

Add a non-regression test. More generally, systematically test combinations
of leading zeros, trailing zeros and signs.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
2aa3f16512 Whitespace fix
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
7cba859235 mbedtls_mpi_read_string: make an empty bignum for an empty string
In mbedtls_mpi_read_string, if the string is empty, return an empty bignum
rather than a bignum with one limb with the value 0.

Both representations are correct, so this is not, in principle, a
user-visible change. The change does leak however through
mbedtls_mpi_write_string in base 16 (but not in other bases), as it writes a
bignum with 0 limbs as "" but a bignum with the value 0 and at least one
limb as "00".

This change makes it possible to construct an empty bignum through
mbedtls_mpi_read_string, which is especially useful to construct test
cases (a common use of mbedtls_mpi_read_string, as most formats use in
production encode numbers in binary, to be read with mbedtls_mpi_read_binary
or mbedtls_mpi_read_binary_le).

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
f4998b0a20 Fix multiplication producing a negative zero
Fix mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi() when one of the operands is zero and the
other is negative. The sign of the result must be 1, since some
library functions do not treat {-1, 0, NULL} or {-1, n, {0}} as
representing the value 0.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:47:21 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
b4347d859b mbedtls_mpi_gcd: small optimization
Shifting TA and TB before the loop is not necessary. If A != 0, it will be
done at the start of the loop iteration. If A == 0, then lz==0 and G is
correctly set to B after 0 loop iterations.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:44:05 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
27253bc885 mbedtls_mpi_gcd: fix the case B==0
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:44:05 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
3da1a8ff39 Fix null pointer dereference in mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod
Fix a null pointer dereference in mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod(X, A, N, E, _RR) when
A is the value 0 represented with 0 limbs.

Make the code a little more robust against similar bugs.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-22 12:44:05 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
Merge pull request #828 from mpg/rsa-lookup-restricted
Use constant-time look-up in modular exponentiation
2021-06-22 09:33:20 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
a48b16a449 Homogenize coding patterns
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-17 13:25:03 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
e22176e7e0 Silence MSVC type conversion warnings
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:30:07 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
31ec1d7319 Simplify sign selection
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:30:06 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
3ae4ae445f Avoid UB caused by conversion to int
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:30:06 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
448f13584d Use bit operations for mpi_safe_cond_swap()
Unrelated to RSA (only used in ECP), but while improving one
mbedtls_safe_cond_xxx function, let's improve the other as well.

Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:29:53 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
5ada7a80c3 Use bit operations for mpi_safe_cond_assign()
- copied limbs
- sign
- cleared limbs

Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:25:33 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
92413ef5bc Avoid using == for sensitive comparisons
mbedtls_mpi_cf_bool_eq() is a verbatim copy of mbedtls_ssl_cf_bool_eq()

Deduplication will be part of a future task.

Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:14:31 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
1297ef3762 Use constant-time look-up for modular exponentiation
Signed-off-by: Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <>
2021-06-10 13:12:44 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
5b0589e9ab Fix non-constant-time comparison in mbedtls_mpi_random
Calling mbedtls_mpi_cmp_int reveals the number of leading zero limbs
to an adversary who is capable of very fine-grained timing
measurements. This is very little information, but could be practical
with secp521r1 (1/512 chance of the leading limb being 0) if the
adversary can measure the precise timing of a large number of
signature operations.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-04 14:47:24 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
afb2bd2f22 Note that the byte order in mpi_fill_random_internal() is deliberate
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
405b091d9e Use MBEDTLS_MPI_CHK where warranted
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
ed32b576a4 New internal function mbedtls_mpi_resize_clear
The idiom "resize an mpi to a given size" appeared 4 times. Unify it
in a single function. Guarantee that the value is set to 0, which is
required by some of the callers and not a significant expense where
not required.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
87823d7913 Use ternary operator with the most common case first
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
e842e58f61 Correct some comments about ECC in mbedtls_mpi_random
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
ebe9b6a51d mpi_fill_random_internal: remove spurious grow() call
Since the internal function mpi_fill_random_internal() assumes that X
has the right size, there is no need to call grow().

To further simplify the function, set the sign outside, and zero out
the non-randomized part directly.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
e5381686ef MPI random test: use more iterations for small numbers
In real life, min << N and the probability that mbedtls_mpi_random()
fails to find a suitable value after 30 iterations is less than one in
a billion. But at least for testing purposes, it's useful to not
outright reject "silly" small values of N, and for such values, 30
iterations is not enough to have a good probability of success.

Pick 250 iterations, which is enough for cases like (min=3, N=4), but
not for cases like (min=255, N=256).

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
ee966c4ae4 Contextualize comment about mbedtls_mpi_random retries
This comment is no longer in the specific context of generating a
random point on an elliptic curve.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
1a7df4eda0 Fix mbedtls_mpi_random when N has leading zeros
mbedtls_mpi_random() uses mbedtls_mpi_cmp_mpi_ct(), which requires its
two arguments to have the same storage size. This was not the case
when the upper bound passed to mbedtls_mpi_random() had leading zero

Fix this by forcing the result MPI to the desired size. Since this is
not what mbedtls_mpi_fill_random() does, don't call it from
mbedtls_mpi_random(), but instead call a new auxiliary function.

Add tests to cover this and other conditions with varying sizes for
the two arguments.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
1e918f44c9 mbedtls_mpi_random: check for invalid arguments
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
02ac93a1a3 Move mbedtls_mpi_random to the bignum module
Since mbedtls_mpi_random() is not specific to ECC code, move it from
the ECP module to the bignum module.

This increases the code size in builds without short Weierstrass
curves (including builds without ECC at all) that do not optimize out
unused functions.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-06-03 18:10:04 +02:00
Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard
Merge pull request #4445 from TRodziewicz/remove_deprecated_things_-_remainder
Remove deprecated functions and constants.
2021-05-07 10:05:30 +02:00
85dfc4de20 Applying current changes
Signed-off-by: TRodziewicz <>
2021-04-30 00:07:04 +02:00
18efb73743 Remove deprecated functions and constants.
Signed-off-by: TRodziewicz <>
2021-04-29 23:12:19 +02:00
Dave Rodgman
Merge pull request #4407 from ARMmbed/dev3_signoffs
Merge development_3.0 into development
2021-04-26 19:48:16 +01:00
Paul Elliott
986b55af03 Style Fix
Signed-off-by: Paul Elliott <>
2021-04-20 21:46:29 +01:00
Paul Elliott
7725a63c24 Fix unchecked return in bignum
Signed-off-by: Paul Elliott <>
2021-04-20 19:01:46 +01:00
Gilles Peskine
ee259130e4 Merge branch 'development' into development_3.0
* visualc/VS2010/mbedTLS.vcxproj: resolved by re-generating the file
  with scripts/
2021-04-19 10:51:59 +02:00
Dave Rodgman
73e3e2cb1a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/development' into development_new
Signed-off-by: Dave Rodgman <>

        include/mbedtls/check_config.h: nearby edits
	library/entropy.c: nearby edits
	programs/random/gen_random_havege.c: modification vs. removal
	programs/ssl/ssl_test_lib.h: nearby edits
	programs/test/cpp_dummy_build.cpp: nearby edits
	visualc/VS2010/mbedTLS.vcxproj: automatically generated file,
            regenerated with scripts/
2021-04-07 16:31:09 +01:00
Gilles Peskine
80f56733b0 Fix and simplify sign handling in mbedtls_mpi_read_string
Move the handling of the sign out of the base-specific loops. This
both simplifies the code, and corrects an edge case: the code in the
non-hexadecimal case depended on mbedtls_mpi_mul_int() preserving the
sign bit when multiplying a "negative zero" MPI by an integer, which
used to be the case but stopped with PR #2512.

Fix #4295. Thanks to Guido Vranken for analyzing the cause of the bug.
Credit to OSS-Fuzz.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-04-04 01:10:07 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
Merge pull request #3512 from gilles-peskine-arm/ecp-alloc-202007
Reduce the number of allocations in ECP operations
2021-04-02 00:08:35 +02:00
Gilles Peskine
e1bba7ce48 Fix semantically meaningful typos in comments
Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-03-10 23:44:10 +01:00
Chris Jones
4c5819c318 Move bn_mul.h to library/
Move `include/mbedtls/bn_mul.h` to `library/bn_mul.h`.

Update includes and references to `bn_mul.h` to new location.

Also remove internal headers from `cpp_dummy_build.cpp` as it should only
test public headers in the library.

Signed-off-by: Chris Jones <>
2021-03-10 12:52:37 +00:00
Gilles Peskine
c8a9177110 mbedtls_mpi_sub_abs: fix buffer overflow in error case
Fix a buffer overflow in mbedtls_mpi_sub_abs() when calculating
|A| - |B| where |B| is larger than |A| and has more limbs (so the
function should return MBEDTLS_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE).

Fix #4042

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2021-02-01 17:28:03 +01:00
Janos Follath
a946dcf8b2 Merge branch 'development-restricted' into mbedtls-2.25.0r0-pr 2020-12-08 20:59:45 +00:00
Gilles Peskine
2536aa709b mbedtls_mpi_div_mpi: directly grow T1 to its useful size
T1 is set to a 2-limb value. The first operation that takes it as
input is mbedtls_mpi_mul_int, which makes it grow to 3 limbs. Later it
is shifted left, which causes it to grow again. Set its size to the
final size from the start. This saves two calls to calloc(), at the
expense of a slowdown in some operations involving T1 as input since
it now has more leading zeros.

Setting T1 to 3 limbs initially instead of 2 saves about 6% of the
calloc() calls in test_suite_ecp and does not incur a performance
penalty. Setting T1 to A->n + 2 limbs instead of 2 saves about 20% of
the calloc calls and does not cause a measurable performance
difference on my Linux PC.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2020-12-07 22:51:25 +01:00
Gilles Peskine
cd0dbf36b6 mbedtls_mpi_mul_hlp: no microoptimization
Note a possible microoptimization in mbedtls_mpi_mul_hlp that I tried
in the hope of reducing the number of allocations, but turned out to
be counterproductive.

Signed-off-by: Gilles Peskine <>
2020-12-07 22:51:25 +01:00