* A computer with the following software installed:
* [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/download/).
* [yotta](https://github.com/ARMmbed/yotta). Please note that **yotta has its own set of dependencies**, listed in the [installation instructions](http://armmbed.github.io/yotta/#installing-on-windows).
* An [FRDM-K64F](http://developer.mbed.org/platforms/FRDM-K64F/) development board, or another board supported by mbed OS (in which case you'll have to substitute frdm-k64f-gcc with the appropriate target in the instructions below).
* If your OS is Windows, please follow the installation instructions [for the serial port driver](https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration).
Any performance data generated by this example application are indicative only of the performance of the mbed TLS module on the platform it's executed on.
Differences in the integration of mbed TLS into the platform, such as whether all available hardware accelerators have been used or not, can lead to significant differences in performance, and so results from the program are not intended to be used to meaningfully compare platforms.
The figures may also slightly change from execution to execution due to variations in the timing functions.