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Exverge a661ffad54 use qt-cmake, qt6, fix license notice
consider this my final contribution to this project in the form of actual code (sort of)

Signed-off-by: Exverge <exverge@exverge.xyz>
2024-04-29 01:55:37 +02:00
assets adding instructions and files 2024-03-24 12:49:26 +03:30
LICENSE Initial commit 2024-03-22 04:22:11 +01:00
README.md use qt-cmake, qt6, fix license notice 2024-04-29 01:55:37 +02:00
suyu-macOS-arm64raw.dmg.zip adding instructions and files 2024-03-24 12:49:26 +03:30


MacOS Release Guide

To all the devs, hi. Here is step by step guide for releasing a macOS binary. First of all make sure you have xcode, brew and git installed. Make sure that you have done the first time setup of xcode.

Make sure that you have installed requierd dependencies. If not, paste this in terminal:

brew install autoconf automake boost ccache ffmpeg fmt glslang hidapi libtool libusb lz4 ninja nlohmann-json openssl pkg-config qt@5 sdl2 speexdsp zlib zlib zstd cmake Catch2 molten-vk vulkan-loader dylibbundler

Always do this before doing in a fresh clone of the project:

git submodule update --init --recursive

(you can skip it and just doing cd ./build if you already have build folder inside project folder).

mkdir build && cd build
export Qt5_DIR="/opt/homebrew/opt/qt/lib/cmake"
export LIBVULKAN_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/libvulkan.dylib
export LLVM_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/llvm@17
export FFMPEG_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/ffmpeg

Make sure that you leave CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on Release and the minimum macOS should be macOS 11.0 you can't go lower than that (at least on apple silicon macs).

dylibbundler -of -cd -b -x bin/suyu.app/Contents/MacOS/suyu -d bin/suyu.app/Contents/libs/

There is an issue that the Qt doesn't get copied to the app so it will crash when someone who doesn't have Qt installed.

Making dmg file

There is a file named suyu-macOS-arm64raw.dmg. Open Disk Utility. PLEASE DO IN THIS ORDER DO AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T SKIP ANY OF THIS AND TEST AT THE END.

First thing is you open suyu-macOS-arm64raw.dmg. You do this (so it won't get misplaced):

first step

Second, you copy and replace the binary that is from build/bin to the mounted drive that we opened up.

Third, you revert view back to icons:

third step

check if everything is alright or not. check the binary is right and check if the binary works.


fourth, you have to go to disk utility and unmount the disk

fifth is the sensitive part. you have to go to images->convert in disk utility:

fifth step

you have to convert the image to read-only:


change the name to whatever you want or you can name it the way it is inside the picture. click on convert.

sixth, you don't have to skip this part. You have to convert the new image (the read-only one) to compressed and name it suyu-macOS-<CPU_ARCHITECTURE>.dmg:

sixth step

check the size of the final dmg file and see if you can copy anything into it. It should be read-only and compressed.

Changing the background of the dmg file

If you want to update the background of the dmg file, first make sure that your image is 540x380 pixels (or you can resize it but don't make the image too big since the pixels you choose will make it bigger or smaller, you can change the aspect ratio but what I recommend is 540x380 pixels).

In the suyu-macOS-arm64raw.dmg, right click (control click) on the background. Click on show view options:

show view options

Inside that you need to drag and drop the image into this place:

changing background

I have a problem

If you have any problems or you want to update this guide, please contact me(AMA25) first in discord.

have a good day.