Look for any other invocation of test scripts that was removed: look for a change that removes a line (`^-.*…`) containing one of the names of a test script (without its path because it may be used with a relative path). Look for `ssl-opt.sh` and `compat.sh`, as well any file in `tests/scripts` that only exists in tls.
git diff 'HEAD^{/^Merge}~1' HEAD --diff-filter=M -- . ':!library/error.c' ':!library/version_features.c' ':!programs/test/query_config.c' ':!visualc' ':!*.pdf' ':!*.der' | grep -E "^-.*($(comm -23 <(git ls-tree -r --name-only 'HEAD^{/^Merge}~1') <(git ls-tree -r --name-only $(git merge-base upstream-crypto/development 'HEAD^{/^Merge}^2')) | sed -n 's!^tests/scripts/!!p' | sed 's/\./\\./g' | tr '\n' '|')ssl-opt\.sh|compat\.sh)" | grep -v '^---'
This only turns up changes in `basic-in-docker.sh`.