"""Common features for bignum in test generation framework.""" # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from abc import abstractmethod import enum from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, TypeVar, Any from copy import deepcopy from itertools import chain from math import ceil from . import test_case from . import test_data_generation from .bignum_data import INPUTS_DEFAULT, MODULI_DEFAULT T = TypeVar('T') #pylint: disable=invalid-name def invmod(a: int, n: int) -> int: """Return inverse of a to modulo n. Equivalent to pow(a, -1, n) in Python 3.8+. Implementation is equivalent to long_invmod() in CPython. """ b, c = 1, 0 while n: q, r = divmod(a, n) a, b, c, n = n, c, b - q*c, r # at this point a is the gcd of the original inputs if a == 1: return b raise ValueError("Not invertible") def invmod_positive(a: int, n: int) -> int: """Return a non-negative inverse of a to modulo n.""" inv = invmod(a, n) return inv if inv >= 0 else inv + n def hex_to_int(val: str) -> int: """Implement the syntax accepted by mbedtls_test_read_mpi(). This is a superset of what is accepted by mbedtls_test_read_mpi_core(). """ if val in ['', '-']: return 0 return int(val, 16) def quote_str(val: str) -> str: return "\"{}\"".format(val) def bound_mpi(val: int, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """First number exceeding number of limbs needed for given input value.""" return bound_mpi_limbs(limbs_mpi(val, bits_in_limb), bits_in_limb) def bound_mpi_limbs(limbs: int, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """First number exceeding maximum of given number of limbs.""" bits = bits_in_limb * limbs return 1 << bits def limbs_mpi(val: int, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """Return the number of limbs required to store value.""" bit_length = max(val.bit_length(), 1) return (bit_length + bits_in_limb - 1) // bits_in_limb def combination_pairs(values: List[T]) -> List[Tuple[T, T]]: """Return all pair combinations from input values.""" return [(x, y) for x in values for y in values] def bits_to_limbs(bits: int, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """ Return the appropriate ammount of limbs needed to store a number contained in input bits""" return ceil(bits / bits_in_limb) def hex_digits_for_limb(limbs: int, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """ Return the hex digits need for a number of limbs. """ return 2 * ((limbs * bits_in_limb) // 8) def hex_digits_max_int(val: str, bits_in_limb: int) -> int: """ Return the first number exceeding maximum the limb space required to store the input hex-string value. This method weights on the input str_len rather than numerical value and works with zero-padded inputs""" n = ((1 << (len(val) * 4)) - 1) l = limbs_mpi(n, bits_in_limb) return bound_mpi_limbs(l, bits_in_limb) def zfill_match(reference: str, target: str) -> str: """ Zero pad target hex-string to match the limb size of the reference input """ lt = len(target) lr = len(reference) target_len = lr if lt < lr else lt return "{:x}".format(int(target, 16)).zfill(target_len) class OperationCommon(test_data_generation.BaseTest): """Common features for bignum binary operations. This adds functionality common in binary operation tests. Attributes: symbol: Symbol to use for the operation in case description. input_values: List of values to use as test case inputs. These are combined to produce pairs of values. input_cases: List of tuples containing pairs of test case inputs. This can be used to implement specific pairs of inputs. unique_combinations_only: Boolean to select if test case combinations must be unique. If True, only A,B or B,A would be included as a test case. If False, both A,B and B,A would be included. input_style: Controls the way how test data is passed to the functions in the generated test cases. "variable" passes them as they are defined in the python source. "arch_split" pads the values with zeroes depending on the architecture/limb size. If this is set, test cases are generated for all architectures. arity: the number of operands for the operation. Currently supported values are 1 and 2. """ symbol = "" input_values = INPUTS_DEFAULT # type: List[str] input_cases = [] # type: List[Any] dependencies = [] # type: List[Any] unique_combinations_only = False input_styles = ["variable", "fixed", "arch_split"] # type: List[str] input_style = "variable" # type: str limb_sizes = [32, 64] # type: List[int] arities = [1, 2] arity = 2 suffix = False # for arity = 1, symbol can be prefix (default) or suffix def __init__(self, val_a: str, val_b: str = "0", bits_in_limb: int = 32) -> None: self.val_a = val_a self.val_b = val_b # Setting the int versions here as opposed to making them @properties # provides earlier/more robust input validation. self.int_a = hex_to_int(val_a) self.int_b = hex_to_int(val_b) self.dependencies = deepcopy(self.dependencies) if bits_in_limb not in self.limb_sizes: raise ValueError("Invalid number of bits in limb!") if self.input_style == "arch_split": self.dependencies.append("MBEDTLS_HAVE_INT{:d}".format(bits_in_limb)) self.bits_in_limb = bits_in_limb @property def boundary(self) -> int: if self.arity == 1: return self.int_a elif self.arity == 2: return max(self.int_a, self.int_b) raise ValueError("Unsupported number of operands!") @property def limb_boundary(self) -> int: return bound_mpi(self.boundary, self.bits_in_limb) @property def limbs(self) -> int: return limbs_mpi(self.boundary, self.bits_in_limb) @property def hex_digits(self) -> int: return hex_digits_for_limb(self.limbs, self.bits_in_limb) def format_arg(self, val: str) -> str: if self.input_style not in self.input_styles: raise ValueError("Unknown input style!") if self.input_style == "variable": return val else: return val.zfill(self.hex_digits) def format_result(self, res: int) -> str: res_str = '{:x}'.format(res) return quote_str(self.format_arg(res_str)) @property def arg_a(self) -> str: return self.format_arg(self.val_a) @property def arg_b(self) -> str: if self.arity == 1: raise AttributeError("Operation is unary and doesn't have arg_b!") return self.format_arg(self.val_b) def arguments(self) -> List[str]: args = [quote_str(self.arg_a)] if self.arity == 2: args.append(quote_str(self.arg_b)) return args + self.result() def description(self) -> str: """Generate a description for the test case. If not set, case_description uses the form A `symbol` B, where symbol is used to represent the operation. Descriptions of each value are generated to provide some context to the test case. """ if not self.case_description: if self.arity == 1: format_string = "{1:x} {0}" if self.suffix else "{0} {1:x}" self.case_description = format_string.format( self.symbol, self.int_a ) elif self.arity == 2: self.case_description = "{:x} {} {:x}".format( self.int_a, self.symbol, self.int_b ) return super().description() @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: return True @abstractmethod def result(self) -> List[str]: """Get the result of the operation. This could be calculated during initialization and stored as `_result` and then returned, or calculated when the method is called. """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def get_value_pairs(cls) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: """Generator to yield pairs of inputs. Combinations are first generated from all input values, and then specific cases provided. """ if cls.arity == 1: yield from ((a, "0") for a in cls.input_values) elif cls.arity == 2: if cls.unique_combinations_only: yield from combination_pairs(cls.input_values) else: yield from ( (a, b) for a in cls.input_values for b in cls.input_values ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of operands!") @classmethod def generate_function_tests(cls) -> Iterator[test_case.TestCase]: if cls.input_style not in cls.input_styles: raise ValueError("Unknown input style!") if cls.arity not in cls.arities: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of operands!") if cls.input_style == "arch_split": test_objects = (cls(a, b, bits_in_limb=bil) for a, b in cls.get_value_pairs() for bil in cls.limb_sizes) special_cases = (cls(*args, bits_in_limb=bil) # type: ignore for args in cls.input_cases for bil in cls.limb_sizes) else: test_objects = (cls(a, b) for a, b in cls.get_value_pairs()) special_cases = (cls(*args) for args in cls.input_cases) yield from (valid_test_object.create_test_case() for valid_test_object in filter( lambda test_object: test_object.is_valid, chain(test_objects, special_cases) ) ) class ModulusRepresentation(enum.Enum): """Representation selector of a modulus.""" # Numerical values aligned with the type mbedtls_mpi_mod_rep_selector INVALID = 0 MONTGOMERY = 2 OPT_RED = 3 def symbol(self) -> str: """The C symbol for this representation selector.""" return 'MBEDTLS_MPI_MOD_REP_' + self.name @classmethod def supported_representations(cls) -> List['ModulusRepresentation']: """Return all representations that are supported in positive test cases.""" return [cls.MONTGOMERY, cls.OPT_RED] class ModOperationCommon(OperationCommon): #pylint: disable=abstract-method """Target for bignum mod_raw test case generation.""" moduli = MODULI_DEFAULT # type: List[str] montgomery_form_a = False disallow_zero_a = False def __init__(self, val_n: str, val_a: str, val_b: str = "0", bits_in_limb: int = 64) -> None: super().__init__(val_a=val_a, val_b=val_b, bits_in_limb=bits_in_limb) self.val_n = val_n # Setting the int versions here as opposed to making them @properties # provides earlier/more robust input validation. self.int_n = hex_to_int(val_n) def to_montgomery(self, val: int) -> int: return (val * self.r) % self.int_n def from_montgomery(self, val: int) -> int: return (val * self.r_inv) % self.int_n def convert_from_canonical(self, canonical: int, rep: ModulusRepresentation) -> int: """Convert values from canonical representation to the given representation.""" if rep is ModulusRepresentation.MONTGOMERY: return self.to_montgomery(canonical) elif rep is ModulusRepresentation.OPT_RED: return canonical else: raise ValueError('Modulus representation not supported: {}' .format(rep.name)) @property def boundary(self) -> int: return self.int_n @property def arg_a(self) -> str: if self.montgomery_form_a: value_a = self.to_montgomery(self.int_a) else: value_a = self.int_a return self.format_arg('{:x}'.format(value_a)) @property def arg_n(self) -> str: return self.format_arg(self.val_n) def format_arg(self, val: str) -> str: return super().format_arg(val).zfill(self.hex_digits) def arguments(self) -> List[str]: return [quote_str(self.arg_n)] + super().arguments() @property def r(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=invalid-name l = limbs_mpi(self.int_n, self.bits_in_limb) return bound_mpi_limbs(l, self.bits_in_limb) @property def r_inv(self) -> int: return invmod(self.r, self.int_n) @property def r2(self) -> int: # pylint: disable=invalid-name return pow(self.r, 2) @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: if self.int_a >= self.int_n: return False if self.disallow_zero_a and self.int_a == 0: return False if self.arity == 2 and self.int_b >= self.int_n: return False return True def description(self) -> str: """Generate a description for the test case. It uses the form A `symbol` B mod N, where symbol is used to represent the operation. """ if not self.case_description: return super().description() + " mod {:x}".format(self.int_n) return super().description() @classmethod def input_cases_args(cls) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Any, Any]]: if cls.arity == 1: yield from ((n, a, "0") for a, n in cls.input_cases) elif cls.arity == 2: yield from ((n, a, b) for a, b, n in cls.input_cases) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of operands!") @classmethod def generate_function_tests(cls) -> Iterator[test_case.TestCase]: if cls.input_style not in cls.input_styles: raise ValueError("Unknown input style!") if cls.arity not in cls.arities: raise ValueError("Unsupported number of operands!") if cls.input_style == "arch_split": test_objects = (cls(n, a, b, bits_in_limb=bil) for n in cls.moduli for a, b in cls.get_value_pairs() for bil in cls.limb_sizes) special_cases = (cls(*args, bits_in_limb=bil) for args in cls.input_cases_args() for bil in cls.limb_sizes) else: test_objects = (cls(n, a, b) for n in cls.moduli for a, b in cls.get_value_pairs()) special_cases = (cls(*args) for args in cls.input_cases_args()) yield from (valid_test_object.create_test_case() for valid_test_object in filter( lambda test_object: test_object.is_valid, chain(test_objects, special_cases) ))