cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12) # # Simulate configuring and building Mbed TLS as the user might do it. We'll # skip installing it, and use the build directory directly instead. # set(MbedTLS_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../..") set(MbedTLS_BINARY_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mbedtls") execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" "-H${MbedTLS_SOURCE_DIR}" "-B${MbedTLS_BINARY_DIR}" "-DENABLE_PROGRAMS=NO" "-DENABLE_TESTING=NO") execute_process( COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" --build "${MbedTLS_BINARY_DIR}") # # Locate the package. # set(MbedTLS_DIR "${MbedTLS_BINARY_DIR}/cmake") find_package(MbedTLS REQUIRED) # # At this point, the Mbed TLS targets should have been imported, and we can now # link to them from our own program. # add_executable(cmake_package cmake_package.c) target_link_libraries(cmake_package MbedTLS::mbedcrypto MbedTLS::mbedtls MbedTLS::mbedx509)