SylverDiscord51 1d163b905f
Some checks failed
suyu verify / Verify Format (push) Waiting to run
suyu verify / test build (linux-fresh, clang) (push) Blocked by required conditions
suyu verify / test build (linux-fresh, linux) (push) Blocked by required conditions
suyu verify / test build (linux-mingw, windows) (push) Blocked by required conditions
suyu verify / android (push) Blocked by required conditions
suyu-ci / Check REUSE Specification (push) Failing after 13s
codespell / Check for spelling errors (push) Successful in 11s
license-fix (#31)
Co-authored-by: palfaiate <>
Co-authored-by: SylverDiscord51 <>
Co-committed-by: SylverDiscord51 <>
2024-03-23 22:55:31 -03:00

418 lines
15 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 suyu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
package org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input.model.NativeButton
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input.model.NativeAnalog
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input.model.InputType
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input.model.ButtonName
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.features.input.model.NpadStyleIndex
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.utils.NativeConfig
import org.suyu.suyu_emu.utils.ParamPackage
import android.view.InputDevice
object NativeInput {
* Default controller id for each device
const val Player1Device = 0
const val Player2Device = 1
const val Player3Device = 2
const val Player4Device = 3
const val Player5Device = 4
const val Player6Device = 5
const val Player7Device = 6
const val Player8Device = 7
const val ConsoleDevice = 8
* Button states
object ButtonState {
const val RELEASED = 0
const val PRESSED = 1
* Returns true if pro controller isn't available and handheld is.
* Intended to check where the input overlay should direct its inputs.
external fun isHandheldOnly(): Boolean
* Handles button press events for a gamepad.
* @param guid 32 character hexadecimal string consisting of the controller's PID+VID.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order.
* @param buttonId The Android Keycode corresponding to this event.
* @param action Mask identifying which action is happening (button pressed down, or button released).
external fun onGamePadButtonEvent(
guid: String,
port: Int,
buttonId: Int,
action: Int
* Handles axis movement events.
* @param guid 32 character hexadecimal string consisting of the controller's PID+VID.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order.
* @param axis The axis ID.
* @param value Value along the given axis.
external fun onGamePadAxisEvent(guid: String, port: Int, axis: Int, value: Float)
* Handles motion events.
* @param guid 32 character hexadecimal string consisting of the controller's PID+VID.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order.
* @param deltaTimestamp The finger id corresponding to this event.
* @param xGyro The value of the x-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param yGyro The value of the y-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param zGyro The value of the z-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param xAccel The value of the x-axis for the accelerometer.
* @param yAccel The value of the y-axis for the accelerometer.
* @param zAccel The value of the z-axis for the accelerometer.
external fun onGamePadMotionEvent(
guid: String,
port: Int,
deltaTimestamp: Long,
xGyro: Float,
yGyro: Float,
zGyro: Float,
xAccel: Float,
yAccel: Float,
zAccel: Float
* Signals and load a nfc tag
* @param data Byte array containing all the data from a nfc tag.
external fun onReadNfcTag(data: ByteArray?)
* Removes current loaded nfc tag.
external fun onRemoveNfcTag()
* Handles touch press events.
* @param fingerId The finger id corresponding to this event.
* @param xAxis The value of the x-axis on the touchscreen.
* @param yAxis The value of the y-axis on the touchscreen.
external fun onTouchPressed(fingerId: Int, xAxis: Float, yAxis: Float)
* Handles touch movement.
* @param fingerId The finger id corresponding to this event.
* @param xAxis The value of the x-axis on the touchscreen.
* @param yAxis The value of the y-axis on the touchscreen.
external fun onTouchMoved(fingerId: Int, xAxis: Float, yAxis: Float)
* Handles touch release events.
* @param fingerId The finger id corresponding to this event
external fun onTouchReleased(fingerId: Int)
* Sends a button input to the global virtual controllers.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order.
* @param button The [NativeButton] corresponding to this event.
* @param action Mask identifying which action is happening (button pressed down, or button released).
fun onOverlayButtonEvent(port: Int, button: NativeButton, action: Int) =
onOverlayButtonEventImpl(port,, action)
private external fun onOverlayButtonEventImpl(port: Int, buttonId: Int, action: Int)
* Sends a joystick input to the global virtual controllers.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order.
* @param stick The [NativeAnalog] corresponding to this event.
* @param xAxis Value along the X axis.
* @param yAxis Value along the Y axis.
fun onOverlayJoystickEvent(port: Int, stick: NativeAnalog, xAxis: Float, yAxis: Float) =
onOverlayJoystickEventImpl(port,, xAxis, yAxis)
private external fun onOverlayJoystickEventImpl(
port: Int,
stickId: Int,
xAxis: Float,
yAxis: Float
* Handles motion events for the global virtual controllers.
* @param port Port determined by controller connection order
* @param deltaTimestamp The finger id corresponding to this event.
* @param xGyro The value of the x-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param yGyro The value of the y-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param zGyro The value of the z-axis for the gyroscope.
* @param xAccel The value of the x-axis for the accelerometer.
* @param yAccel The value of the y-axis for the accelerometer.
* @param zAccel The value of the z-axis for the accelerometer.
external fun onDeviceMotionEvent(
port: Int,
deltaTimestamp: Long,
xGyro: Float,
yGyro: Float,
zGyro: Float,
xAccel: Float,
yAccel: Float,
zAccel: Float
* Reloads all input devices from the currently loaded Settings::values.players into HID Core
external fun reloadInputDevices()
* Registers a controller to be used with mapping
* @param device An [InputDevice] or the input overlay wrapped with [SuyuInputDevice]
external fun registerController(device: SuyuInputDevice)
* Gets the names of input devices that have been registered with the input subsystem via [registerController]
external fun getInputDevices(): Array<String>
* Reads all input profiles from disk. Must be called before creating a profile picker.
external fun loadInputProfiles()
* Gets the names of each available input profile.
external fun getInputProfileNames(): Array<String>
* Checks if the user-provided name for an input profile is valid.
* @param name User-provided name for an input profile.
* @return Whether [name] is valid or not.
external fun isProfileNameValid(name: String): Boolean
* Creates a new input profile.
* @param name The new profile's name.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player that's currently being edited. Used to write the profile
* name to this player's config.
* @return Whether creating the profile was successful or not.
external fun createProfile(name: String, playerIndex: Int): Boolean
* Deletes an input profile.
* @param name Name of the profile to delete.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player that's currently being edited. Used to remove the profile
* name from this player's config if they have it loaded.
* @return Whether deleting this profile was successful or not.
external fun deleteProfile(name: String, playerIndex: Int): Boolean
* Loads an input profile.
* @param name Name of the input profile to load.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player that will have this profile loaded.
* @return Whether loading this profile was successful or not.
external fun loadProfile(name: String, playerIndex: Int): Boolean
* Saves an input profile.
* @param name Name of the profile to save.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player that's currently being edited. Used to write the profile
* name to this player's config.
* @return Whether saving the profile was successful or not.
external fun saveProfile(name: String, playerIndex: Int): Boolean
* Intended to be used immediately before a call to [NativeConfig.saveControlPlayerValues]
* Must be used while per-game config is loaded.
external fun loadPerGameConfiguration(
playerIndex: Int,
selectedIndex: Int,
selectedProfileName: String
* Tells the input subsystem to start listening for inputs to map.
* @param type Type of input to map as shown by the int property in each [InputType].
external fun beginMapping(type: Int)
* Gets an input's [ParamPackage] as a serialized string. Used for input verification before mapping.
* Must be run after [beginMapping] and before [stopMapping].
external fun getNextInput(): String
* Tells the input subsystem to stop listening for inputs to map.
external fun stopMapping()
* Updates a controller's mappings with auto-mapping params.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to auto-map.
* @param deviceParams [ParamPackage] representing the device to auto-map as received
* from [getInputDevices].
* @param displayName Name of the device to auto-map as received from the "display" param in [deviceParams].
* Intended to be a way to provide a default name for a controller if the "display" param is empty.
fun updateMappingsWithDefault(
playerIndex: Int,
deviceParams: ParamPackage,
displayName: String
) = updateMappingsWithDefaultImpl(playerIndex, deviceParams.serialize(), displayName)
private external fun updateMappingsWithDefaultImpl(
playerIndex: Int,
deviceParams: String,
displayName: String
* Gets the params for a specific button.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to get params from.
* @param button The [NativeButton] to get params for.
* @return A [ParamPackage] representing a player's specific button.
fun getButtonParam(playerIndex: Int, button: NativeButton): ParamPackage =
private external fun getButtonParamImpl(playerIndex: Int, buttonId: Int): String
* Sets the params for a specific button.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to set params for.
* @param button The [NativeButton] to set params for.
* @param param A [ParamPackage] to set.
fun setButtonParam(playerIndex: Int, button: NativeButton, param: ParamPackage) =
setButtonParamImpl(playerIndex,, param.serialize())
private external fun setButtonParamImpl(playerIndex: Int, buttonId: Int, param: String)
* Gets the params for a specific stick.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to get params from.
* @param stick The [NativeAnalog] to get params for.
* @return A [ParamPackage] representing a player's specific stick.
fun getStickParam(playerIndex: Int, stick: NativeAnalog): ParamPackage =
private external fun getStickParamImpl(playerIndex: Int, stickId: Int): String
* Sets the params for a specific stick.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to set params for.
* @param stick The [NativeAnalog] to set params for.
* @param param A [ParamPackage] to set.
fun setStickParam(playerIndex: Int, stick: NativeAnalog, param: ParamPackage) =
setStickParamImpl(playerIndex,, param.serialize())
private external fun setStickParamImpl(playerIndex: Int, stickId: Int, param: String)
* Gets the int representation of a [ButtonName]. Tells you what to show as the mapped input for
* a button/analog/other.
* @param param A [ParamPackage] that represents a specific button's params.
* @return The [ButtonName] for [param].
fun getButtonName(param: ParamPackage): ButtonName =
private external fun getButtonNameImpl(param: String): Int
* Gets each supported [NpadStyleIndex] for a given player.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to get supported indexes for.
* @return List of each supported [NpadStyleIndex].
fun getSupportedStyleTags(playerIndex: Int): List<NpadStyleIndex> =
getSupportedStyleTagsImpl(playerIndex).map { NpadStyleIndex.from(it) }
private external fun getSupportedStyleTagsImpl(playerIndex: Int): IntArray
* Gets the [NpadStyleIndex] for a given player.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to get an [NpadStyleIndex] from.
* @return The [NpadStyleIndex] for a given player.
fun getStyleIndex(playerIndex: Int): NpadStyleIndex =
private external fun getStyleIndexImpl(playerIndex: Int): Int
* Sets the [NpadStyleIndex] for a given player.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to change.
* @param style The new style to set.
fun setStyleIndex(playerIndex: Int, style: NpadStyleIndex) =
private external fun setStyleIndexImpl(playerIndex: Int, styleIndex: Int)
* Checks if a device is a controller.
* @param params [ParamPackage] for an input device retrieved from [getInputDevices]
* @return Whether the device is a controller or not.
fun isController(params: ParamPackage): Boolean = isControllerImpl(params.serialize())
private external fun isControllerImpl(params: String): Boolean
* Checks if a controller is connected
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to check.
* @return Whether the player is connected or not.
external fun getIsConnected(playerIndex: Int): Boolean
* Connects/disconnects a controller and ensures that connection order stays in-tact.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player to connect/disconnect.
* @param connected Whether to connect or disconnect this controller.
fun connectControllers(playerIndex: Int, connected: Boolean = true) {
val connectedControllers = mutableListOf<Boolean>().apply {
if (connected) {
for (i in 0 until 8) {
add(i <= playerIndex)
} else {
for (i in 0 until 8) {
add(i < playerIndex)
private external fun connectControllersImpl(connected: BooleanArray)
* Resets all of the button and analog mappings for a player.
* @param playerIndex Index of the player that will have its mappings reset.
external fun resetControllerMappings(playerIndex: Int)