{% extends "!layout.html" %} {% block extrahead %} {# Google Analytics #} {% endblock %} {%- macro searchform(classes, button) %} {%- endmacro %} {% block header %} {% if pagename == "index" %} {% set download_url = 'https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/releases/download' %}


Small, safe and fast formatting library

{% set name = 'fmt' if version.split('.')[0]|int >= 3 else 'cppformat' %} Download
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {# Disable relbars. #} {% block relbar1 %} {% endblock %} {% block relbar2 %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{# Sidebar is currently disabled.
{% block body %} {% endblock %}
{% endblock %} {% block footer %} {{ super() }} {# Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster. #} {% endblock %}