/* This file is part of the dynarmic project. * Copyright (c) 2016 MerryMage * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 2 or any later version. */ #include #include #include "backend_x64/reg_alloc.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/x64/emitter.h" namespace Dynarmic { namespace BackendX64 { // TODO: Just turn this into a function that indexes a std::array. const static std::map hostloc_to_x64 = { { HostLoc::RAX, Gen::RAX }, { HostLoc::RBX, Gen::RBX }, { HostLoc::RCX, Gen::RCX }, { HostLoc::RDX, Gen::RDX }, { HostLoc::RSI, Gen::RSI }, { HostLoc::RDI, Gen::RDI }, { HostLoc::RBP, Gen::RBP }, { HostLoc::RSP, Gen::RSP }, { HostLoc::R8, Gen::R8 }, { HostLoc::R9, Gen::R9 }, { HostLoc::R10, Gen::R10 }, { HostLoc::R11, Gen::R11 }, { HostLoc::R12, Gen::R12 }, { HostLoc::R13, Gen::R13 }, { HostLoc::R14, Gen::R14 }, }; static Gen::OpArg SpillToOpArg(HostLoc loc) { ASSERT(HostLocIsSpill(loc)); size_t i = static_cast(loc) - static_cast(HostLoc::FirstSpill); return Gen::MDisp(Gen::R15, offsetof(JitState, Spill) + i * sizeof(u32)); } Gen::X64Reg RegAlloc::DefRegister(IR::Value* def_value, std::initializer_list desired_locations) { ASSERT(std::all_of(desired_locations.begin(), desired_locations.end(), HostLocIsRegister)); ASSERT_MSG(remaining_uses.find(def_value) == remaining_uses.end(), "def_value has already been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(ValueLocations(def_value).empty(), "def_value has already been defined"); HostLoc location = SelectARegister(desired_locations); if (IsRegisterOccupied(location)) { SpillRegister(location); } // Update state hostloc_state[location] = HostLocState::Def; hostloc_to_value[location] = def_value; remaining_uses[def_value] = def_value->NumUses(); return hostloc_to_x64.at(location); } Gen::X64Reg RegAlloc::UseDefRegister(IR::Value* use_value, IR::Value* def_value, std::initializer_list desired_locations) { ASSERT(std::all_of(desired_locations.begin(), desired_locations.end(), HostLocIsRegister)); ASSERT_MSG(remaining_uses.find(def_value) == remaining_uses.end(), "def_value has already been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(ValueLocations(def_value).empty(), "def_value has already been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(remaining_uses.find(use_value) != remaining_uses.end(), "use_value has not been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(!ValueLocations(use_value).empty(), "use_value has not been defined"); // TODO: Optimize the case when this is the last use_value use. Gen::X64Reg use_reg = UseRegister(use_value); Gen::X64Reg def_reg = DefRegister(def_value, desired_locations); code->MOV(32, Gen::R(def_reg), Gen::R(use_reg)); return def_reg; } Gen::X64Reg RegAlloc::UseRegister(IR::Value* use_value, std::initializer_list desired_locations) { ASSERT(std::all_of(desired_locations.begin(), desired_locations.end(), HostLocIsRegister)); ASSERT_MSG(remaining_uses.find(use_value) != remaining_uses.end(), "use_value has not been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(!ValueLocations(use_value).empty(), "use_value has not been defined"); ASSERT_MSG(remaining_uses[use_value] != 0, "use_value ran out of uses. (Use-d an IR::Value* too many times)"); HostLoc current_location = ValueLocations(use_value).front(); auto iter = std::find(desired_locations.begin(), desired_locations.end(), current_location); if (iter != desired_locations.end()) { ASSERT(hostloc_state[current_location] == HostLocState::Idle || hostloc_state[current_location] == HostLocState::Use); // Update state hostloc_state[current_location] = HostLocState::Use; remaining_uses[use_value]--; return hostloc_to_x64.at(current_location); } HostLoc new_location = SelectARegister(desired_locations); if (HostLocIsSpill(current_location)) { if (IsRegisterOccupied(new_location)) { SpillRegister(new_location); } code->MOV(32, Gen::R(hostloc_to_x64.at(new_location)), SpillToOpArg(current_location)); hostloc_state[new_location] = HostLocState::Use; std::swap(hostloc_to_value[new_location], hostloc_to_value[current_location]); remaining_uses[use_value]--; } else if (HostLocIsRegister(current_location)) { ASSERT(hostloc_state[current_location] == HostLocState::Idle); code->XCHG(32, Gen::R(hostloc_to_x64.at(current_location)), Gen::R(hostloc_to_x64.at(new_location))); hostloc_state[new_location] = HostLocState::Use; std::swap(hostloc_to_value[new_location], hostloc_to_value[current_location]); remaining_uses[use_value]--; } else { ASSERT_MSG(0, "Invalid current_location"); } return hostloc_to_x64.at(new_location); } Gen::X64Reg RegAlloc::ScratchRegister(std::initializer_list desired_locations) { ASSERT(std::all_of(desired_locations.begin(), desired_locations.end(), HostLocIsRegister)); HostLoc location = SelectARegister(desired_locations); if (IsRegisterOccupied(location)) { SpillRegister(location); } // Update state hostloc_state[location] = HostLocState::Scratch; return hostloc_to_x64.at(location); } void RegAlloc::HostCall(IR::Value* result_def, IR::Value* arg0_use, IR::Value* arg1_use, IR::Value* arg2_use, IR::Value* arg3_use) { constexpr HostLoc AbiReturn = HostLoc::RAX; #ifdef _WIN32 constexpr std::array AbiArgs = { HostLoc::RCX, HostLoc::RDX, HostLoc::R8, HostLoc::R9 }; /// Caller-saved registers other than AbiReturn or AbiArgs constexpr std::array OtherCallerSave = { HostLoc::R10, HostLoc::R11 }; #else constexpr std::array AbiArgs = { HostLoc::RDI, HostLoc::RSI, HostLoc::RDX, HostLoc::RCX }; /// Caller-saved registers other than AbiReturn or AbiArgs constexpr std::array OtherCallerSave = { HostLoc::R8, HostLoc::R9, HostLoc::R10, HostLoc::R11 }; #endif const std::array args = {arg0_use, arg1_use, arg2_use, arg3_use}; // TODO: This works but almost certainly leads to suboptimal generated code. for (HostLoc caller_save : OtherCallerSave) { ScratchRegister({caller_save}); } if (result_def) { DefRegister(result_def, {AbiReturn}); } else { ScratchRegister({AbiReturn}); } for (size_t i = 0; i < AbiArgs.size(); i++) { if (args[i]) { UseRegister(args[i], {AbiArgs[i]}); } else { ScratchRegister({AbiArgs[i]}); } } } HostLoc RegAlloc::SelectARegister(std::initializer_list desired_locations) const { std::vector candidates = desired_locations; // Find all locations that have not been allocated.. auto allocated_locs = std::partition(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), [this](auto loc){ return !this->IsRegisterAllocated(loc); }); candidates.erase(allocated_locs, candidates.end()); ASSERT_MSG(!candidates.empty(), "All candidate registers have already been allocated"); // Selects the best location out of the available locations. // TODO: Actually do LRU or something. Currently we just try to pick something without a value if possible. std::partition(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), [this](auto loc){ return !this->IsRegisterOccupied(loc); }); return candidates.front(); } std::vector RegAlloc::ValueLocations(IR::Value* value) const { std::vector locations; for (const auto& iter : hostloc_to_value) if (iter.second == value) locations.emplace_back(iter.first); return locations; } bool RegAlloc::IsRegisterOccupied(HostLoc loc) const { return hostloc_to_value.find(loc) != hostloc_to_value.end() && hostloc_to_value.at(loc) != nullptr; } bool RegAlloc::IsRegisterAllocated(HostLoc loc) const { return hostloc_state.find(loc) != hostloc_state.end() && hostloc_state.at(loc) != HostLocState::Idle; } void RegAlloc::SpillRegister(HostLoc loc) { ASSERT_MSG(HostLocIsRegister(loc), "Only registers can be spilled"); ASSERT_MSG(hostloc_state[loc] == HostLocState::Idle, "Allocated registers cannot be spilled"); ASSERT_MSG(IsRegisterOccupied(loc), "There is no need to spill unoccupied registers"); ASSERT_MSG(!IsRegisterAllocated(loc), "Registers that have been allocated must not be spilt"); HostLoc new_loc = FindFreeSpill(); code->MOV(32, SpillToOpArg(new_loc), Gen::R(hostloc_to_x64.at(loc))); hostloc_to_value[new_loc] = hostloc_to_value[loc]; hostloc_to_value[loc] = nullptr; } HostLoc RegAlloc::FindFreeSpill() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < SpillCount; i++) if (!IsRegisterOccupied(HostLocSpill(i))) return HostLocSpill(i); ASSERT_MSG(0, "All spill locations are full"); } void RegAlloc::EndOfAllocScope() { hostloc_state.clear(); for (auto& iter : hostloc_to_value) if (iter.second && remaining_uses[iter.second] == 0) iter.second = nullptr; } void RegAlloc::Reset() { hostloc_to_value.clear(); hostloc_state.clear(); remaining_uses.clear(); } } // namespace BackendX64 } // namespace Dynarmic