# For libraries that already come with a CMakeLists file, # simply add the directory to that file as a subdirectory # to have CMake automatically recognize them. # catch add_library(catch INTERFACE) target_include_directories(catch INTERFACE $) # fmt if (NOT DYNARMIC_NO_BUNDLED_FMT) # fmtlib formatting library add_subdirectory(fmt) endif() # mp add_library(mp INTERFACE) target_include_directories(mp INTERFACE $) # robin-map add_subdirectory(robin-map) # xbyak if (NOT TARGET xbyak) if (ARCHITECTURE_x86 OR ARCHITECTURE_x86_64) add_library(xbyak INTERFACE) target_include_directories(xbyak SYSTEM INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/xbyak/xbyak) target_compile_definitions(xbyak INTERFACE XBYAK_NO_OP_NAMES) endif() endif()