#!/bin/bash set -eu SRCDIR="$(dirname "$0")" DEFAULT_BUILD_NAME="proton-localbuild" # If no --build-name specified # Output helpers COLOR_ERR="" COLOR_STAT="" COLOR_INFO="" COLOR_CMD="" COLOR_CLEAR="" if [[ $(tput colors 2>/dev/null || echo 0) -gt 0 ]]; then COLOR_ERR=$'\e[31;1m' COLOR_STAT=$'\e[32;1m' COLOR_INFO=$'\e[30;1m' COLOR_CMD=$'\e[93;1m' COLOR_CLEAR=$'\e[0m' fi sh_quote() { local quoted quoted="$(printf '%q ' "$@")"; [[ $# -eq 0 ]] || echo "${quoted:0:-1}"; } err() { echo >&2 "${COLOR_ERR}!!${COLOR_CLEAR} $*"; } stat() { echo >&2 "${COLOR_STAT}::${COLOR_CLEAR} $*"; } info() { echo >&2 "${COLOR_INFO}::${COLOR_CLEAR} $*"; } showcmd() { echo >&2 "+ ${COLOR_CMD}$(sh_quote "$@")${COLOR_CLEAR}"; } die() { err "$@"; exit 1; } finish() { stat "$@"; exit 0; } cmd() { showcmd "$@"; "$@"; } # # Dependency Checks # MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=0 dependency_command() { local COMMAND=$1 shift if ! command -v "$COMMAND" &> /dev/null; then err "Couldn't find command '$COMMAND'. Please install ${@:-$COMMAND}." MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=1 fi } CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS="" check_container_engine() { stat "Trying $1." if ! cmd $1 run --rm $arg_protonsdk_image; then info "$1 is unable to run the container." return 1 fi touch permission_check local inner_uid="$($1 run -v "$(pwd):/test$CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS" \ --rm $arg_protonsdk_image \ stat --format "%u" /test/permission_check 2>&1)" rm permission_check if [[ $inner_uid == *"Permission denied"* ]]; then err "The container cannot access files. Are you using SELinux?" die "Please read README.md and check your $1 setup works." elif [ "$inner_uid" -eq 0 ]; then # namespace maps the user as root or the build is performed as host's root ROOTLESS_CONTAINER=1 elif [ "$inner_uid" -eq "$(id -u)" ]; then ROOTLESS_CONTAINER=0 else err "File owner's UID doesn't map to 0 or $(id -u) in the container." die "Don't know how to map permissions. Please check your $1 setup." fi } # # Configure # THIS_COMMAND="$0 $*" # For printing, not evaling MAKEFILE="./Makefile" # This is not rigorous. Do not use this for untrusted input. Do not. If you need a version of # this for untrusted input, rethink the path that got you here. function escape_for_make() { local escape="$1" escape="${escape//\\/\\\\}" # '\' -> '\\' escape="${escape//#/\\#}" # '#' -> '\#' escape="${escape//\$/\$\$}" # '$' -> '$$' escape="${escape// /\\ }" # ' ' -> '\ ' echo "$escape" } function configure() { local steamrt_image="$1" local steamrt_name="$2" local srcdir srcdir="$(dirname "$0")" # Build name local build_name="$arg_build_name" if [[ -n $build_name ]]; then info "Configuring with build name: $build_name" else build_name="$DEFAULT_BUILD_NAME" info "No build name specified, using default: $build_name" fi dependency_command fontforge dependency_command find "findutils" dependency_command make "GNU Make" dependency_command rsync dependency_command wget dependency_command xz dependency_command patch dependency_command git dependency_command python3 if [ "$MISSING_DEPENDENCIES" -ne 0 ]; then die "Missing dependencies, cannot continue." fi if [[ -n "$arg_relabel_volumes" ]]; then CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS=:Z fi if [[ -n "$arg_container_engine" ]]; then check_container_engine "$arg_container_engine" || die "Specified container engine \"$arg_container_engine\" doesn't work" else stat "Trying to find usable container engine." if check_container_engine docker; then arg_container_engine="docker" elif check_container_engine podman; then arg_container_engine="podman" else die "${arg_container_engine:-Container engine discovery} has failed. Please fix your setup." fi fi stat "Using $arg_container_engine." ## Write out config # Don't die after this point or we'll have rather unhelpfully deleted the Makefile [[ ! -e "$MAKEFILE" ]] || rm "$MAKEFILE" { # Config echo "# Generated by: $THIS_COMMAND" echo "" echo "SRCDIR := $(escape_for_make "$srcdir")" echo "BUILD_NAME := $(escape_for_make "$build_name")" # SteamRT echo "STEAMRT_NAME := $(escape_for_make "$steamrt_name")" echo "STEAMRT_IMAGE := $(escape_for_make "$steamrt_image")" echo "ROOTLESS_CONTAINER := $ROOTLESS_CONTAINER" echo "CONTAINER_ENGINE := $arg_container_engine" if [[ -n "$arg_docker_opts" ]]; then echo "DOCKER_OPTS := $arg_docker_opts" fi if [[ -n "$CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS" ]]; then echo "CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS := $CONTAINER_MOUNT_OPTS" fi if [[ -n "$arg_enable_ccache" ]]; then echo "ENABLE_CCACHE := 1" fi # Include base echo "" echo "include \$(SRCDIR)/Makefile.in" } >> "$MAKEFILE" stat "Created $MAKEFILE, now run make to build." stat " See README.md for make targets and instructions" } # # Parse arguments # arg_steamrt="soldier" arg_protonsdk_image="registry.gitlab.steamos.cloud/proton/soldier/sdk:0.20220329.0-0" arg_no_protonsdk="" arg_build_name="" arg_container_engine="" arg_docker_opts="" arg_relabel_volumes="" arg_enable_ccache="" arg_help="" invalid_args="" function parse_args() { local arg; local val; local val_used; local val_passed; while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do arg="$1" val='' val_used='' val_passed='' if [[ -z $arg ]]; then # Sanity err "Unexpected empty argument" return 1 elif [[ ${arg:0:2} != '--' ]]; then err "Unexpected positional argument ($1)" return 1 fi # Looks like an argument does it have a --foo=bar value? if [[ ${arg%=*} != "$arg" ]]; then val="${arg#*=}" arg="${arg%=*}" val_passed=1 else # Otherwise for args that want a value, assume "--arg val" form val="${2:-}" fi # The args if [[ $arg = --help || $arg = --usage ]]; then arg_help=1 elif [[ $arg = --build-name ]]; then arg_build_name="$val" val_used=1 elif [[ $arg = --container-engine ]]; then arg_container_engine="$val" val_used=1 elif [[ $arg = --docker-opts ]]; then arg_docker_opts="$val" val_used=1 elif [[ $arg = --relabel-volumes ]]; then arg_relabel_volumes="1" elif [[ $arg = --enable-ccache ]]; then arg_enable_ccache="1" elif [[ $arg = --proton-sdk-image ]]; then val_used=1 arg_protonsdk_image="$val" elif [[ $arg = --steam-runtime ]]; then val_used=1 arg_steamrt="$val" elif [[ $arg = --no-proton-sdk ]]; then arg_no_protonsdk=1 else err "Unrecognized option $arg" return 1 fi # Check if this arg used the value and shouldn't have or vice-versa if [[ -n $val_used && -z $val_passed ]]; then # "--arg val" form, used $2 as the value. # Don't allow this if it looked like "--arg --val" if [[ ${val#--} != "$val" ]]; then err "Ambiguous format for argument with value \"$arg $val\"" err " (use $arg=$val or $arg='' $val)" return 1 fi # Error if this was the last positional argument but expected $val if [[ $# -le 1 ]]; then err "$arg takes a parameter, but none given" return 1 fi shift # consume val elif [[ -z $val_used && -n $val_passed ]]; then # Didn't use a value, but passed in --arg=val form err "$arg does not take a parameter" return 1 fi shift # consume arg done } usage() { "$1" "Usage: $0 { --no-proton-sdk | --proton-sdk-image= --steam-runtime= }" "$1" " Generate a Makefile for building Proton. May be run from another directory to create" "$1" " out-of-tree build directories (e.g. mkdir mybuild && cd mybuild && ../configure.sh)" "$1" "" "$1" " Options" "$1" " --help / --usage Show this help text and exit" "$1" "" "$1" " --build-name= Set the name of the build that displays when used in Steam" "$1" "" "$1" " --container-engine= Which Docker-compatible container engine to use," "$1" " e.g. podman. Tries to do autodiscovery when not specified." "$1" "" "$1" " --docker-opts='' Extra options to pass to Docker when invoking the runtime." "$1" "" "$1" " --relabel-volumes Bind-mounted volumes will be relabeled. Use with caution." "$1" "" "$1" " --enable-ccache Mount \$CCACHE_DIR or \$HOME/.ccache inside of the container and use ccache for the build." "$1" "" "$1" " Steam Runtime" "$1" " Proton builds that are to be installed & run under the steam client must be built with" "$1" " the Steam Runtime SDK to ensure compatibility. See README.md for more information." "$1" "" "$1" " --proton-sdk-image= Automatically invoke the Steam Runtime SDK in " "$1" " for build steps that must be run in an SDK" "$1" " environment. See README.md for instructions to" "$1" " create this image." "$1" " --steam-runtime=soldier Name of the steam runtime release to build for (soldier, scout)." "$1" "" "$1" " --no-proton-sdk Do not automatically invoke any runtime SDK as part of the build." "$1" " Build steps may still be manually run in a runtime environment." exit 1; } parse_args "$@" || usage err [[ -z $arg_help ]] || usage info # Sanity check arguments if [[ -n $arg_no_protonsdk && -n $arg_protonsdk_image ]]; then die "Cannot specify --proton-sdk-image as well as --no-proton-sdk" elif [[ -z $arg_no_protonsdk && -z $arg_protonsdk_image ]]; then die "Must specify either --no-proton-sdk or --proton-sdk-image" fi configure "$arg_protonsdk_image" "$arg_steamrt"