
672 lines
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2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
#NOTE: If you make modifications here, consider whether they should
#be duplicated in ../lsteamclient/gen_wrapper.py
import pprint
import sys
import clang.cindex
import os
import re
sdk_versions = [
2018-01-31 17:31:32 +01:00
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
# "v0.9.11", problematic GetComponentState, may cause crash since we don't implement it
# "v0.9.5", doesn't compile, fixed in 0.9.6
files = [
[ #classes
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
], [ #user-allocated structs
], [ #vrclient-allocated structs
[ #classes
], [ #user-allocated structs
], [ #vrclient-allocated structs
aliases = {
#Some interface versions are not present in the public SDK
#headers, but are actually requested by games. It would be nice
#to verify that these interface versions are actually binary
#compatible. Lacking that, we hope the next highest version
#is compatible.
# "SteamClient012":["SteamClient013"],
# "SteamUtils004":["SteamUtils003"], # TimeShift uses SteamUtils003
#leaving these commented-out. let's see if they turn up in practice,
#and handle them correctly if so.
# "SteamFriends011":["SteamFriends010"],
# "SteamFriends013":["SteamFriends012"],
# "SteamGameServer008":["SteamGameServer007", "SteamGameServer006"],
# "SteamMatchMaking004":["SteamMatchMaking003"],
# "SteamMatchMaking006":["SteamMatchMaking005"],
# "SteamUser016":["SteamUser015"],
# TODO: we could do this automatically by creating temp files and
# having clang parse those and detect when the MS-style padding results
# in identical struct widths. But there's only a couple, so let's cheat...
skip_structs = [
# "RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t_9740",
# "SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t_20",
# "SteamUGCRequestUGCDetailsResult_t_9764"
print_sizes = []
class_versions = {}
def ivrclientcore_init(cppname, method):
if "002" in cppname:
return "ivrclientcore_002_init"
return "ivrclientcore_init"
def ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface(cppname, method):
return "ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface"
def ivrclientcore_cleanup(cppname, method):
return "ivrclientcore_cleanup"
def ivrsystem_get_dxgi_output_info(cppname, method):
param_count = len([p for p in method.get_children() if p.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL])
return {
1: "get_dxgi_output_info",
2: "get_dxgi_output_info2"
}.get(param_count, "unhandled_get_dxgi_output_info_method")
def ivrsystem_get_output_device(cppname, method):
#introduced in 016, changed in 017
if "016" in cppname:
return "ivrsystem_016_get_output_device"
return "ivrsystem_get_output_device"
def ivrcompositor_submit(cppname, method):
if "005" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_005_submit"
if "006" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_006_submit"
if "007" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_007_submit"
if "008" in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_008_submit"
return "ivrcompositor_submit"
def ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff(cppname, method):
return "ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff"
def ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses(cppname, method):
for version in ["016", "018", "019", "020", "021", "022"]:
if version in cppname:
return "ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses"
return None
def ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required(cppname, method):
return "ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required"
method_overrides = [
("IVRClientCore", "Init", ivrclientcore_init),
("IVRClientCore", "GetGenericInterface", ivrclientcore_get_generic_interface),
("IVRClientCore", "Cleanup", ivrclientcore_cleanup),
("IVRSystem", "GetDXGIOutputInfo", ivrsystem_get_dxgi_output_info),
("IVRSystem", "GetOutputDevice", ivrsystem_get_output_device),
("IVRCompositor", "Submit", ivrcompositor_submit),
("IVRCompositor", "PostPresentHandoff", ivrcompositor_post_present_handoff),
("IVRCompositor", "WaitGetPoses", ivrcompositor_wait_get_poses),
("IVRCompositor", "GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired", ivrcompositor_get_vulkan_device_extensions_required),
method_overrides_data = [
("IVRClientCore", "struct client_core_data", None),
("IVRCompositor", "struct compositor_data", "destroy_compositor_data"),
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
def display_sdkver(s):
if s.startswith("v"):
s = s[1:]
return s.replace(".", "")
def strip_ns(name):
return name.replace("vr::","")
def handle_method(cfile, classname, winclassname, cppname, method, cpp, cpp_h, existing_methods, iface_version):
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
used_name = method.spelling
idx = '2'
while used_name in existing_methods:
used_name = "%s_%s" % (method.spelling, idx)
idx = chr(ord(idx) + 1)
returns_record = method.result_type.get_canonical().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.RECORD
if returns_record:
parambytes = 8 #_this + return pointer
parambytes = 4 #_this
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
parambytes += param.type.get_size()
cfile.write("DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(%s_%s, %s)\n" % (winclassname, used_name, parambytes))
cpp_h.write("extern ")
if strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling).startswith("IVR"):
cfile.write("win%s " % (strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling)))
cpp.write("void *")
cpp_h.write("void *")
elif returns_record:
cfile.write("%s *" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
cpp.write("%s " % method.result_type.spelling)
cpp_h.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
cfile.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
cpp.write("%s " % method.result_type.spelling)
cpp_h.write("%s " % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
cfile.write('__thiscall %s_%s(%s *_this' % (winclassname, used_name, winclassname))
cpp.write("%s_%s(void *linux_side" % (cppname, used_name))
cpp_h.write("%s_%s(void *" % (cppname, used_name))
if returns_record:
cfile.write(", %s *_r" % strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling))
unnamed = 'a'
do_lin_to_win = None
do_wrap = None
do_unwrap = None
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \
param.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.UNEXPOSED:
#unspecified function pointer
typename = "void *"
typename = param.type.spelling.split("::")[-1].replace("&", "*");
if param.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER:
if strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling) in user_structs:
do_lin_to_win = (strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling), param.spelling)
typename = "win" + do_lin_to_win[0] + "_" + display_sdkver(sdkver) + " *"
elif strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling) in system_structs:
do_unwrap = (strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling), param.spelling)
typename = "win" + do_unwrap[0] + "_" + display_sdkver(sdkver) + " *"
elif param.type.get_pointee().kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.POINTER and \
strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling) in system_structs:
do_wrap = (strip_ns(param.type.get_pointee().get_pointee().get_canonical().spelling), param.spelling)
typename = "win" + do_wrap[0] + "_" + display_sdkver(sdkver) + " **"
if param.spelling == "":
cfile.write(", %s _%s" % (typename, unnamed))
cpp.write(", %s _%s" % (typename, unnamed))
cpp_h.write(", %s" % typename)
unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1)
cfile.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
cpp.write(", %s %s" % (typename, param.spelling))
cpp_h.write(", %s" % (typename))
char_param_is_unix_path = "GetAppInstallDir" in used_name or \
"GetItemInstallInfo" in used_name
path_param_name = None
path_size_param_name = None
if char_param_is_unix_path:
cfile.write(" uint32 path_result;\n")
if do_lin_to_win:
cpp.write(" %s lin;\n" % do_lin_to_win[0])
cpp.write(" %s _ret;\n" % method.result_type.spelling)
if do_wrap:
cpp.write(" %s *lin;\n" % do_wrap[0])
cpp.write(" %s _ret;\n" % method.result_type.spelling)
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"%p\\n\", _this);\n")
if method.result_type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.VOID:
cfile.write(" ")
cpp.write(" ")
elif char_param_is_unix_path:
cfile.write(" path_result = ")
cpp.write(" return ")
elif returns_record:
cfile.write(" *_r = ")
cpp.write(" return ")
elif do_lin_to_win:
cfile.write(" return ")
cpp.write(" _ret = ")
elif do_wrap:
cfile.write(" return ")
cpp.write(" _ret = ")
cfile.write(" return ")
cpp.write(" return ")
should_gen_wrapper = strip_ns(method.result_type.spelling).startswith("IVR")
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
if should_gen_wrapper:
cfile.write("create_win_interface(pchNameAndVersion,\n ")
is_method_overridden = False
for classname_pattern, methodname, override_generator in method_overrides:
if used_name == methodname and classname_pattern in classname:
fn_name = override_generator(cppname, method)
if fn_name:
cfile.write("%s(%s_%s, _this->linux_side" % (fn_name, cppname, used_name))
is_method_overridden = True
cfile.write("%s_%s(_this->linux_side" % (cppname, used_name))
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cpp.write("((%s*)linux_side)->%s(" % (classname, method.spelling))
unnamed = 'a'
first = True
next_is_size = False
for param in list(method.get_children()):
if param.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.PARM_DECL:
if not first:
cpp.write(", ")
first = False
if char_param_is_unix_path:
if param.type.spelling == "char *":
path_param_name = param.spelling
elif not path_param_name is None and \
(param.type.spelling == "uint32" or
param.type.spelling == "int"):
path_size_param_name = param.spelling
if param.spelling == "":
cfile.write(", _%s" % unnamed)
cpp.write("(%s)_%s" % (param.type.spelling, unnamed))
unnamed = chr(ord(unnamed) + 1)
cfile.write(", %s" % param.spelling)
if do_lin_to_win and do_lin_to_win[1] == param.spelling or \
do_wrap and do_wrap[1] == param.spelling:
if do_lin_to_win and \
(do_lin_to_win[0] == "VREvent_t" or \
do_lin_to_win[0] == "VRControllerState001_t"):
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
next_is_size = True
elif do_unwrap and do_unwrap[1] == param.spelling:
cpp.write("struct_%s_%s_unwrap(%s)" % (strip_ns(do_unwrap[0]), display_sdkver(sdkver), do_unwrap[1]))
elif next_is_size:
next_is_size = False
if param.type.spelling == "uint32_t":
cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling))
elif "&" in param.type.spelling:
cpp.write("*%s" % param.spelling)
cpp.write("(%s)%s" % (param.type.spelling, param.spelling))
if should_gen_wrapper:
if is_method_overridden:
cfile.write(", %s" % iface_version[iface_version.find("_") + 1:].lstrip("0"))
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, _ in method_overrides_data:
if classname_pattern in classname:
cfile.write(", &_this->user_data")
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
if returns_record:
cfile.write(" return _r;\n")
if char_param_is_unix_path and not path_param_name is None and not path_size_param_name is None:
cfile.write(" return steamclient_unix_path_to_dos_path(path_result, %s, %s);\n" % (path_param_name, path_size_param_name))
if do_lin_to_win:
cpp.write(" struct_%s_%s_lin_to_win(&lin, %s);\n" % (strip_ns(do_lin_to_win[0]), display_sdkver(sdkver), do_lin_to_win[1]))
cpp.write(" return _ret;\n")
if do_wrap:
cpp.write(" if(_ret == 0)\n")
cpp.write(" *%s = struct_%s_%s_wrap(lin);\n" % (do_wrap[1], strip_ns(do_wrap[0]), display_sdkver(sdkver)))
cpp.write(" return _ret;\n")
return used_name
def get_iface_version(classname):
if classname in iface_versions.keys():
ver = iface_versions[classname]
if classname in class_versions.keys() and ver in class_versions[classname]:
return (ver, True)
if not classname in class_versions.keys():
class_versions[classname] = []
return (ver, False)
def handle_class(sdkver, classnode):
print("handle_class: " + classnode.displayname)
children = list(classnode.get_children())
if len(children) == 0:
(iface_version, already_generated) = get_iface_version(classnode.spelling)
if already_generated:
winname = "win%s" % classnode.spelling
cppname = "cpp%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version)
file_exists = os.path.isfile("%s.c" % winname)
cfile = open("%s.c" % winname, "a")
if not file_exists:
cfile.write("""/* This file is auto-generated, do not edit. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "cxx.h"
#include "vrclient_defs.h"
#include "vrclient_private.h"
#include "struct_converters.h"
#include "flatapi.h"
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cpp = open("%s.cpp" % cppname, "w")
cpp.write("#include \"vrclient_private.h\"\n")
cpp.write("#include \"vrclient_defs.h\"\n")
if os.path.isfile("openvr_%s/ivrclientcore.h" % sdkver):
cpp.write("#include \"openvr_%s/ivrclientcore.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cpp.write("#include \"openvr_%s/openvr.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cpp.write("using namespace vr;\n")
cpp.write("extern \"C\" {\n")
cpp.write("#include \"struct_converters.h\"\n")
cpp.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n" % cppname)
cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n")
cpp_h = open("%s.h" % cppname, "w")
cpp_h.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n")
winclassname = "win%s_%s" % (classnode.spelling, iface_version)
cfile.write("#include \"%s.h\"\n\n" % cppname)
cfile.write("typedef struct __%s {\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" vtable_ptr *vtable;\n") # make sure to keep this first (flat API depends on it)
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cfile.write(" void *linux_side;\n")
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, _ in method_overrides_data:
if classname_pattern in classnode.spelling:
cfile.write(" %s user_data;\n" % user_data_type)
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cfile.write("} %s;\n\n" % winclassname)
methods = []
for child in children:
if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CXX_METHOD:
methods.append(handle_method(cfile, classnode.spelling, winclassname, cppname, child, cpp, cpp_h, methods, iface_version))
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cfile.write("extern vtable_ptr %s_vtable;\n\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n")
cfile.write("void __asm_dummy_vtables(void) {\n")
cfile.write(" __ASM_VTABLE(%s,\n" % winclassname)
for method in methods:
cfile.write(" VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(%s_%s)\n" % (winclassname, method))
cfile.write(" );\n")
cfile.write("#ifndef __GNUC__\n")
cfile.write("%s *create_%s(void *linux_side)\n{\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
cfile.write(" %s *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(%s));\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"-> %p\\n\", r);\n")
cfile.write(" r->vtable = &%s_vtable;\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" r->linux_side = linux_side;\n")
cfile.write(" return r;\n}\n\n")
cfile.write("void destroy_%s(void *object)\n{\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"%p\\n\", object);\n")
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, user_data_destructor in method_overrides_data:
if user_data_destructor and classname_pattern in classnode.spelling:
cfile.write(" struct __%s *win_object = object;\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" %s(&win_object->user_data);\n" % user_data_destructor)
cfile.write(" HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, object);\n}\n\n")
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
# flat (FnTable) API
cfile.write("%s *create_%s_FnTable(void *linux_side)\n{\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
cfile.write(" %s *r = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(%s));\n" % (winclassname, winclassname))
cfile.write(" struct thunk *thunks = alloc_thunks(%d);\n" % len(methods))
cfile.write(" struct thunk **vtable = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, %d * sizeof(*vtable));\n" % len(methods))
cfile.write(" int i;\n\n")
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"-> %p, vtable %p, thunks %p\\n\", r, vtable, thunks);\n")
for i in range(len(methods)):
cfile.write(" init_thunk(&thunks[%d], r, %s_%s);\n" %(i, winclassname, methods[i]))
cfile.write(" for (i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n" % len(methods))
cfile.write(" vtable[i] = &thunks[i];\n")
cfile.write(" r->linux_side = linux_side;\n")
cfile.write(" r->vtable = (void *)vtable;\n")
cfile.write(" return r;\n}\n\n")
cfile.write("void destroy_%s_FnTable(void *object)\n{\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" %s *win_object = object;\n" % winclassname)
cfile.write(" TRACE(\"%p\\n\", win_object);\n")
for classname_pattern, user_data_type, user_data_destructor in method_overrides_data:
if user_data_destructor and classname_pattern in classnode.spelling:
cfile.write(" %s(&win_object->user_data);\n" % user_data_destructor)
cfile.write(" VirtualFree(win_object->vtable[0], 0, MEM_RELEASE);\n")
cfile.write(" HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_object->vtable);\n")
cfile.write(" HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, win_object);\n}\n\n")
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
cpp.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n")
cpp_h.write("#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n")
constructors = open("win_constructors.h", "a")
constructors.write("extern void *create_%s(void *);\n" % winclassname)
constructors.write("extern void *create_%s_FnTable(void *);\n" % winclassname)
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
destructors = open("win_destructors.h", "a")
destructors.write("extern void destroy_%s(void *);\n" % winclassname)
destructors.write("extern void destroy_%s_FnTable(void *);\n" % winclassname)
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
constructors = open("win_constructors_table.dat", "a")
constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s, &destroy_%s},\n" % (iface_version, winclassname, winclassname))
constructors.write(" {\"FnTable:%s\", &create_%s_FnTable, &destroy_%s_FnTable},\n" % (iface_version, winclassname, winclassname))
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
if iface_version in aliases.keys():
for alias in aliases[iface_version]:
constructors.write(" {\"%s\", &create_%s}, /* alias */\n" % (alias, winclassname))
generated_struct_handlers = []
cpp_files_need_close_brace = []
#because of struct packing differences between win32 and linux, we
#need to convert these structs from their linux layout to the win32
#TODO: could we optimize this by detecting if the structs are the
#same layout at generation-time?
def handle_struct(sdkver, struct, which):
handler_name = "%s_%s" % (struct.displayname, display_sdkver(sdkver))
if handler_name in generated_struct_handlers:
# we already have a handler for the struct struct of this size
filename_base = "struct_converters_%s" % display_sdkver(sdkver)
cppname = "%s.cpp" % filename_base
file_exists = os.path.isfile(cppname)
cppfile = open(cppname, "a")
if not file_exists:
cppfile.write("#include <stdlib.h>\n");
cppfile.write("#include <string.h>\n");
cppfile.write("#include \"vrclient_private.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"vrclient_defs.h\"\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"openvr_%s/openvr.h\"\n" % sdkver)
cppfile.write("using namespace vr;\n")
cppfile.write("extern \"C\" {\n")
cppfile.write("#include \"struct_converters.h\"\n")
hfile = open("struct_converters.h", "a")
hfile.write("typedef struct win%s win%s;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("struct win%s {\n" % handler_name)
for m in struct.get_children():
if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
cppfile.write(" %s %s[%u];\n" % (m.type.element_type.spelling, m.displayname, m.type.element_count))
cppfile.write(" %s %s;\n" % (m.type.spelling, m.displayname))
if which == WRAPPERS:
cppfile.write("\n %s *linux_side;\n" % struct.displayname)
cppfile.write("} __attribute__ ((ms_struct));\n\n")
if which == LIN_TO_WIN:
hfile.write("extern void struct_%s_lin_to_win(void *l, void *w);\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write("void struct_%s_lin_to_win(void *l, void *w)\n{\n" % handler_name)
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)w;\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
elif which == WRAPPERS:
hfile.write("extern struct win%s *struct_%s_wrap(void *l);\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("struct win%s *struct_%s_wrap(void *l)\n{\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" struct win%s *win = (struct win%s *)malloc(sizeof(*win));\n" % (handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *lin = (%s *)l;\n" % (struct.displayname, struct.displayname))
for m in struct.get_children():
if m.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.FIELD_DECL:
if m.type.kind == clang.cindex.TypeKind.CONSTANTARRAY:
#TODO: if this is a struct, or packed differently, we'll have to
# copy each element in a for-loop
cppfile.write(" memcpy(win->%s, lin->%s, sizeof(win->%s));\n" % (m.displayname, m.displayname, m.displayname))
cppfile.write(" win->%s = lin->%s;\n" % (m.displayname, m.displayname))
if which == WRAPPERS:
cppfile.write(" win->linux_side = lin;\n");
cppfile.write(" return win;\n")
if which == WRAPPERS:
hfile.write("extern %s *struct_%s_unwrap(win%s *w);\n" % (struct.displayname, handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write("struct %s *struct_%s_unwrap(win%s *w)\n{\n" % (struct.displayname, handler_name, handler_name))
cppfile.write(" %s *ret = w->linux_side;\n" % struct.displayname)
cppfile.write(" free(w);\n")
cppfile.write(" return ret;\n")
prog = re.compile("^.*const\s*char.* \*?(\w*)_Version.*\"(.*)\"")
2018-01-18 20:29:49 +01:00
for sdkver in sdk_versions:
iface_versions = {}
print("sdkver is: " + sdkver)
for f in os.listdir("openvr_%s" % sdkver):
x = open("openvr_%s/%s" % (sdkver, f), "r")
for l in x:
if "_Version" in l:
result = prog.match(l)
if result:
iface, version = result.group(1, 2)
iface_versions[iface] = version
for fname, classes, user_structs, system_structs in files:
# Parse as 32-bit C++
input_name = "openvr_%s/%s" % (sdkver, fname)
sys.stdout.write("about to parse %s\n" % input_name)
if not os.path.isfile(input_name):
index = clang.cindex.Index.create()
tu = index.parse(input_name, args=['-x', 'c++', '-std=c++11', '-DGNUC', '-Iopenvr_%s/' % sdkver, '-I/usr/lib/clang/5.0.0/include/'])
diagnostics = list(tu.diagnostics)
if len(diagnostics) > 0:
print 'There were parse errors'
children = list(tu.cursor.get_children())
for child in children:
if child.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.NAMESPACE and child.displayname == "vr":
for vrchild in list(child.get_children()):
if vrchild.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL and vrchild.displayname in classes:
handle_class(sdkver, vrchild)
if vrchild.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.STRUCT_DECL or \
vrchild.kind == clang.cindex.CursorKind.CLASS_DECL:
if strip_ns(vrchild.displayname) in user_structs:
handle_struct(sdkver, vrchild, LIN_TO_WIN)
elif strip_ns(vrchild.displayname) in system_structs:
handle_struct(sdkver, vrchild, WRAPPERS)
if vrchild.displayname in print_sizes:
sys.stdout.write("size of %s is %u\n" % (vrchild.displayname, vrchild.type.get_size()))
for f in cpp_files_need_close_brace:
m = open(f, "a")