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2020-09-29 16:13:59 +02:00
//====== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ====================
// Purpose: misc networking utilities
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// SteamNetworkingSockets library config
// Compiling in Steam public branch.
#include "steam_api_common.h"
#pragma pack( push, 4 )
#pragma pack( push, 8 )
struct SteamDatagramRelayAuthTicket;
struct SteamDatagramHostedAddress;
struct SteamDatagramGameCoordinatorServerLogin;
struct SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t;
struct SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t;
struct SteamRelayNetworkStatus_t;
struct SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest_t;
struct SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed_t;
typedef void (*FnSteamNetConnectionStatusChanged)( SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t * );
typedef void (*FnSteamNetAuthenticationStatusChanged)( SteamNetAuthenticationStatus_t * );
typedef void (*FnSteamRelayNetworkStatusChanged)(SteamRelayNetworkStatus_t *);
typedef void (*FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest)(SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest_t *);
typedef void (*FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed)(SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed_t *);
/// Handle used to identify a connection to a remote host.
typedef uint32 HSteamNetConnection;
const HSteamNetConnection k_HSteamNetConnection_Invalid = 0;
/// Handle used to identify a "listen socket". Unlike traditional
/// Berkeley sockets, a listen socket and a connection are two
/// different abstractions.
typedef uint32 HSteamListenSocket;
const HSteamListenSocket k_HSteamListenSocket_Invalid = 0;
/// Handle used to identify a poll group, used to query many
/// connections at once efficiently.
typedef uint32 HSteamNetPollGroup;
const HSteamNetPollGroup k_HSteamNetPollGroup_Invalid = 0;
/// Max length of diagnostic error message
const int k_cchMaxSteamNetworkingErrMsg = 1024;
/// Used to return English-language diagnostic error messages to caller.
/// (For debugging or spewing to a console, etc. Not intended for UI.)
typedef char SteamNetworkingErrMsg[ k_cchMaxSteamNetworkingErrMsg ];
/// Identifier used for a network location point of presence. (E.g. a Valve data center.)
/// Typically you won't need to directly manipulate these.
typedef uint32 SteamNetworkingPOPID;
/// A local timestamp. You can subtract two timestamps to get the number of elapsed
/// microseconds. This is guaranteed to increase over time during the lifetime
/// of a process, but not globally across runs. You don't need to worry about
/// the value wrapping around. Note that the underlying clock might not actually have
/// microsecond resolution.
typedef int64 SteamNetworkingMicroseconds;
/// Describe the status of a particular network resource
enum ESteamNetworkingAvailability
// Negative values indicate a problem.
// In general, we will not automatically retry unless you take some action that
// depends on of requests this resource, such as querying the status, attempting
// to initiate a connection, receive a connection, etc. If you do not take any
// action at all, we do not automatically retry in the background.
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_CannotTry = -102, // A dependent resource is missing, so this service is unavailable. (E.g. we cannot talk to routers because Internet is down or we don't have the network config.)
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Failed = -101, // We have tried for enough time that we would expect to have been successful by now. We have never been successful
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Previously = -100, // We tried and were successful at one time, but now it looks like we have a problem
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Retrying = -10, // We previously failed and are currently retrying
// Not a problem, but not ready either
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_NeverTried = 1, // We don't know because we haven't ever checked/tried
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Waiting = 2, // We're waiting on a dependent resource to be acquired. (E.g. we cannot obtain a cert until we are logged into Steam. We cannot measure latency to relays until we have the network config.)
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting = 3, // We're actively trying now, but are not yet successful.
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Current = 100, // Resource is online/available
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Unknown = 0, // Internal dummy/sentinel, or value is not applicable in this context
k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability__Force32bit = 0x7fffffff,
// Describing network hosts
/// Different methods of describing the identity of a network host
enum ESteamNetworkingIdentityType
// Dummy/empty/invalid.
// Plese note that if we parse a string that we don't recognize
// but that appears reasonable, we will NOT use this type. Instead
// we'll use k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_Invalid = 0,
// Basic platform-specific identifiers.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_SteamID = 16, // 64-bit CSteamID
// Special identifiers.
// Use their IP address (and port) as their "identity".
// These types of identities are always unauthenticated.
// They are useful for porting plain sockets code, and other
// situations where you don't care about authentication. In this
// case, the local identity will be "localhost",
// and the remote address will be their network address.
// We use the same type for either IPv4 or IPv6, and
// the address is always store as IPv6. We use IPv4
// mapped addresses to handle IPv4.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress = 1,
// Generic string/binary blobs. It's up to your app to interpret this.
// This library can tell you if the remote host presented a certificate
// signed by somebody you have chosen to trust, with this identity on it.
// It's up to you to ultimately decide what this identity means.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericString = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericBytes = 3,
// This identity type is used when we parse a string that looks like is a
// valid identity, just of a kind that we don't recognize. In this case, we
// can often still communicate with the peer! Allowing such identities
// for types we do not recognize useful is very useful for forward
// compatibility.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType = 4,
// Make sure this enum is stored in an int.
k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType__Force32bit = 0x7fffffff,
#pragma pack(push,1)
/// Store an IP and port. IPv6 is always used; IPv4 is represented using
/// "IPv4-mapped" addresses: IPv4 aa.bb.cc.dd => IPv6 ::ffff:aabb:ccdd
/// (RFC 4291 section
struct SteamNetworkingIPAddr
void Clear(); // Set everything to zero. E.g. [::]:0
bool IsIPv6AllZeros() const; // Return true if the IP is ::0. (Doesn't check port.)
void SetIPv6( const uint8 *ipv6, uint16 nPort ); // Set IPv6 address. IP is interpreted as bytes, so there are no endian issues. (Same as inaddr_in6.) The IP can be a mapped IPv4 address
void SetIPv4( uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort ); // Sets to IPv4 mapped address. IP and port are in host byte order.
bool IsIPv4() const; // Return true if IP is mapped IPv4
uint32 GetIPv4() const; // Returns IP in host byte order (e.g. aa.bb.cc.dd as 0xaabbccdd). Returns 0 if IP is not mapped IPv4.
void SetIPv6LocalHost( uint16 nPort = 0); // Set to the IPv6 localhost address ::1, and the specified port.
bool IsLocalHost() const; // Return true if this identity is localhost. (Either IPv6 ::1, or IPv4
// Max length of the buffer needed to hold IP formatted using ToString, including '\0'
// ([0123:4567:89ab:cdef:0123:4567:89ab:cdef]:12345)
enum { k_cchMaxString = 48 };
/// Print to a string, with or without the port. Mapped IPv4 addresses are printed
/// as dotted decimal (, otherwise this will print the canonical
/// form according to RFC5952. If you include the port, IPv6 will be surrounded by
/// brackets, e.g. [::1:2]:80. Your buffer should be at least k_cchMaxString bytes
/// to avoid truncation
/// See also SteamNetworkingIdentityRender
inline void ToString( char *buf, size_t cbBuf, bool bWithPort ) const;
/// Parse an IP address and optional port. If a port is not present, it is set to 0.
/// (This means that you cannot tell if a zero port was explicitly specified.)
inline bool ParseString( const char *pszStr );
uint8 m_ipv6[ 16 ];
#ifndef API_GEN // API generator doesn't understand this. The bindings will just use the accessors
struct // IPv4 "mapped address" (rfc4038 section 4.2)
uint64 m_8zeros;
uint16 m_0000;
uint16 m_ffff;
uint8 m_ip[ 4 ]; // NOTE: As bytes, i.e. network byte order
} m_ipv4;
} ip;
uint16 m_port; // Host byte order
/// See if two addresses are identical
bool operator==(const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &x ) const;
/// An abstract way to represent the identity of a network host. All identities can
/// be represented as simple string. Furthermore, this string representation is actually
/// used on the wire in several places, even though it is less efficient, in order to
/// facilitate forward compatibility. (Old client code can handle an identity type that
/// it doesn't understand.)
struct SteamNetworkingIdentity
/// Type of identity.
ESteamNetworkingIdentityType m_eType;
// Get/Set in various formats.
void Clear();
bool IsInvalid() const; // Return true if we are the invalid type. Does not make any other validity checks (e.g. is SteamID actually valid)
void SetSteamID( CSteamID steamID );
CSteamID GetSteamID() const; // Return black CSteamID (!IsValid()) if identity is not a SteamID
void SetSteamID64( uint64 steamID ); // Takes SteamID as raw 64-bit number
uint64 GetSteamID64() const; // Returns 0 if identity is not SteamID
void SetIPAddr( const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &addr ); // Set to specified IP:port
const SteamNetworkingIPAddr *GetIPAddr() const; // returns null if we are not an IP address.
// "localhost" is equivalent for many purposes to "anonymous." Our remote
// will identify us by the network address we use.
void SetLocalHost(); // Set to localhost. (We always use IPv6 ::1 for this, not
bool IsLocalHost() const; // Return true if this identity is localhost.
bool SetGenericString( const char *pszString ); // Returns false if invalid length
const char *GetGenericString() const; // Returns nullptr if not generic string type
bool SetGenericBytes( const void *data, size_t cbLen ); // Returns false if invalid size.
const uint8 *GetGenericBytes( int &cbLen ) const; // Returns null if not generic bytes type
/// See if two identities are identical
bool operator==(const SteamNetworkingIdentity &x ) const;
/// Print to a human-readable string. This is suitable for debug messages
/// or any other time you need to encode the identity as a string. It has a
/// URL-like format (type:<type-data>). Your buffer should be at least
/// k_cchMaxString bytes big to avoid truncation.
/// See also SteamNetworkingIPAddrRender
void ToString( char *buf, size_t cbBuf ) const;
/// Parse back a string that was generated using ToString. If we don't understand the
/// string, but it looks "reasonable" (it matches the pattern type:<type-data> and doesn't
/// have any funky characters, etc), then we will return true, and the type is set to
/// k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_UnknownType. false will only be returned if the string
/// looks invalid.
bool ParseString( const char *pszStr );
// Max sizes
enum {
k_cchMaxString = 128, // Max length of the buffer needed to hold any identity, formatted in string format by ToString
k_cchMaxGenericString = 32, // Max length of the string for generic string identities. Including terminating '\0'
k_cbMaxGenericBytes = 32,
// Internal representation. Don't access this directly, use the accessors!
// Number of bytes that are relevant below. This MUST ALWAYS be
// set. (Use the accessors!) This is important to enable old code to work
// with new identity types.
int m_cbSize;
union {
uint64 m_steamID64;
char m_szGenericString[ k_cchMaxGenericString ];
uint8 m_genericBytes[ k_cbMaxGenericBytes ];
char m_szUnknownRawString[ k_cchMaxString ];
SteamNetworkingIPAddr m_ip;
uint32 m_reserved[ 32 ]; // Pad structure to leave easy room for future expansion
} data;
#pragma pack(pop)
// Connection status
/// High level connection status
enum ESteamNetworkingConnectionState
/// Dummy value used to indicate an error condition in the API.
/// Specified connection doesn't exist or has already been closed.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None = 0,
/// We are trying to establish whether peers can talk to each other,
/// whether they WANT to talk to each other, perform basic auth,
/// and exchange crypt keys.
/// - For connections on the "client" side (initiated locally):
/// We're in the process of trying to establish a connection.
/// Depending on the connection type, we might not know who they are.
/// Note that it is not possible to tell if we are waiting on the
/// network to complete handshake packets, or for the application layer
/// to accept the connection.
/// - For connections on the "server" side (accepted through listen socket):
/// We have completed some basic handshake and the client has presented
/// some proof of identity. The connection is ready to be accepted
/// using AcceptConnection().
/// In either case, any unreliable packets sent now are almost certain
/// to be dropped. Attempts to receive packets are guaranteed to fail.
/// You may send messages if the send mode allows for them to be queued.
/// but if you close the connection before the connection is actually
/// established, any queued messages will be discarded immediately.
/// (We will not attempt to flush the queue and confirm delivery to the
/// remote host, which ordinarily happens when a connection is closed.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting = 1,
/// Some connection types use a back channel or trusted 3rd party
/// for earliest communication. If the server accepts the connection,
/// then these connections switch into the rendezvous state. During this
/// state, we still have not yet established an end-to-end route (through
/// the relay network), and so if you send any messages unreliable, they
/// are going to be discarded.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_FindingRoute = 2,
/// We've received communications from our peer (and we know
/// who they are) and are all good. If you close the connection now,
/// we will make our best effort to flush out any reliable sent data that
/// has not been acknowledged by the peer. (But note that this happens
/// from within the application process, so unlike a TCP connection, you are
/// not totally handing it off to the operating system to deal with it.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected = 3,
/// Connection has been closed by our peer, but not closed locally.
/// The connection still exists from an API perspective. You must close the
/// handle to free up resources. If there are any messages in the inbound queue,
/// you may retrieve them. Otherwise, nothing may be done with the connection
/// except to close it.
/// This stats is similar to CLOSE_WAIT in the TCP state machine.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer = 4,
/// A disruption in the connection has been detected locally. (E.g. timeout,
/// local internet connection disrupted, etc.)
/// The connection still exists from an API perspective. You must close the
/// handle to free up resources.
/// Attempts to send further messages will fail. Any remaining received messages
/// in the queue are available.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally = 5,
// The following values are used internally and will not be returned by any API.
// We document them here to provide a little insight into the state machine that is used
// under the hood.
/// We've disconnected on our side, and from an API perspective the connection is closed.
/// No more data may be sent or received. All reliable data has been flushed, or else
/// we've given up and discarded it. We do not yet know for sure that the peer knows
/// the connection has been closed, however, so we're just hanging around so that if we do
/// get a packet from them, we can send them the appropriate packets so that they can
/// know why the connection was closed (and not have to rely on a timeout, which makes
/// it appear as if something is wrong).
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_FinWait = -1,
/// We've disconnected on our side, and from an API perspective the connection is closed.
/// No more data may be sent or received. From a network perspective, however, on the wire,
/// we have not yet given any indication to the peer that the connection is closed.
/// We are in the process of flushing out the last bit of reliable data. Once that is done,
/// we will inform the peer that the connection has been closed, and transition to the
/// FinWait state.
/// Note that no indication is given to the remote host that we have closed the connection,
/// until the data has been flushed. If the remote host attempts to send us data, we will
/// do whatever is necessary to keep the connection alive until it can be closed properly.
/// But in fact the data will be discarded, since there is no way for the application to
/// read it back. Typically this is not a problem, as application protocols that utilize
/// the lingering functionality are designed for the remote host to wait for the response
/// before sending any more data.
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Linger = -2,
/// Connection is completely inactive and ready to be destroyed
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Dead = -3,
k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Enumerate various causes of connection termination. These are designed to work similar
/// to HTTP error codes: the numeric range gives you a rough classification as to the source
/// of the problem.
enum ESteamNetConnectionEnd
// Invalid/sentinel value
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Invalid = 0,
// Application codes. These are the values you will pass to
// ISteamNetworkingSockets::CloseConnection. You can use these codes if
// you want to plumb through application-specific reason codes. If you don't
// need this facility, feel free to always pass
// k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Generic.
// The distinction between "normal" and "exceptional" termination is
// one you may use if you find useful, but it's not necessary for you
// to do so. The only place where we distinguish between normal and
// exceptional is in connection analytics. If a significant
// proportion of connections terminates in an exceptional manner,
// this can trigger an alert.
// 1xxx: Application ended the connection in a "usual" manner.
// E.g.: user intentionally disconnected from the server,
// gameplay ended normally, etc
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Min = 1000,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Generic = k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Min,
// Use codes in this range for "normal" disconnection
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_App_Max = 1999,
// 2xxx: Application ended the connection in some sort of exceptional
// or unusual manner that might indicate a bug or configuration
// issue.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Min = 2000,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Generic = k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Min,
// Use codes in this range for "unusual" disconnection
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_AppException_Max = 2999,
// System codes. These will be returned by the system when
// the connection state is k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
// or k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally. It is
// illegal to pass a code in this range to ISteamNetworkingSockets::CloseConnection
// 3xxx: Connection failed or ended because of problem with the
// local host or their connection to the Internet.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Min = 3000,
// You cannot do what you want to do because you're running in offline mode.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_OfflineMode = 3001,
// We're having trouble contacting many (perhaps all) relays.
// Since it's unlikely that they all went offline at once, the best
// explanation is that we have a problem on our end. Note that we don't
// bother distinguishing between "many" and "all", because in practice,
// it takes time to detect a connection problem, and by the time
// the connection has timed out, we might not have been able to
// actively probe all of the relay clusters, even if we were able to
// contact them at one time. So this code just means that:
// * We don't have any recent successful communication with any relay.
// * We have evidence of recent failures to communicate with multiple relays.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_ManyRelayConnectivity = 3002,
// A hosted server is having trouble talking to the relay
// that the client was using, so the problem is most likely
// on our end
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_HostedServerPrimaryRelay = 3003,
// We're not able to get the SDR network config. This is
// *almost* always a local issue, since the network config
// comes from the CDN, which is pretty darn reliable.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_NetworkConfig = 3004,
// Steam rejected our request because we don't have rights
// to do this.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Rights = 3005,
// ICE P2P rendezvous failed because we were not able to
// determine our "public" address (e.g. reflexive address via STUN)
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_P2P_ICE_NoPublicAddresses = 3006,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Local_Max = 3999,
// 4xxx: Connection failed or ended, and it appears that the
// cause does NOT have to do with the local host or their
// connection to the Internet. It could be caused by the
// remote host, or it could be somewhere in between.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Min = 4000,
// The connection was lost, and as far as we can tell our connection
// to relevant services (relays) has not been disrupted. This doesn't
// mean that the problem is "their fault", it just means that it doesn't
// appear that we are having network issues on our end.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Timeout = 4001,
// Something was invalid with the cert or crypt handshake
// info you gave me, I don't understand or like your key types,
// etc.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadCrypt = 4002,
// You presented me with a cert that was I was able to parse
// and *technically* we could use encrypted communication.
// But there was a problem that prevents me from checking your identity
// or ensuring that somebody int he middle can't observe our communication.
// E.g.: - the CA key was missing (and I don't accept unsigned certs)
// - The CA key isn't one that I trust,
// - The cert doesn't was appropriately restricted by app, user, time, data center, etc.
// - The cert wasn't issued to you.
// - etc
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadCert = 4003,
// We couldn't rendezvous with the remote host because
// they aren't logged into Steam
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_NotLoggedIn = 4004,
// We couldn't rendezvous with the remote host because
// they aren't running the right application.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_NotRunningApp = 4005,
// Something wrong with the protocol version you are using.
// (Probably the code you are running is too old.)
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_BadProtocolVersion = 4006,
// NAT punch failed failed because we never received any public
// addresses from the remote host. (But we did receive some
// signals form them.)
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_P2P_ICE_NoPublicAddresses = 4007,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Remote_Max = 4999,
// 5xxx: Connection failed for some other reason.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Min = 5000,
// A failure that isn't necessarily the result of a software bug,
// but that should happen rarely enough that it isn't worth specifically
// writing UI or making a localized message for.
// The debug string should contain further details.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Generic = 5001,
// Generic failure that is most likely a software bug.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_InternalError = 5002,
// The connection to the remote host timed out, but we
// don't know if the problem is on our end, in the middle,
// or on their end.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Timeout = 5003,
// We're having trouble talking to the relevant relay.
// We don't have enough information to say whether the
// problem is on our end or not.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_RelayConnectivity = 5004,
// There's some trouble talking to Steam.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_SteamConnectivity = 5005,
// A server in a dedicated hosting situation has no relay sessions
// active with which to talk back to a client. (It's the client's
// job to open and maintain those sessions.)
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_NoRelaySessionsToClient = 5006,
// While trying to initiate a connection, we never received
// *any* communication from the peer.
//k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_ServerNeverReplied = 5007,
// P2P rendezvous failed in a way that we don't have more specific
// information
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_P2P_Rendezvous = 5008,
// NAT punch failed, probably due to NAT/firewall configuration.
// If relay fallback is available (it always is on Steam), then
// this is only used internally and will not be returned as a high
// level failure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_P2P_NAT_Firewall = 5009,
// Our peer replied that it has no record of the connection.
// This should not happen ordinarily, but can happen in a few
// exception cases:
// - This is an old connection, and the peer has already cleaned
// up and forgotten about it. (Perhaps it timed out and they
// closed it and were not able to communicate this to us.)
// - A bug or internal protocol error has caused us to try to
// talk to the peer about the connection before we received
// confirmation that the peer has accepted the connection.
// - The peer thinks that we have closed the connection for some
// reason (perhaps a bug), and believes that is it is
// acknowledging our closure.
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_PeerSentNoConnection = 5010,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd_Misc_Max = 5999,
k_ESteamNetConnectionEnd__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Max length, in bytes (including null terminator) of the reason string
/// when a connection is closed.
const int k_cchSteamNetworkingMaxConnectionCloseReason = 128;
/// Max length, in bytes (include null terminator) of debug description
/// of a connection.
const int k_cchSteamNetworkingMaxConnectionDescription = 128;
/// Describe the state of a connection.
struct SteamNetConnectionInfo_t
/// Who is on the other end? Depending on the connection type and phase of the connection, we might not know
SteamNetworkingIdentity m_identityRemote;
/// Arbitrary user data set by the local application code
int64 m_nUserData;
/// Handle to listen socket this was connected on, or k_HSteamListenSocket_Invalid if we initiated the connection
HSteamListenSocket m_hListenSocket;
/// Remote address. Might be all 0's if we don't know it, or if this is N/A.
/// (E.g. Basically everything except direct UDP connection.)
SteamNetworkingIPAddr m_addrRemote;
uint16 m__pad1;
/// What data center is the remote host in? (0 if we don't know.)
SteamNetworkingPOPID m_idPOPRemote;
/// What relay are we using to communicate with the remote host?
/// (0 if not applicable.)
SteamNetworkingPOPID m_idPOPRelay;
/// High level state of the connection
ESteamNetworkingConnectionState m_eState;
/// Basic cause of the connection termination or problem.
/// See ESteamNetConnectionEnd for the values used
int m_eEndReason;
/// Human-readable, but non-localized explanation for connection
/// termination or problem. This is intended for debugging /
/// diagnostic purposes only, not to display to users. It might
/// have some details specific to the issue.
char m_szEndDebug[ k_cchSteamNetworkingMaxConnectionCloseReason ];
/// Debug description. This includes the internal connection ID,
/// connection type (and peer information), and any name
/// given to the connection by the app. This string is used in various
/// internal logging messages.
char m_szConnectionDescription[ k_cchSteamNetworkingMaxConnectionDescription ];
/// Internal stuff, room to change API easily
uint32 reserved[64];
/// Quick connection state, pared down to something you could call
/// more frequently without it being too big of a perf hit.
struct SteamNetworkingQuickConnectionStatus
/// High level state of the connection
ESteamNetworkingConnectionState m_eState;
/// Current ping (ms)
int m_nPing;
/// Connection quality measured locally, 0...1. (Percentage of packets delivered
/// end-to-end in order).
float m_flConnectionQualityLocal;
/// Packet delivery success rate as observed from remote host
float m_flConnectionQualityRemote;
/// Current data rates from recent history.
float m_flOutPacketsPerSec;
float m_flOutBytesPerSec;
float m_flInPacketsPerSec;
float m_flInBytesPerSec;
/// Estimate rate that we believe that we can send data to our peer.
/// Note that this could be significantly higher than m_flOutBytesPerSec,
/// meaning the capacity of the channel is higher than you are sending data.
/// (That's OK!)
int m_nSendRateBytesPerSecond;
/// Number of bytes pending to be sent. This is data that you have recently
/// requested to be sent but has not yet actually been put on the wire. The
/// reliable number ALSO includes data that was previously placed on the wire,
/// but has now been scheduled for re-transmission. Thus, it's possible to
/// observe m_cbPendingReliable increasing between two checks, even if no
/// calls were made to send reliable data between the checks. Data that is
/// awaiting the Nagle delay will appear in these numbers.
int m_cbPendingUnreliable;
int m_cbPendingReliable;
/// Number of bytes of reliable data that has been placed the wire, but
/// for which we have not yet received an acknowledgment, and thus we may
/// have to re-transmit.
int m_cbSentUnackedReliable;
/// If you asked us to send a message right now, how long would that message
/// sit in the queue before we actually started putting packets on the wire?
/// (And assuming Nagle does not cause any packets to be delayed.)
/// In general, data that is sent by the application is limited by the
/// bandwidth of the channel. If you send data faster than this, it must
/// be queued and put on the wire at a metered rate. Even sending a small amount
/// of data (e.g. a few MTU, say ~3k) will require some of the data to be delayed
/// a bit.
/// In general, the estimated delay will be approximately equal to
/// ( m_cbPendingUnreliable+m_cbPendingReliable ) / m_nSendRateBytesPerSecond
/// plus or minus one MTU. It depends on how much time has elapsed since the last
/// packet was put on the wire. For example, the queue might have *just* been emptied,
/// and the last packet placed on the wire, and we are exactly up against the send
/// rate limit. In that case we might need to wait for one packet's worth of time to
/// elapse before we can send again. On the other extreme, the queue might have data
/// in it waiting for Nagle. (This will always be less than one packet, because as soon
/// as we have a complete packet we would send it.) In that case, we might be ready
/// to send data now, and this value will be 0.
SteamNetworkingMicroseconds m_usecQueueTime;
/// Internal stuff, room to change API easily
uint32 reserved[16];
#pragma pack( pop )
// Network messages
/// Max size of a single message that we can SEND.
/// Note: We might be wiling to receive larger messages,
/// and our peer might, too.
const int k_cbMaxSteamNetworkingSocketsMessageSizeSend = 512 * 1024;
/// A message that has been received.
struct SteamNetworkingMessage_t
/// Message payload
void *m_pData;
/// Size of the payload.
int m_cbSize;
/// For messages received on connections: what connection did this come from?
/// For outgoing messages: what connection to send it to?
/// Not used when using the ISteamNetworkingMessages interface
HSteamNetConnection m_conn;
/// For inbound messages: Who sent this to us?
/// For outbound messages on connections: not used.
/// For outbound messages on the ad-hoc ISteamNetworkingMessages interface: who should we send this to?
SteamNetworkingIdentity m_identityPeer;
/// For messages received on connections, this is the user data
/// associated with the connection.
/// This is *usually* the same as calling GetConnection() and then
/// fetching the user data associated with that connection, but for
/// the following subtle differences:
/// - This user data will match the connection's user data at the time
/// is captured at the time the message is returned by the API.
/// If you subsequently change the userdata on the connection,
/// this won't be updated.
/// - This is an inline call, so it's *much* faster.
/// - You might have closed the connection, so fetching the user data
/// would not be possible.
/// Not used when sending messages,
int64 m_nConnUserData;
/// Local timestamp when the message was received
/// Not used for outbound messages.
SteamNetworkingMicroseconds m_usecTimeReceived;
/// Message number assigned by the sender.
/// This is not used for outbound messages
int64 m_nMessageNumber;
/// Function used to free up m_pData. This mechanism exists so that
/// apps can create messages with buffers allocated from their own
/// heap, and pass them into the library. This function will
/// usually be something like:
/// free( pMsg->m_pData );
void (*m_pfnFreeData)( SteamNetworkingMessage_t *pMsg );
/// Function to used to decrement the internal reference count and, if
/// it's zero, release the message. You should not set this function pointer,
/// or need to access this directly! Use the Release() function instead!
void (*m_pfnRelease)( SteamNetworkingMessage_t *pMsg );
/// When using ISteamNetworkingMessages, the channel number the message was received on
/// (Not used for messages sent or received on "connections")
int m_nChannel;
/// Bitmask of k_nSteamNetworkingSend_xxx flags.
/// For received messages, only the k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Reliable bit is valid.
/// For outbound messages, all bits are relevant
int m_nFlags;
/// Arbitrary user data that you can use when sending messages using
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils::AllocateMessage and ISteamNetworkingSockets::SendMessage.
/// (The callback you set in m_pfnFreeData might use this field.)
/// Not used for received messages.
int64 m_nUserData;
/// You MUST call this when you're done with the object,
/// to free up memory, etc.
inline void Release();
// For code compatibility, some accessors
#ifndef API_GEN
inline uint32 GetSize() const { return m_cbSize; }
inline const void *GetData() const { return m_pData; }
inline int GetChannel() const { return m_nChannel; }
inline HSteamNetConnection GetConnection() const { return m_conn; }
inline int64 GetConnectionUserData() const { return m_nConnUserData; }
inline SteamNetworkingMicroseconds GetTimeReceived() const { return m_usecTimeReceived; }
inline int64 GetMessageNumber() const { return m_nMessageNumber; }
// Declare destructor protected. You should never need to declare a message
// object on the stack or create one yourself.
// - You will receive a pointer to a message object when you receive messages (e.g. ISteamNetworkingSockets::ReceiveMessagesOnConnection)
// - You can allocate a message object for efficient sending using ISteamNetworkingUtils::AllocateMessage
// - Call Release() to free the object
inline ~SteamNetworkingMessage_t() {}
// Flags used to set options for message sending
// Send the message unreliably. Can be lost. Messages *can* be larger than a
// single MTU (UDP packet), but there is no retransmission, so if any piece
// of the message is lost, the entire message will be dropped.
// The sending API does have some knowledge of the underlying connection, so
// if there is no NAT-traversal accomplished or there is a recognized adjustment
// happening on the connection, the packet will be batched until the connection
// is open again.
// Migration note: This is not exactly the same as k_EP2PSendUnreliable! You
// probably want k_ESteamNetworkingSendType_UnreliableNoNagle
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Unreliable = 0;
// Disable Nagle's algorithm.
// By default, Nagle's algorithm is applied to all outbound messages. This means
// that the message will NOT be sent immediately, in case further messages are
// sent soon after you send this, which can be grouped together. Any time there
// is enough buffered data to fill a packet, the packets will be pushed out immediately,
// but partially-full packets not be sent until the Nagle timer expires. See
// ISteamNetworkingSockets::FlushMessagesOnConnection, ISteamNetworkingMessages::FlushMessagesToUser
// NOTE: Don't just send every message without Nagle because you want packets to get there
// quicker. Make sure you understand the problem that Nagle is solving before disabling it.
// If you are sending small messages, often many at the same time, then it is very likely that
// it will be more efficient to leave Nagle enabled. A typical proper use of this flag is
// when you are sending what you know will be the last message sent for a while (e.g. the last
// in the server simulation tick to a particular client), and you use this flag to flush all
// messages.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoNagle = 1;
// Send a message unreliably, bypassing Nagle's algorithm for this message and any messages
// currently pending on the Nagle timer. This is equivalent to using k_ESteamNetworkingSend_Unreliable
// and then immediately flushing the messages using ISteamNetworkingSockets::FlushMessagesOnConnection
// or ISteamNetworkingMessages::FlushMessagesToUser. (But using this flag is more efficient since you
// only make one API call.)
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_UnreliableNoNagle = k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Unreliable|k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoNagle;
// If the message cannot be sent very soon (because the connection is still doing some initial
// handshaking, route negotiations, etc), then just drop it. This is only applicable for unreliable
// messages. Using this flag on reliable messages is invalid.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoDelay = 4;
// Send an unreliable message, but if it cannot be sent relatively quickly, just drop it instead of queuing it.
// This is useful for messages that are not useful if they are excessively delayed, such as voice data.
// NOTE: The Nagle algorithm is not used, and if the message is not dropped, any messages waiting on the
// Nagle timer are immediately flushed.
// A message will be dropped under the following circumstances:
// - the connection is not fully connected. (E.g. the "Connecting" or "FindingRoute" states)
// - there is a sufficiently large number of messages queued up already such that the current message
// will not be placed on the wire in the next ~200ms or so.
// If a message is dropped for these reasons, k_EResultIgnored will be returned.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_UnreliableNoDelay = k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Unreliable|k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoDelay|k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoNagle;
// Reliable message send. Can send up to k_cbMaxSteamNetworkingSocketsMessageSizeSend bytes in a single message.
// Does fragmentation/re-assembly of messages under the hood, as well as a sliding window for
// efficient sends of large chunks of data.
// The Nagle algorithm is used. See notes on k_ESteamNetworkingSendType_Unreliable for more details.
// See k_ESteamNetworkingSendType_ReliableNoNagle, ISteamNetworkingSockets::FlushMessagesOnConnection,
// ISteamNetworkingMessages::FlushMessagesToUser
// Migration note: This is NOT the same as k_EP2PSendReliable, it's more like k_EP2PSendReliableWithBuffering
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Reliable = 8;
// Send a message reliably, but bypass Nagle's algorithm.
// Migration note: This is equivalent to k_EP2PSendReliable
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_ReliableNoNagle = k_nSteamNetworkingSend_Reliable|k_nSteamNetworkingSend_NoNagle;
// By default, message sending is queued, and the work of encryption and talking to
// the operating system sockets, etc is done on a service thread. This is usually a
// a performance win when messages are sent from the "main thread". However, if this
// flag is set, and data is ready to be sent immediately (either from this message
// or earlier queued data), then that work will be done in the current thread, before
// the current call returns. If data is not ready to be sent (due to rate limiting
// or Nagle), then this flag has no effect.
// This is an advanced flag used to control performance at a very low level. For
// most applications running on modern hardware with more than one CPU core, doing
// the work of sending on a service thread will yield the best performance. Only
// use this flag if you have a really good reason and understand what you are doing.
// Otherwise you will probably just make performance worse.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_UseCurrentThread = 16;
// When sending a message using ISteamNetworkingMessages, automatically re-establish
// a broken session, without returning k_EResultNoConnection. Without this flag,
// if you attempt to send a message, and the session was proactively closed by the
// peer, or an error occurred that disrupted communications, then you must close the
// session using ISteamNetworkingMessages::CloseSessionWithUser before attempting to
// send another message. (Or you can simply add this flag and retry.) In this way,
// the disruption cannot go unnoticed, and a more clear order of events can be
// ascertained. This is especially important when reliable messages are used, since
// if the connection is disrupted, some of those messages will not have been delivered,
// and it is in general not possible to know which. Although a
// SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed_t callback will be posted when an error occurs
// to notify you that a failure has happened, callbacks are asynchronous, so it is not
// possible to tell exactly when it happened. And because the primary purpose of
// ISteamNetworkingMessages is to be like UDP, there is no notification when a peer closes
// the session.
// If you are not using any reliable messages (e.g. you are using ISteamNetworkingMessages
// exactly as a transport replacement for UDP-style datagrams only), you may not need to
// know when an underlying connection fails, and so you may not need this notification.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingSend_AutoRestartBrokenSession = 32;
// Ping location / measurement
/// Object that describes a "location" on the Internet with sufficient
/// detail that we can reasonably estimate an upper bound on the ping between
/// the two hosts, even if a direct route between the hosts is not possible,
/// and the connection must be routed through the Steam Datagram Relay network.
/// This does not contain any information that identifies the host. Indeed,
/// if two hosts are in the same building or otherwise have nearly identical
/// networking characteristics, then it's valid to use the same location
/// object for both of them.
/// NOTE: This object should only be used in the same process! Do not serialize it,
/// send it over the wire, or persist it in a file or database! If you need
/// to do that, convert it to a string representation using the methods in
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils().
struct SteamNetworkPingLocation_t
uint8 m_data[ 512 ];
/// Max possible length of a ping location, in string format. This is
/// an extremely conservative worst case value which leaves room for future
/// syntax enhancements. Most strings in practice are a lot shorter.
/// If you are storing many of these, you will very likely benefit from
/// using dynamic memory.
const int k_cchMaxSteamNetworkingPingLocationString = 1024;
/// Special values that are returned by some functions that return a ping.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingPing_Failed = -1;
const int k_nSteamNetworkingPing_Unknown = -2;
// Configuration values
/// Configuration values can be applied to different types of objects.
enum ESteamNetworkingConfigScope
/// Get/set global option, or defaults. Even options that apply to more specific scopes
/// have global scope, and you may be able to just change the global defaults. If you
/// need different settings per connection (for example), then you will need to set those
/// options at the more specific scope.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Global = 1,
/// Some options are specific to a particular interface. Note that all connection
/// and listen socket settings can also be set at the interface level, and they will
/// apply to objects created through those interfaces.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SocketsInterface = 2,
/// Options for a listen socket. Listen socket options can be set at the interface layer,
/// if you have multiple listen sockets and they all use the same options.
/// You can also set connection options on a listen socket, and they set the defaults
/// for all connections accepted through this listen socket. (They will be used if you don't
/// set a connection option.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_ListenSocket = 3,
/// Options for a specific connection.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Connection = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigScope__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Different configuration values have different data types
enum ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int32 = 1,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int64 = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Float = 3,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_String = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Ptr = 5,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Configuration options
enum ESteamNetworkingConfigValue
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Invalid = 0,
/// [global float, 0--100] Randomly discard N pct of packets instead of sending/recv
/// This is a global option only, since it is applied at a low level
/// where we don't have much context
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Send = 2,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLoss_Recv = 3,
/// [global int32]. Delay all outbound/inbound packets by N ms
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Send = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketLag_Recv = 5,
/// [global float] 0-100 Percentage of packets we will add additional delay
/// to (causing them to be reordered)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Send = 6,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Recv = 7,
/// [global int32] Extra delay, in ms, to apply to reordered packets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketReorder_Time = 8,
/// [global float 0--100] Globally duplicate some percentage of packets we send
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Send = 26,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_Recv = 27,
/// [global int32] Amount of delay, in ms, to delay duplicated packets.
/// (We chose a random delay between 0 and this value)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_FakePacketDup_TimeMax = 28,
/// [connection int32] Timeout value (in ms) to use when first connecting
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_TimeoutInitial = 24,
/// [connection int32] Timeout value (in ms) to use after connection is established
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_TimeoutConnected = 25,
/// [connection int32] Upper limit of buffered pending bytes to be sent,
/// if this is reached SendMessage will return k_EResultLimitExceeded
/// Default is 512k (524288 bytes)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendBufferSize = 9,
/// [connection int32] Minimum/maximum send rate clamp, 0 is no limit.
/// This value will control the min/max allowed sending rate that
/// bandwidth estimation is allowed to reach. Default is 0 (no-limit)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendRateMin = 10,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SendRateMax = 11,
/// [connection int32] Nagle time, in microseconds. When SendMessage is called, if
/// the outgoing message is less than the size of the MTU, it will be
/// queued for a delay equal to the Nagle timer value. This is to ensure
/// that if the application sends several small messages rapidly, they are
/// coalesced into a single packet.
/// See historical RFC 896. Value is in microseconds.
/// Default is 5000us (5ms).
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_NagleTime = 12,
/// [connection int32] Don't automatically fail IP connections that don't have
/// strong auth. On clients, this means we will attempt the connection even if
/// we don't know our identity or can't get a cert. On the server, it means that
/// we won't automatically reject a connection due to a failure to authenticate.
/// (You can examine the incoming connection and decide whether to accept it.)
/// This is a dev configuration value, and you should not let users modify it in
/// production.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_IP_AllowWithoutAuth = 23,
/// [connection int32] Do not send UDP packets with a payload of
/// larger than N bytes. If you set this, k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_DataSize
/// is automatically adjusted
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_PacketSize = 32,
/// [connection int32] (read only) Maximum message size you can send that
/// will not fragment, based on k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_PacketSize
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_MTU_DataSize = 33,
/// [connection int32] Allow unencrypted (and unauthenticated) communication.
/// 0: Not allowed (the default)
/// 1: Allowed, but prefer encrypted
/// 2: Allowed, and preferred
/// 3: Required. (Fail the connection if the peer requires encryption.)
/// This is a dev configuration value, since its purpose is to disable encryption.
/// You should not let users modify it in production. (But note that it requires
/// the peer to also modify their value in order for encryption to be disabled.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Unencrypted = 34,
/// [global int32] 0 or 1. Some variables are "dev" variables. They are useful
/// for debugging, but should not be adjusted in production. When this flag is false (the default),
/// such variables will not be enumerated by the ISteamnetworkingUtils::GetFirstConfigValue
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils::GetConfigValueInfo functions. The idea here is that you
/// can use those functions to provide a generic mechanism to set any configuration
/// value from a console or configuration file, looking up the variable by name. Depending
/// on your game, modifying other configuration values may also have negative effects, and
/// you may wish to further lock down which variables are allowed to be modified by the user.
/// (Maybe no variables!) Or maybe you use a whitelist or blacklist approach.
/// (This flag is itself a dev variable.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_EnumerateDevVars = 35,
/// [connection int32] Set this to 1 on outbound connections and listen sockets,
/// to enable "symmetric connect mode", which is useful in the following
/// common peer-to-peer use case:
/// - The two peers are "equal" to each other. (Neither is clearly the "client"
/// or "server".)
/// - Either peer may initiate the connection, and indeed they may do this
/// at the same time
/// - The peers only desire a single connection to each other, and if both
/// peers initiate connections simultaneously, a protocol is needed for them
/// to resolve the conflict, so that we end up with a single connection.
/// This use case is both common, and involves subtle race conditions and tricky
/// pitfalls, which is why the API has support for dealing with it.
/// If an incoming connection arrives on a listen socket or via custom signaling,
/// and the application has not attempted to make a matching outbound connection
/// in symmetric mode, then the incoming connection can be accepted as usual.
/// A "matching" connection means that the relevant endpoint information matches.
/// (At the time this comment is being written, this is only supported for P2P
/// connections, which means that the peer identities must match, and the virtual
/// port must match. At a later time, symmetric mode may be supported for other
/// connection types.)
/// If connections are initiated by both peers simultaneously, race conditions
/// can arise, but fortunately, most of them are handled internally and do not
/// require any special awareness from the application. However, there
/// is one important case that application code must be aware of:
/// If application code attempts an outbound connection using a ConnectXxx
/// function in symmetric mode, and a matching incoming connection is already
/// waiting on a listen socket, then instead of forming a new connection,
/// the ConnectXxx call will accept the existing incoming connection, and return
/// a connection handle to this accepted connection.
/// IMPORTANT: in this case, a SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t
/// has probably *already* been posted to the queue for the incoming connection!
/// (Once callbacks are posted to the queue, they are not modified.) It doesn't
/// matter if the callback has not been consumed by the app. Thus, application
/// code that makes use of symmetric connections must be aware that, when processing a
/// SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t for an incoming connection, the
/// m_hConn may refer to a new connection that the app has has not
/// seen before (the usual case), but it may also refer to a connection that
/// has already been accepted implicitly through a call to Connect()! In this
/// case, AcceptConnection() will return k_EResultDuplicateRequest.
/// Only one symmetric connection to a given peer (on a given virtual port)
/// may exist at any given time. If client code attempts to create a connection,
/// and a (live) connection already exists on the local host, then either the
/// existing connection will be accepted as described above, or the attempt
/// to create a new connection will fail. Furthermore, linger mode functionality
/// is not supported on symmetric connections.
/// A more complicated race condition can arise if both peers initiate a connection
/// at roughly the same time. In this situation, each peer will receive an incoming
/// connection from the other peer, when the application code has already initiated
/// an outgoing connection to that peer. The peers must resolve this conflict and
/// decide who is going to act as the "server" and who will act as the "client".
/// Typically the application does not need to be aware of this case as it is handled
/// internally. On both sides, the will observe their outbound connection being
/// "accepted", although one of them one have been converted internally to act
/// as the "server".
/// In general, symmetric mode should be all-or-nothing: do not mix symmetric
/// connections with a non-symmetric connection that it might possible "match"
/// with. If you use symmetric mode on any connections, then both peers should
/// use it on all connections, and the corresponding listen socket, if any. The
/// behaviour when symmetric and ordinary connections are mixed is not defined by
/// this API, and you should not rely on it. (This advice only applies when connections
/// might possibly "match". For example, it's OK to use all symmetric mode
/// connections on one virtual port, and all ordinary, non-symmetric connections
/// on a different virtual port, as there is no potential for ambiguity.)
/// When using the feature, you should set it in the following situations on
/// applicable objects:
/// - When creating an outbound connection using ConnectXxx function
/// - When creating a listen socket. (Note that this will automatically cause
/// any accepted connections to inherit the flag.)
/// - When using custom signaling, before accepting an incoming connection.
/// Setting the flag on listen socket and accepted connections will enable the
/// API to automatically deal with duplicate incoming connections, even if the
/// local host has not made any outbound requests. (In general, such duplicate
/// requests from a peer are ignored internally and will not be visible to the
/// application code. The previous connection must be closed or resolved first.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SymmetricConnect = 37,
/// [connection int32] For connection types that use "virtual ports", this can be used
/// to assign a local virtual port. For incoming connections, this will always be the
/// virtual port of the listen socket (or the port requested by the remote host if custom
/// signaling is used and the connection is accepted), and cannot be changed. For
/// connections initiated locally, the local virtual port will default to the same as the
/// requested remote virtual port, if you do not specify a different option when creating
/// the connection. The local port is only relevant for symmetric connections, when
/// determining if two connections "match." In this case, if you need the local and remote
/// port to differ, you can set this value.
/// You can also read back this value on listen sockets.
/// This value should not be read or written in any other context.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LocalVirtualPort = 38,
// Callbacks
// On Steam, you may use the default Steam callback dispatch mechanism. If you prefer
// to not use this dispatch mechanism (or you are not running with Steam), or you want
// to associate specific functions with specific listen sockets or connections, you can
// register them as configuration values.
// Note also that ISteamNetworkingUtils has some helpers to set these globally.
/// [connection FnSteamNetConnectionStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when the state of a connection changes.
/// IMPORTANT: callbacks are dispatched to the handler that is in effect at the time
/// the event occurs, which might be in another thread. For example, immediately after
/// creating a listen socket, you may receive an incoming connection. And then immediately
/// after this, the remote host may close the connection. All of this could happen
/// before the function to create the listen socket has returned. For this reason,
/// callbacks usually must be in effect at the time of object creation. This means
/// you should set them when you are creating the listen socket or connection, or have
/// them in effect so they will be inherited at the time of object creation.
/// For example:
/// exterm void MyStatusChangedFunc( SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t *info );
/// SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t opt; opt.SetPtr( k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_ConnectionStatusChanged, MyStatusChangedFunc );
/// SteamNetworkingIPAddr localAddress; localAddress.Clear();
/// HSteamListenSocket hListenSock = SteamNetworkingSockets()->CreateListenSocketIP( localAddress, 1, &opt );
/// When accepting an incoming connection, there is no atomic way to switch the
/// callback. However, if the connection is DOA, AcceptConnection() will fail, and
/// you can fetch the state of the connection at that time.
/// If all connections and listen sockets can use the same callback, the simplest
/// method is to set it globally before you create any listen sockets or connections.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_ConnectionStatusChanged = 201,
/// [global FnSteamNetAuthenticationStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when our auth state changes. If you use this, install the callback before creating
/// any connections or listen sockets, and don't change it.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_SteamNetAuthenticationStatusChanged
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_AuthStatusChanged = 202,
/// [global FnSteamRelayNetworkStatusChanged] Callback that will be invoked
/// when our auth state changes. If you use this, install the callback before creating
/// any connections or listen sockets, and don't change it.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_SteamRelayNetworkStatusChanged
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_RelayNetworkStatusChanged = 203,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest] Callback that will be invoked
/// when a peer wants to initiate a SteamNetworkingMessagesSessionRequest.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_MessagesSessionRequest
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_MessagesSessionRequest = 204,
/// [global FnSteamNetworkingMessagesSessionFailed] Callback that will be invoked
/// when a session you have initiated, or accepted either fails to connect, or loses
/// connection in some unexpected way.
/// See: ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetGlobalCallback_MessagesSessionFailed
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Callback_MessagesSessionFailed = 205,
// P2P settings
// /// [listen socket int32] When you create a P2P listen socket, we will automatically
// /// open up a UDP port to listen for LAN connections. LAN connections can be made
// /// without any signaling: both sides can be disconnected from the Internet.
// ///
// /// This value can be set to zero to disable the feature.
// k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Discovery_Server_LocalPort = 101,
// /// [connection int32] P2P connections can perform broadcasts looking for the peer
// /// on the LAN.
// k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Discovery_Client_RemotePort = 102,
/// [connection string] Comma-separated list of STUN servers that can be used
/// for NAT piercing. If you set this to an empty string, NAT piercing will
/// not be attempted. Also if "public" candidates are not allowed for
/// P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable, then this is ignored.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_STUN_ServerList = 103,
/// [connection int32] What types of ICE candidates to share with the peer.
/// See k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_xxx values
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable = 104,
/// [connection int32] When selecting P2P transport, add various
/// penalties to the scores for selected transports. (Route selection
/// scores are on a scale of milliseconds. The score begins with the
/// route ping time and is then adjusted.)
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Penalty = 105,
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_SDR_Penalty = 106,
//k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_LANBeacon_Penalty = 107,
// Settings for SDR relayed connections
/// [int32 global] If the first N pings to a port all fail, mark that port as unavailable for
/// a while, and try a different one. Some ISPs and routers may drop the first
/// packet, so setting this to 1 may greatly disrupt communications.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFailInitial = 19,
/// [int32 global] If N consecutive pings to a port fail, after having received successful
/// communication, mark that port as unavailable for a while, and try a
/// different one.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ConsecutitivePingTimeoutsFail = 20,
/// [int32 global] Minimum number of lifetime pings we need to send, before we think our estimate
/// is solid. The first ping to each cluster is very often delayed because of NAT,
/// routers not having the best route, etc. Until we've sent a sufficient number
/// of pings, our estimate is often inaccurate. Keep pinging until we get this
/// many pings.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_MinPingsBeforePingAccurate = 21,
/// [int32 global] Set all steam datagram traffic to originate from the same
/// local port. By default, we open up a new UDP socket (on a different local
/// port) for each relay. This is slightly less optimal, but it works around
/// some routers that don't implement NAT properly. If you have intermittent
/// problems talking to relays that might be NAT related, try toggling
/// this flag
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_SingleSocket = 22,
/// [global string] Code of relay cluster to force use. If not empty, we will
/// only use relays in that cluster. E.g. 'iad'
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster = 29,
/// [connection string] For debugging, generate our own (unsigned) ticket, using
/// the specified gameserver address. Router must be configured to accept unsigned
/// tickets.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_DebugTicketAddress = 30,
/// [global string] For debugging. Override list of relays from the config with
/// this set (maybe just one). Comma-separated list.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_ForceProxyAddr = 31,
/// [global string] For debugging. Force ping times to clusters to be the specified
/// values. A comma separated list of <cluster>=<ms> values. E.g. "sto=32,iad=100"
/// This is a dev configuration value, you probably should not let users modify it
/// in production.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_SDRClient_FakeClusterPing = 36,
// Log levels for debugging information of various subsystems.
// Higher numeric values will cause more stuff to be printed.
// See ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetDebugOutputFunction for more
// information
// The default for all values is k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Warning.
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_AckRTT = 13, // [connection int32] RTT calculations for inline pings and replies
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_PacketDecode = 14, // [connection int32] log SNP packets send/recv
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_Message = 15, // [connection int32] log each message send/recv
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_PacketGaps = 16, // [connection int32] dropped packets
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_P2PRendezvous = 17, // [connection int32] P2P rendezvous messages
k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_LogLevel_SDRRelayPings = 18, // [global int32] Ping relays
k_ESteamNetworkingConfigValue__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Bitmask of types to share
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_Default = -1; // Special value - use user defaults
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_Disable = 0; // Do not do any ICE work at all or share any IP addresses with peer
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_Relay = 1; // Relayed connection via TURN server.
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_Private = 2; // host addresses that appear to be link-local or RFC1918 addresses
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_Public = 4; // STUN reflexive addresses, or host address that isn't a "private" address
const int k_nSteamNetworkingConfig_P2P_Transport_ICE_Enable_All = 0x7fffffff;
/// In a few places we need to set configuration options on listen sockets and connections, and
/// have them take effect *before* the listen socket or connection really starts doing anything.
/// Creating the object and then setting the options "immediately" after creation doesn't work
/// completely, because network packets could be received between the time the object is created and
/// when the options are applied. To set options at creation time in a reliable way, they must be
/// passed to the creation function. This structure is used to pass those options.
/// For the meaning of these fields, see ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetConfigValue. Basically
/// when the object is created, we just iterate over the list of options and call
/// ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetConfigValueStruct, where the scope arguments are supplied by the
/// object being created.
struct SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t
/// Which option is being set
ESteamNetworkingConfigValue m_eValue;
/// Which field below did you fill in?
ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType m_eDataType;
/// Option value
int32_t m_int32;
int64_t m_int64;
float m_float;
const char *m_string; // Points to your '\0'-terminated buffer
void *m_ptr;
} m_val;
// Shortcut helpers to set the type and value in a single call
inline void SetInt32( ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eVal, int32_t data )
m_eValue = eVal;
m_eDataType = k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int32;
m_val.m_int32 = data;
inline void SetInt64( ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eVal, int64_t data )
m_eValue = eVal;
m_eDataType = k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Int64;
m_val.m_int64 = data;
inline void SetFloat( ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eVal, float data )
m_eValue = eVal;
m_eDataType = k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Float;
m_val.m_float = data;
inline void SetPtr( ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eVal, void *data )
m_eValue = eVal;
m_eDataType = k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Ptr;
m_val.m_ptr = data;
inline void SetString( ESteamNetworkingConfigValue eVal, const char *data ) // WARNING - Just saves your pointer. Does NOT make a copy of the string
m_eValue = eVal;
m_eDataType = k_ESteamNetworkingConfig_Ptr;
m_val.m_string = data;
/// Return value of ISteamNetworkintgUtils::GetConfigValue
enum ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValueResult
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BadValue = -1, // No such configuration value
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BadScopeObj = -2, // Bad connection handle, etc
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_BufferTooSmall = -3, // Couldn't fit the result in your buffer
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_OK = 1,
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValue_OKInherited = 2, // A value was not set at this level, but the effective (inherited) value was returned.
k_ESteamNetworkingGetConfigValueResult__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
// Debug output
/// Detail level for diagnostic output callback.
/// See ISteamNetworkingUtils::SetDebugOutputFunction
enum ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_None = 0,
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Bug = 1, // You used the API incorrectly, or an internal error happened
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Error = 2, // Run-time error condition that isn't the result of a bug. (E.g. we are offline, cannot bind a port, etc)
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Important = 3, // Nothing is wrong, but this is an important notification
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Warning = 4,
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Msg = 5, // Recommended amount
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Verbose = 6, // Quite a bit
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Debug = 7, // Practically everything
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Everything = 8, // Wall of text, detailed packet contents breakdown, etc
k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType__Force32Bit = 0x7fffffff
/// Setup callback for debug output, and the desired verbosity you want.
typedef void (*FSteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutput)( ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType nType, const char *pszMsg );
// Valve data centers
/// Convert 3- or 4-character ID to 32-bit int.
inline SteamNetworkingPOPID CalculateSteamNetworkingPOPIDFromString( const char *pszCode )
// OK we made a bad decision when we decided how to pack 3-character codes into a uint32. We'd like to support
// 4-character codes, but we don't want to break compatibility. The migration path has some subtleties that make
// this nontrivial, and there are already some IDs stored in SQL. Ug, so the 4 character code "abcd" will
// be encoded with the digits like "0xddaabbcc".
// Also: we don't currently use 1- or 2-character codes, but if ever do in the future, let's make sure don't read
// past the end of the string and access uninitialized memory. (And if the string is empty, we always want
// to return 0 and not read bytes past the '\0'.)
// There is also extra paranoia to make sure the bytes are not treated as signed.
SteamNetworkingPOPID result = (uint32)(uint8)pszCode[0] << 16U;
if ( pszCode[1] )
result |= ( (uint32)(uint8)pszCode[1] << 8U );
if ( pszCode[2] )
result |= (uint32)(uint8)pszCode[2] | ( (uint32)(uint8)pszCode[3] << 24U );
return result;
/// Unpack integer to string representation, including terminating '\0'
/// See also SteamNetworkingPOPIDRender
template <int N>
inline void GetSteamNetworkingLocationPOPStringFromID( SteamNetworkingPOPID id, char (&szCode)[N] )
static_assert( N >= 5, "Fixed-size buffer not big enough to hold SDR POP ID" );
szCode[0] = char( id >> 16U );
szCode[1] = char( id >> 8U );
szCode[2] = char( id );
szCode[3] = char( id >> 24U ); // See comment above about deep regret and sadness
szCode[4] = 0;
/// The POPID "dev" is used in non-production environments for testing.
const SteamNetworkingPOPID k_SteamDatagramPOPID_dev = ( (uint32)'d' << 16U ) | ( (uint32)'e' << 8U ) | (uint32)'v';
/// Utility class for printing a SteamNetworkingPOPID.
struct SteamNetworkingPOPIDRender
SteamNetworkingPOPIDRender( SteamNetworkingPOPID x ) { GetSteamNetworkingLocationPOPStringFromID( x, buf ); }
inline const char *c_str() const { return buf; }
char buf[ 8 ];
// Internal stuff
#ifndef API_GEN
// For code compatibility
typedef SteamNetworkingMessage_t ISteamNetworkingMessage;
typedef SteamNetworkingErrMsg SteamDatagramErrMsg;
#if 0
inline void SteamNetworkingIPAddr::Clear() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr::IsIPv6AllZeros() const { const uint64 *q = (const uint64 *)m_ipv6; return q[0] == 0 && q[1] == 0; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIPAddr::SetIPv6( const uint8 *ipv6, uint16 nPort ) { memcpy( m_ipv6, ipv6, 16 ); m_port = nPort; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIPAddr::SetIPv4( uint32 nIP, uint16 nPort ) { m_ipv4.m_8zeros = 0; m_ipv4.m_0000 = 0; m_ipv4.m_ffff = 0xffff; m_ipv4.m_ip[0] = uint8(nIP>>24); m_ipv4.m_ip[1] = uint8(nIP>>16); m_ipv4.m_ip[2] = uint8(nIP>>8); m_ipv4.m_ip[3] = uint8(nIP); m_port = nPort; }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr::IsIPv4() const { return m_ipv4.m_8zeros == 0 && m_ipv4.m_0000 == 0 && m_ipv4.m_ffff == 0xffff; }
inline uint32 SteamNetworkingIPAddr::GetIPv4() const { return IsIPv4() ? ( (uint32(m_ipv4.m_ip[0])<<24) | (uint32(m_ipv4.m_ip[1])<<16) | (uint32(m_ipv4.m_ip[2])<<8) | uint32(m_ipv4.m_ip[3]) ) : 0; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIPAddr::SetIPv6LocalHost( uint16 nPort ) { m_ipv4.m_8zeros = 0; m_ipv4.m_0000 = 0; m_ipv4.m_ffff = 0; m_ipv6[12] = 0; m_ipv6[13] = 0; m_ipv6[14] = 0; m_ipv6[15] = 1; m_port = nPort; }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr::IsLocalHost() const { return ( m_ipv4.m_8zeros == 0 && m_ipv4.m_0000 == 0 && m_ipv4.m_ffff == 0 && m_ipv6[12] == 0 && m_ipv6[13] == 0 && m_ipv6[14] == 0 && m_ipv6[15] == 1 ) || ( GetIPv4() == 0x7f000001 ); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr::operator==(const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &x ) const { return memcmp( this, &x, sizeof(SteamNetworkingIPAddr) ) == 0; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::Clear() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::IsInvalid() const { return m_eType == k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_Invalid; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetSteamID( CSteamID steamID ) { SetSteamID64( steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); }
inline CSteamID SteamNetworkingIdentity::GetSteamID() const { return CSteamID( GetSteamID64() ); }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetSteamID64( uint64 steamID ) { m_eType = k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_SteamID; m_cbSize = sizeof( m_steamID64 ); m_steamID64 = steamID; }
inline uint64 SteamNetworkingIdentity::GetSteamID64() const { return m_eType == k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_SteamID ? m_steamID64 : 0; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetIPAddr( const SteamNetworkingIPAddr &addr ) { m_eType = k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress; m_cbSize = (int)sizeof(m_ip); m_ip = addr; }
inline const SteamNetworkingIPAddr *SteamNetworkingIdentity::GetIPAddr() const { return m_eType == k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress ? &m_ip : NULL; }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetLocalHost() { m_eType = k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress; m_cbSize = (int)sizeof(m_ip); m_ip.SetIPv6LocalHost(); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::IsLocalHost() const { return m_eType == k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_IPAddress && m_ip.IsLocalHost(); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetGenericString( const char *pszString ) { size_t l = strlen( pszString ); if ( l >= sizeof(m_szGenericString) ) return false;
m_eType = k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericString; m_cbSize = int(l+1); memcpy( m_szGenericString, pszString, m_cbSize ); return true; }
inline const char *SteamNetworkingIdentity::GetGenericString() const { return m_eType == k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericString ? m_szGenericString : NULL; }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::SetGenericBytes( const void *data, size_t cbLen ) { if ( cbLen > sizeof(m_genericBytes) ) return false;
m_eType = k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericBytes; m_cbSize = int(cbLen); memcpy( m_genericBytes, data, m_cbSize ); return true; }
inline const uint8 *SteamNetworkingIdentity::GetGenericBytes( int &cbLen ) const { if ( m_eType != k_ESteamNetworkingIdentityType_GenericBytes ) return NULL;
cbLen = m_cbSize; return m_genericBytes; }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::operator==(const SteamNetworkingIdentity &x ) const { return m_eType == x.m_eType && m_cbSize == x.m_cbSize && memcmp( m_genericBytes, x.m_genericBytes, m_cbSize ) == 0; }
inline void SteamNetworkingMessage_t::Release() { (*m_pfnRelease)( this ); }
STEAMNETWORKINGSOCKETS_INTERFACE void SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ToString( const SteamNetworkingIPAddr *pAddr, char *buf, size_t cbBuf, bool bWithPort );
STEAMNETWORKINGSOCKETS_INTERFACE bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ParseString( SteamNetworkingIPAddr *pAddr, const char *pszStr );
STEAMNETWORKINGSOCKETS_INTERFACE void SteamNetworkingIdentity_ToString( const SteamNetworkingIdentity *pIdentity, char *buf, size_t cbBuf );
STEAMNETWORKINGSOCKETS_INTERFACE bool SteamNetworkingIdentity_ParseString( SteamNetworkingIdentity *pIdentity, size_t sizeofIdentity, const char *pszStr );
inline void SteamNetworkingIPAddr::ToString( char *buf, size_t cbBuf, bool bWithPort ) const { SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ToString( this, buf, cbBuf, bWithPort ); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIPAddr::ParseString( const char *pszStr ) { return SteamNetworkingIPAddr_ParseString( this, pszStr ); }
inline void SteamNetworkingIdentity::ToString( char *buf, size_t cbBuf ) const { SteamNetworkingIdentity_ToString( this, buf, cbBuf ); }
inline bool SteamNetworkingIdentity::ParseString( const char *pszStr ) { return SteamNetworkingIdentity_ParseString( this, sizeof(*this), pszStr ); }
#endif // #ifndef API_GEN