the_fiddler 11261553ea Removed Move event from IMouse (too inefficient). Polled input only.
S04 now polls for the mouse position.
Keyboard now handles events generated from code and not from physical devices.
2007-09-21 22:49:42 +00:00

381 lines
15 KiB

#region --- License ---
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos
* See license.txt for license info
#region --- Using directives ---
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
internal class WinRawKeyboard : IKeyboardDriver, IDisposable
private List<Keyboard> keyboards = new List<Keyboard>();
private IntPtr window;
#region internal static Dictionary<VirtualKeys, Input.Key> KeyMap
internal static Dictionary<VirtualKeys, Input.Key> KeyMap =
new Dictionary<VirtualKeys, Input.Key>((int)VirtualKeys.Last);
private static bool keyMapExists;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the map between VirtualKeys and OpenTK.Key
/// </summary>
private static void InitKeyMap()
if (!keyMapExists)
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.ESCAPE, Key.Escape);
// Function keys
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
KeyMap.Add((VirtualKeys)((int)VirtualKeys.F1 + i), Key.F1 + i);
// Number keys (0-9)
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
KeyMap.Add((VirtualKeys)(0x30 + i), Key.Number0 + i);
// Letters (A-Z)
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++)
KeyMap.Add((VirtualKeys)(0x41 + i), Key.A + i);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.TAB, Key.Tab);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.CAPITAL, Key.CapsLock);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.LCONTROL, Key.ControlLeft);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.LSHIFT, Key.ShiftLeft);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.LWIN, Key.WinLeft);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.LMENU, Key.AltLeft);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.SPACE, Key.Space);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RMENU, Key.AltRight);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RWIN, Key.WinRight);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.APPS, Key.Menu);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RCONTROL, Key.ControlRight);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RSHIFT, Key.ShiftRight);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RETURN, Key.Enter);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.BACK, Key.BackSpace);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_1, Key.Semicolon); // Varies by keyboard, ;: on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_2, Key.Slash); // Varies by keyboard, /? on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_3, Key.Tilde); // Varies by keyboard, `~ on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_4, Key.BracketLeft); // Varies by keyboard, [{ on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_5, Key.BackSlash); // Varies by keyboard, \| on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_6, Key.BracketRight); // Varies by keyboard, ]} on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_7, Key.Quote); // Varies by keyboard, '" on Win2K/US
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_PLUS, Key.Plus); // Invariant: +
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_COMMA, Key.Comma); // Invariant: ,
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_MINUS, Key.Minus); // Invariant: -
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.OEM_PERIOD, Key.Period); // Invariant: .
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.HOME, Key.Home);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.END, Key.End);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.DELETE, Key.Delete);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.PRIOR, Key.PageUp);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.NEXT, Key.PageDown);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.PRINT, Key.PrintScreen);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.PAUSE, Key.Pause);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.NUMLOCK, Key.NumLock);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.SCROLL, Key.ScrollLock);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.SNAPSHOT, Key.PrintScreen);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.CLEAR, Key.Clear);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.INSERT, Key.Insert);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.SLEEP, Key.Sleep);
// Keypad
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
KeyMap.Add((VirtualKeys)((int)VirtualKeys.NUMPAD0 + i), Key.Keypad0 + i);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.DECIMAL, Key.KeypadDecimal);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.ADD, Key.KeypadAdd);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.SUBTRACT, Key.KeypadSubtract);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.DIVIDE, Key.KeypadDivide);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.MULTIPLY, Key.KeypadMultiply);
// Navigation
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.UP, Key.Up);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.DOWN, Key.Down);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.LEFT, Key.Left);
KeyMap.Add(VirtualKeys.RIGHT, Key.Right);
catch (ArgumentException e)
Debug.Print("Exception while creating keymap: '{0}'.", e.ToString());
String.Format("Exception while creating keymap: '{0}'.", e.ToString()));
keyMapExists = true;
#region --- Constructors ---
internal WinRawKeyboard()
: this(IntPtr.Zero)
internal WinRawKeyboard(IntPtr windowHandle)
Debug.WriteLine("Initializing keyboard driver (WinRawKeyboard).");
this.window = windowHandle;
#region internal static void UpdateKeyboardList()
internal void UpdateKeyboardList()
int count = WinRawInput.DeviceCount;
RawInputDeviceList[] ridl = new RawInputDeviceList[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
ridl[i] = new RawInputDeviceList();
API.GetRawInputDeviceList(ridl, ref count, API.RawInputDeviceListSize);
// Discover keyboard devices:
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
uint size = 0;
API.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICENAME, IntPtr.Zero, ref size);
IntPtr name_ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((IntPtr)size);
API.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICENAME, name_ptr, ref size);
string name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(name_ptr);
if (name.ToLower().Contains("root"))
// This is a terminal services device, skip it.
else if (ridl[i].Type == RawInputDeviceType.KEYBOARD || ridl[i].Type == RawInputDeviceType.HID)
// This is a keyboard or USB keyboard device. In the latter case, discover if it really is a
// keyboard device by qeurying the registry.
// remove the \??\
name = name.Substring(4);
string[] split = name.Split('#');
string id_01 = split[0]; // ACPI (Class code)
string id_02 = split[1]; // PNP0303 (SubClass code)
string id_03 = split[2]; // 3&13c0b0c5&0 (Protocol code)
// The final part is the class GUID and is not needed here
string findme = string.Format(
id_01, id_02, id_03);
RegistryKey regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(findme);
string deviceDesc =
string deviceClass =
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceClass) && deviceClass.ToLower().Equals("keyboard"))
Keyboard kb = new Keyboard();
kb.Description = deviceDesc;
// Register the keyboard:
RawInputDeviceInfo info = new RawInputDeviceInfo();
int devInfoSize = API.RawInputDeviceInfoSize;
API.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ridl[i].Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.DEVICEINFO,
info, ref devInfoSize);
kb.NumberOfLeds = info.Device.Keyboard.NumberOfIndicators;
kb.NumberOfFunctionKeys = info.Device.Keyboard.NumberOfFunctionKeys;
kb.NumberOfKeys = info.Device.Keyboard.NumberOfKeysTotal;
//kb.DeviceID = (info.Device.Keyboard.Type << 32) + info.Device.Keyboard.SubType;
kb.DeviceID = ridl[i].Device;
//if (!keyboards.Contains(kb))
#region internal void RegisterKeyboardDevice(Keyboard kb)
internal void RegisterKeyboardDevice(Keyboard kb)
RawInputDevice[] rid = new RawInputDevice[1];
// Keyboard is 1/6 (page/id). See
rid[0] = new RawInputDevice();
rid[0].UsagePage = 1;
rid[0].Usage = 6;
rid[0].Flags = RawInputDeviceFlags.INPUTSINK;
rid[0].Target = window;
if (!API.RegisterRawInputDevices(rid, 1, API.RawInputDeviceSize))
throw new ApplicationException(
"Raw input registration failed with error: {0}. Device: {1}",
Debug.Print("Registered keyboard {0}", kb.ToString());
#region internal bool ProcessKeyboardEvent(API.RawInput rin)
/// <summary>
/// Processes raw input events.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rin"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool ProcessKeyboardEvent(RawInput rin)
//Keyboard key = keyboards[0];
switch (rin.Header.Type)
case RawInputDeviceType.KEYBOARD:
bool pressed =
rin.Data.Keyboard.Message == (int)WindowMessage.KEYDOWN ||
rin.Data.Keyboard.Message == (int)WindowMessage.SYSKEYDOWN;
// Find the device where the button was pressed. It can be that the input notification
// came not from a physical keyboard device but from a code-generated input message - in
// that case, the event goes to the default (first) keyboard.
// TODO: Send the event to all keyboards instead of the default one.
int index = keyboards.FindIndex(delegate(Keyboard kb)
return kb.DeviceID == rin.Header.Device;
if (index == -1) index = 0;
// Generic control, shift, alt keys may be sent instead of left/right.
// It seems you have to explicitly register left/right events.
switch (rin.Data.Keyboard.VKey)
case VirtualKeys.SHIFT:
keyboards[index][Input.Key.ShiftLeft] = keyboards[index][Input.Key.ShiftRight] = pressed;
return true;
case VirtualKeys.CONTROL:
keyboards[index][Input.Key.ControlLeft] = keyboards[index][Input.Key.ControlRight] = pressed;
return true;
case VirtualKeys.MENU:
keyboards[index][Input.Key.AltLeft] = keyboards[index][Input.Key.AltRight] = pressed;
return true;
if (!WinRawKeyboard.KeyMap.ContainsKey(rin.Data.Keyboard.VKey))
Debug.Print("Virtual key {0} ({1}) not mapped.",
rin.Data.Keyboard.VKey, (int)rin.Data.Keyboard.VKey);
keyboards[index][WinRawKeyboard.KeyMap[rin.Data.Keyboard.VKey]] = pressed;
return false;
throw new ApplicationException("Windows raw keyboard driver received invalid data.");
#region --- IInputDevice Members ---
public string Description
get { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); }
public Input.InputDeviceType DeviceType
get { return Input.InputDeviceType.Keyboard; }
#region --- IKeyboardDriver Members ---
public IList<Keyboard> Keyboard
get { return keyboards; }
#region --- IDisposable Members ---
private bool disposed;
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool manual)
if (!disposed)
if (manual)
disposed = true;