#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008 The Open Toolkit library. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #endregion using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace OpenTK { /// /// 3-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 6 Byte total. /// [Serializable, StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct Vector3h : ISerializable, IEquatable { #region Public Fields /// The X component of the Half3. public Half X; /// The Y component of the Half3. public Half Y; /// The Z component of the Half3. public Half Z; #endregion Public Fields #region Constructors /// /// Constructs a new instance. /// /// The value that will initialize this instance. public Vector3h(Half value) { X = value; Y = value; Z = value; } /// /// Constructs a new instance. /// /// The value that will initialize this instance. public Vector3h(Single value) { X = new Half(value); Y = new Half(value); Z = new Half(value); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will avoid conversion and copy directly from the Half parameters. /// /// An Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number. /// An Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number. /// An Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number. public Vector3h(Half x, Half y, Half z) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z; } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the 3 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. public Vector3h(Single x, Single y, Single z) { X = new Half(x); Y = new Half(y); Z = new Half(z); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the 3 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. /// 32-bit single-precision floating-point number. /// Enable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful. public Vector3h(Single x, Single y, Single z, bool throwOnError) { X = new Half(x, throwOnError); Y = new Half(y, throwOnError); Z = new Half(z, throwOnError); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3 [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(Vector3 v) { X = new Half(v.X); Y = new Half(v.Y); Z = new Half(v.Z); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3 /// Enable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful. [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(Vector3 v, bool throwOnError) { X = new Half(v.X, throwOnError); Y = new Half(v.Y, throwOnError); Z = new Half(v.Z, throwOnError); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// This is the fastest constructor. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3 public Vector3h(ref Vector3 v) { X = new Half(v.X); Y = new Half(v.Y); Z = new Half(v.Z); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3 /// Enable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful. [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(ref Vector3 v, bool throwOnError) { X = new Half(v.X, throwOnError); Y = new Half(v.Y, throwOnError); Z = new Half(v.Z, throwOnError); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3d [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(Vector3d v) { X = new Half(v.X); Y = new Half(v.Y); Z = new Half(v.Z); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3d /// Enable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful. [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(Vector3d v, bool throwOnError) { X = new Half(v.X, throwOnError); Y = new Half(v.Y, throwOnError); Z = new Half(v.Z, throwOnError); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// This is the faster constructor. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3d [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(ref Vector3d v) { X = new Half(v.X); Y = new Half(v.Y); Z = new Half(v.Z); } /// /// The new Half3 instance will convert the Vector3d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3d /// Enable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful. [CLSCompliant(false)] public Vector3h(ref Vector3d v, bool throwOnError) { X = new Half(v.X, throwOnError); Y = new Half(v.Y, throwOnError); Z = new Half(v.Z, throwOnError); } #endregion Constructors #region Swizzle #region 2-component /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Y components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Xy { get { return new Vector2h(X, Y); } set { X = value.X; Y = value.Y; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Z components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Xz { get { return new Vector2h(X, Z); } set { X = value.X; Z = value.Y; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and X components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Yx { get { return new Vector2h(Y, X); } set { Y = value.X; X = value.Y; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and Z components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Yz { get { return new Vector2h(Y, Z); } set { Y = value.X; Z = value.Y; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and X components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Zx { get { return new Vector2h(Z, X); } set { Z = value.X; X = value.Y; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and Y components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector2h Zy { get { return new Vector2h(Z, Y); } set { Z = value.X; Y = value.Y; } } #endregion #region 3-component /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Z, and Y components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector3h Xzy { get { return new Vector3h(X, Z, Y); } set { X = value.X; Z = value.Y; Y = value.Z; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, X, and Z components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector3h Yxz { get { return new Vector3h(Y, X, Z); } set { Y = value.X; X = value.Y; Z = value.Z; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, Z, and X components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector3h Yzx { get { return new Vector3h(Y, Z, X); } set { Y = value.X; Z = value.Y; X = value.Z; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, X, and Y components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector3h Zxy { get { return new Vector3h(Z, X, Y); } set { Z = value.X; X = value.Y; Y = value.Z; } } /// /// Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, Y, and X components of this instance. /// [XmlIgnore] public Vector3h Zyx { get { return new Vector3h(Z, Y, X); } set { Z = value.X; Y = value.Y; X = value.Z; } } #endregion #endregion #region Half -> Single /// /// Returns this Half3 instance's contents as Vector3. /// /// OpenTK.Vector3 public Vector3 ToVector3() { return new Vector3(X, Y, Z); } /// /// Returns this Half3 instance's contents as Vector3d. /// public Vector3d ToVector3d() { return new Vector3d(X, Y, Z); } #endregion Half -> Single #region Conversions /// Converts OpenTK.Vector3 to OpenTK.Half3. /// The Vector3 to convert. /// The resulting Half vector. public static explicit operator Vector3h(Vector3 v3f) { return new Vector3h(v3f); } /// Converts OpenTK.Vector3d to OpenTK.Half3. /// The Vector3d to convert. /// The resulting Half vector. public static explicit operator Vector3h(Vector3d v3d) { return new Vector3h(v3d); } /// Converts OpenTK.Half3 to OpenTK.Vector3. /// The Half3 to convert. /// The resulting Vector3. public static explicit operator Vector3(Vector3h h3) { Vector3 result = new Vector3(); result.X = h3.X.ToSingle(); result.Y = h3.Y.ToSingle(); result.Z = h3.Z.ToSingle(); return result; } /// Converts OpenTK.Half3 to OpenTK.Vector3d. /// The Half3 to convert. /// The resulting Vector3d. public static explicit operator Vector3d(Vector3h h3) { Vector3d result = new Vector3d(); result.X = h3.X.ToSingle(); result.Y = h3.Y.ToSingle(); result.Z = h3.Z.ToSingle(); return result; } #endregion Conversions #region Constants /// The size in bytes for an instance of the Half3 struct is 6. public static readonly int SizeInBytes = 6; #endregion Constants #region ISerializable /// Constructor used by ISerializable to deserialize the object. /// /// public Vector3h(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { this.X = (Half)info.GetValue("X", typeof(Half)); this.Y = (Half)info.GetValue("Y", typeof(Half)); this.Z = (Half)info.GetValue("Z", typeof(Half)); } /// Used by ISerialize to serialize the object. /// /// public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { info.AddValue("X", this.X); info.AddValue("Y", this.Y); info.AddValue("Z", this.Z); } #endregion ISerializable #region Binary dump /// Updates the X,Y and Z components of this instance by reading from a Stream. /// A BinaryReader instance associated with an open Stream. public void FromBinaryStream(BinaryReader bin) { X.FromBinaryStream(bin); Y.FromBinaryStream(bin); Z.FromBinaryStream(bin); } /// Writes the X,Y and Z components of this instance into a Stream. /// A BinaryWriter instance associated with an open Stream. public void ToBinaryStream(BinaryWriter bin) { X.ToBinaryStream(bin); Y.ToBinaryStream(bin); Z.ToBinaryStream(bin); } #endregion Binary dump #region IEquatable Members /// Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified OpenTK.Half3 vector. /// OpenTK.Half3 to compare to this instance.. /// True, if other is equal to this instance; false otherwise. public bool Equals(Vector3h other) { return (this.X.Equals(other.X) && this.Y.Equals(other.Y) && this.Z.Equals(other.Z)); } #endregion #region ToString() private static string listSeparator = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator; /// Returns a string that contains this Half3's numbers in human-legible form. public override string ToString() { return String.Format("({0}{3} {1}{3} {2})", X.ToString(), Y.ToString(), Z.ToString(), listSeparator); } #endregion ToString() #region BitConverter /// Returns the Half3 as an array of bytes. /// The Half3 to convert. /// The input as byte array. public static byte[] GetBytes(Vector3h h) { byte[] result = new byte[SizeInBytes]; byte[] temp = Half.GetBytes(h.X); result[0] = temp[0]; result[1] = temp[1]; temp = Half.GetBytes(h.Y); result[2] = temp[0]; result[3] = temp[1]; temp = Half.GetBytes(h.Z); result[4] = temp[0]; result[5] = temp[1]; return result; } /// Converts an array of bytes into Half3. /// A Half3 in it's byte[] representation. /// The starting position within value. /// A new Half3 instance. public static Vector3h FromBytes(byte[] value, int startIndex) { Vector3h h3 = new Vector3h(); h3.X = Half.FromBytes(value, startIndex); h3.Y = Half.FromBytes(value, startIndex + 2); h3.Z = Half.FromBytes(value, startIndex + 4); return h3; } #endregion BitConverter } }