using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace OpenTK { // Override a number of System.* classes when compiling for // minimal targets (e.g. MonoTouch). // Note: the "overriden" classes must not be fully qualified for this to work! #if IPHONE // System.Diagnostics.Debug static class Debug { public static void Write(string message) { } public static void Write(object obj) { } public static void WriteLine(string message) { } public static void WriteLine(object obj) { } public static void Print(string message) { } public static void Print(string format, params object[] args) { } public static void Indent() { } public static void Unindent() { } public static void Flush() { } } // System.Diagnostics.Trace static class Trace { public static void Write(string message) { } public static void Write(object obj) { } public static void WriteLine(string message) { } public static void WriteLine(object obj) { } public static void Indent() { } public static void Unindent() { } public static void Flush() { } } // System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sealed class Stopwatch { DateTime start, stop; bool running; public void Reset() { start = stop = DateTime.MinValue; running = false; } public void Start() { start = DateTime.Now; running = true; } public void Stop() { stop = DateTime.Now; running = false; } public TimeSpan Elapsed { get { if (running) return TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - start.Ticks); else return TimeSpan.FromTicks(stop.Ticks - start.Ticks); } } } // System.Xml.XmlIgnoreAttribute class XmlIgnoreAttribute : Attribute { } // System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowrableAttribute class EditorBrowsableAttribute : Attribute { public EditorBrowsableAttribute(EditorBrowsableState state) { } } // System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState enum EditorBrowsableState { Always = 0, Never = 1, Advanced = 2, } #endif }