diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Graphics/GraphicsMode.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Graphics/GraphicsMode.cs
index dddb5a66..0ad2f5d4 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Graphics/GraphicsMode.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Graphics/GraphicsMode.cs
@@ -1,293 +1,293 @@
-#region --- License ---
-/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
- * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 the OpenTK Team.
- * This notice may not be removed from any source distribution.
- * See license.txt for licensing detailed licensing details.
- */
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-namespace OpenTK.Graphics
- /// Defines the format for graphics operations.
- public class GraphicsMode
- {
- ColorFormat color_format, accumulator_format;
- int depth, stencil, buffers, samples;
- bool stereo;
- IntPtr? index; // The id of the pixel format or visual.
- static GraphicsMode defaultMode;
- static IGraphicsMode implementation;
- static object mode_selection_lock = new object();
- #region --- Constructors ---
- #region static GraphicsMode()
- static GraphicsMode()
- {
- implementation = Platform.Factory.Default.CreateGraphicsMode();
- }
- #endregion
- #region internal GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode mode)
- internal GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode mode)
- : this(mode.ColorFormat, mode.Depth, mode.Stencil, mode.Samples, mode.AccumulatorFormat, mode.Buffers, mode.Stereo) { }
- #endregion
- #region internal GraphicsMode((IntPtr index, ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
- internal GraphicsMode(IntPtr index, ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum,
- int buffers, bool stereo)
- {
- if (depth < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("depth", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
- if (stencil < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stencil", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
- if (buffers <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("buffers", "Must be greater than zero.");
- if (samples < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("samples", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
- this.Index = index;
- this.ColorFormat = color;
- this.Depth = depth;
- this.Stencil = stencil;
- this.Samples = samples;
- this.AccumulatorFormat = accum;
- this.Buffers = buffers;
- this.Stereo = stereo;
- }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode()
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with sensible default parameters.
- public GraphicsMode()
- : this(Default)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color)
- : this(color, Default.Depth, Default.Stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth)
- : this(color, depth, Default.Stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil)
- : this(color, depth, stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
- /// The number of samples for FSAA.
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples)
- : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
- /// The number of samples for FSAA.
- /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum)
- : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
- /// The number of samples for FSAA.
- /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
- /// The number of render buffers. Typical values include one (single-), two (double-) or three (triple-buffering).
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers)
- : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, buffers, Default.Stereo)
- { }
- #endregion
- #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
- /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
- /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
- /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
- /// The number of samples for FSAA.
- /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
- /// Set to true for a GraphicsMode with stereographic capabilities.
- /// The number of render buffers. Typical values include one (single-), two (double-) or three (triple-buffering).
- public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
- : this(IntPtr.Zero, color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, buffers, stereo) { }
- #endregion
- #endregion
- #region --- Public Methods ---
- #region public int ColorFormat
- ///
- /// Gets an OpenTK.Graphics.ColorFormat that describes the color format for this GraphicsFormat.
- ///
- public ColorFormat ColorFormat
- {
- get { return color_format; }
- private set { color_format = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public int AccumulatorFormat
- ///
- /// Gets an OpenTK.Graphics.ColorFormat that describes the accumulator format for this GraphicsFormat.
- ///
- public ColorFormat AccumulatorFormat
- {
- get { return accumulator_format; }
- private set { accumulator_format = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public int Depth
- ///
- /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the bits per pixel for the depth buffer
- /// for this GraphicsFormat.
- ///
- public int Depth
- {
- get { return depth; }
- private set { depth = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public int Stencil
- ///
- /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the bits per pixel for the stencil buffer
- /// of this GraphicsFormat.
- ///
- public int Stencil
- {
- get { return stencil; }
- private set { stencil = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public int Samples
- ///
- /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the number of FSAA samples per pixel for this GraphicsFormat.
- ///
- public int Samples
- {
- get { return samples; }
- private set { samples = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public bool Stereo
- ///
- /// Gets a System.Boolean indicating whether this DisplayMode is stereoscopic.
- ///
- public bool Stereo
- {
- get { return this.stereo; }
- private set { this.stereo = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public int Buffers
- ///
- /// Gets a System.Int32 containing the number of buffers associated with this
- /// DisplayMode.
- ///
- public int Buffers
- {
- get { return this.buffers; }
- private set { this.buffers = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region public static GraphicsFormat Default
- /// Returns an OpenTK.GraphicsFormat compatible with the underlying platform.
- public static GraphicsMode Default
- {
- get
- {
- if (defaultMode == null)
- {
- Debug.Print("Creating default GraphicsMode ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}).", DisplayDevice.Default.BitsPerPixel,
- 16, 0, 0, 0, 2, false);
- defaultMode = new GraphicsMode(DisplayDevice.Default.BitsPerPixel, 16, 0, 0, 0, 2, false);
- }
- return defaultMode;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #endregion
- #region --- Internal Methods ---
- #region internal IntPtr Index
- internal IntPtr Index
+#region --- License ---
+/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 the OpenTK Team.
+ * This notice may not be removed from any source distribution.
+ * See license.txt for licensing detailed licensing details.
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace OpenTK.Graphics
+ /// Defines the format for graphics operations.
+ public class GraphicsMode
+ {
+ ColorFormat color_format, accumulator_format;
+ int depth, stencil, buffers, samples;
+ bool stereo;
+ IntPtr? index = null; // The id of the pixel format or visual.
+ static GraphicsMode defaultMode;
+ static IGraphicsMode implementation;
+ static object mode_selection_lock = new object();
+ #region --- Constructors ---
+ #region static GraphicsMode()
+ static GraphicsMode()
+ {
+ implementation = Platform.Factory.Default.CreateGraphicsMode();
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region internal GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode mode)
+ internal GraphicsMode(GraphicsMode mode)
+ : this(mode.ColorFormat, mode.Depth, mode.Stencil, mode.Samples, mode.AccumulatorFormat, mode.Buffers, mode.Stereo) { }
+ #endregion
+ #region internal GraphicsMode(IntPtr? index, ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
+ internal GraphicsMode(IntPtr? index, ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum,
+ int buffers, bool stereo)
+ {
+ if (depth < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("depth", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
+ if (stencil < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("stencil", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
+ if (buffers <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("buffers", "Must be greater than zero.");
+ if (samples < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("samples", "Must be greater than, or equal to zero.");
+ this.Index = index;
+ this.ColorFormat = color;
+ this.Depth = depth;
+ this.Stencil = stencil;
+ this.Samples = samples;
+ this.AccumulatorFormat = accum;
+ this.Buffers = buffers;
+ this.Stereo = stereo;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode()
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with sensible default parameters.
+ public GraphicsMode()
+ : this(Default)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color)
+ : this(color, Default.Depth, Default.Stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth)
+ : this(color, depth, Default.Stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil)
+ : this(color, depth, stencil, Default.Samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
+ /// The number of samples for FSAA.
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples)
+ : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, Default.AccumulatorFormat, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
+ /// The number of samples for FSAA.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum)
+ : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, Default.Buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
+ /// The number of samples for FSAA.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
+ /// The number of render buffers. Typical values include one (single-), two (double-) or three (triple-buffering).
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers)
+ : this(color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, buffers, Default.Stereo)
+ { }
+ #endregion
+ #region public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
+ /// Constructs a new GraphicsMode with the specified parameters.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the color buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the depth buffer.
+ /// The number of bits in the stencil buffer.
+ /// The number of samples for FSAA.
+ /// The ColorFormat of the accumilliary buffer.
+ /// Set to true for a GraphicsMode with stereographic capabilities.
+ /// The number of render buffers. Typical values include one (single-), two (double-) or three (triple-buffering).
+ public GraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples, ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
+ : this(null, color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, buffers, stereo) { }
+ #endregion
+ #endregion
+ #region --- Public Methods ---
+ #region public int ColorFormat
+ ///
+ /// Gets an OpenTK.Graphics.ColorFormat that describes the color format for this GraphicsFormat.
+ ///
+ public ColorFormat ColorFormat
+ {
+ get { return color_format; }
+ private set { color_format = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public int AccumulatorFormat
+ ///
+ /// Gets an OpenTK.Graphics.ColorFormat that describes the accumulator format for this GraphicsFormat.
+ ///
+ public ColorFormat AccumulatorFormat
+ {
+ get { return accumulator_format; }
+ private set { accumulator_format = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public int Depth
+ ///
+ /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the bits per pixel for the depth buffer
+ /// for this GraphicsFormat.
+ ///
+ public int Depth
+ {
+ get { return depth; }
+ private set { depth = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public int Stencil
+ ///
+ /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the bits per pixel for the stencil buffer
+ /// of this GraphicsFormat.
+ ///
+ public int Stencil
+ {
+ get { return stencil; }
+ private set { stencil = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public int Samples
+ ///
+ /// Gets a System.Int32 that contains the number of FSAA samples per pixel for this GraphicsFormat.
+ ///
+ public int Samples
+ {
+ get { return samples; }
+ private set { samples = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public bool Stereo
+ ///
+ /// Gets a System.Boolean indicating whether this DisplayMode is stereoscopic.
+ ///
+ public bool Stereo
+ {
+ get { return this.stereo; }
+ private set { this.stereo = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public int Buffers
+ ///
+ /// Gets a System.Int32 containing the number of buffers associated with this
+ /// DisplayMode.
+ ///
+ public int Buffers
+ {
+ get { return this.buffers; }
+ private set { this.buffers = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region public static GraphicsFormat Default
+ /// Returns an OpenTK.GraphicsFormat compatible with the underlying platform.
+ public static GraphicsMode Default
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (defaultMode == null)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Creating default GraphicsMode ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}).", DisplayDevice.Default.BitsPerPixel,
+ 16, 0, 0, 0, 2, false);
+ defaultMode = new GraphicsMode(DisplayDevice.Default.BitsPerPixel, 16, 0, 0, 0, 2, false);
+ }
+ return defaultMode;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #endregion
+ #region --- Internal Methods ---
+ #region internal IntPtr Index
+ internal IntPtr? Index
@@ -309,25 +309,25 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics
Stereo = mode.Stereo;
- return index.Value;
- }
- set { index = value; }
- }
- #endregion
- #endregion
- #region --- Overrides ---
- /// Returns a System.String describing the current GraphicsFormat.
- /// ! System.String describing the current GraphicsFormat.
- public override string ToString()
- {
- return String.Format("Index: {0}, Color: {1}, Depth: {2}, Stencil: {3}, Samples: {4}, Accum: {5}, Buffers: {6}, Stereo: {7}",
- Index, ColorFormat, Depth, Stencil, Samples, AccumulatorFormat, Buffers, Stereo);
- }
- #endregion
- }
+ return index;
+ }
+ set { index = value; }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #endregion
+ #region --- Overrides ---
+ /// Returns a System.String describing the current GraphicsFormat.
+ /// ! System.String describing the current GraphicsFormat.
+ public override string ToString()
+ {
+ return String.Format("Index: {0}, Color: {1}, Depth: {2}, Stencil: {3}, Samples: {4}, Accum: {5}, Buffers: {6}, Stereo: {7}",
+ Index, ColorFormat, Depth, Stencil, Samples, AccumulatorFormat, Buffers, Stereo);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Egl/EglContext.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Egl/EglContext.cs
index af9891aa..d6faaa7d 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Egl/EglContext.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Egl/EglContext.cs
@@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ using System;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
using System.Diagnostics;
+using OpenTK.Platform.Windows;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
- class EglContext : IGraphicsContext
+ class EglContext : IGraphicsContext, IGraphicsContextInternal
#region Fields
- EglWindowInfo window;
+ EglWindowInfo WindowInfo;
EGLContext context;
GraphicsMode mode;
bool vsync = true; // Default vsync value is defined as 1 (true) in EGL.
@@ -56,14 +57,23 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
EglContext shared = (EglContext)sharedContext;
- Egl.Initialize(window.Display, out major, out minor);
+ int dummy_major, dummy_minor;
+ if (!Egl.Initialize(window.Display, out dummy_major, out dummy_minor))
+ throw new GraphicsContextException(String.Format("Failed to initialize EGL, error {0}.", Egl.GetError()));
- EGLConfig config = new EGLConfig(mode.Index);
+ WindowInfo = window;
+ mode = new EglGraphicsMode().SelectGraphicsMode(mode.ColorFormat, mode.Depth, mode.Stencil, mode.Samples, mode.AccumulatorFormat, mode.Buffers, mode.Stereo);
+ if (!mode.Index.HasValue)
+ throw new GraphicsModeException("Invalid or unsupported GraphicsMode.");
+ EGLConfig config = new EGLConfig(mode.Index.Value);
if (window.Surface.Handle == EGLSurface.None.Handle)
- context = Egl.CreateContext(window.Display, config, shared.context, null);
+ int[] attrib_list = new int[] { Egl.CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, major, Egl.NONE };
+ context = Egl.CreateContext(window.Display, config, shared != null ? shared.context : EGLContext.None, attrib_list);
@@ -73,14 +83,18 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
public void SwapBuffers()
- Egl.SwapBuffers(window.Display, window.Surface);
+ Egl.SwapBuffers(WindowInfo.Display, WindowInfo.Surface);
public void MakeCurrent(IWindowInfo window)
- EglWindowInfo egl = (EglWindowInfo)window;
- Egl.MakeCurrent(egl.Display, egl.Surface, egl.Surface, context);
- this.window = egl;
+ // Ignore 'window', unless it actually is an EGL window. In other words,
+ // trying to make the EglContext current on a non-EGL window will do,
+ // nothing (the EglContext will remain current on the previous EGL window
+ // or the window it was constructed on (which may not be EGL)).
+ if (window is EglWindowInfo)
+ WindowInfo = (EglWindowInfo)window;
+ Egl.MakeCurrent(WindowInfo.Display, WindowInfo.Surface, WindowInfo.Surface, context);
public bool IsCurrent
@@ -100,10 +114,10 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
- if (Egl.SwapInterval(window.Display, value ? 1 : 0))
+ if (Egl.SwapInterval(WindowInfo.Display, value ? 1 : 0))
vsync = value;
- Debug.Print("[Warning] Egl.SwapInterval({0}, {1}) failed.", window.Display, value);
+ Debug.Print("[Warning] Egl.SwapInterval({0}, {1}) failed.", WindowInfo.Display, value);
@@ -147,8 +161,8 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
if (manual)
- Egl.MakeCurrent(window.Display, window.Surface, window.Surface, EGLContext.None);
- Egl.DestroyContext(window.Display, context);
+ Egl.MakeCurrent(WindowInfo.Display, WindowInfo.Surface, WindowInfo.Surface, EGLContext.None);
+ Egl.DestroyContext(WindowInfo.Display, context);
@@ -164,5 +178,42 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Egl
+ #region IGraphicsContextInternal Members
+ public IGraphicsContext Implementation
+ {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public void LoadAll()
+ {
+ // Todo: enable those
+ //OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ES.LoadAll();
+ OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.LoadAll();
+ //OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ES.LoadAll();
+ }
+ public ContextHandle Context
+ {
+ get { return new ContextHandle(context.Handle.Value); }
+ }
+ public void RegisterForDisposal(IDisposable resource)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public void DisposeResources()
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ public IntPtr GetAddress(string function)
+ {
+ return Egl.GetProcAddress(function);
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/MacOS/AglContext.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/MacOS/AglContext.cs
index 96b9e0d7..9e62568f 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/MacOS/AglContext.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/MacOS/AglContext.cs
@@ -429,9 +429,26 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.MacOS
throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
+ private const string Library = "libdl.dylib";
+ [DllImport(Library, EntryPoint = "NSIsSymbolNameDefined")]
+ private static extern bool NSIsSymbolNameDefined(string s);
+ [DllImport(Library, EntryPoint = "NSLookupAndBindSymbol")]
+ private static extern IntPtr NSLookupAndBindSymbol(string s);
+ [DllImport(Library, EntryPoint = "NSAddressOfSymbol")]
+ private static extern IntPtr NSAddressOfSymbol(IntPtr symbol);
IntPtr IGraphicsContextInternal.GetAddress(string function)
- throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
+ string fname = "_" + function;
+ if (!NSIsSymbolNameDefined(fname))
+ return IntPtr.Zero;
+ IntPtr symbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(fname);
+ if (symbol != IntPtr.Zero)
+ symbol = NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol);
+ return symbol;
diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Windows/WinGLContext.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Windows/WinGLContext.cs
index 3b47d0bb..6ea55c78 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Windows/WinGLContext.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/Windows/WinGLContext.cs
@@ -314,15 +314,16 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
void SetGraphicsModePFD(GraphicsMode mode, WinWindowInfo window)
- if (mode.Index == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException(
- "mode", "The Index (pixel format) of the GraphicsMode is not set.");
+ if (!mode.Index.HasValue)
+ throw new GraphicsModeException("Invalid or unsupported GraphicsMode.");
if (window == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("window", "Must point to a valid window.");
PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor();
- Functions.DescribePixelFormat(window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index,
+ Functions.DescribePixelFormat(window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index.Value,
API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize, ref pfd);
- if (!Functions.SetPixelFormat(window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index, ref pfd))
+ if (!Functions.SetPixelFormat(window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index.Value, ref pfd))
throw new GraphicsContextException(String.Format(
"Requested GraphicsMode not available. SetPixelFormat error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLControl.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLControl.cs
index 7f23af22..49d2275c 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLControl.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLControl.cs
@@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
internal X11GLControl(GraphicsMode mode, Control control)
+ if (!mode.Index.HasValue)
+ throw new GraphicsModeException("Invalid GraphicsMode.");
this.mode = mode;
this.control = control;
X11WindowInfo window = (X11WindowInfo)this.WindowInfo;
XVisualInfo info = new XVisualInfo();
- info.VisualID = mode.Index;
+ info.VisualID = mode.Index.Value;
int dummy;
window.VisualInfo = (XVisualInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
Functions.XGetVisualInfo(window.Display, XVisualInfoMask.ID, ref info, out dummy), typeof(XVisualInfo));
diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLNative.cs b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLNative.cs
index 7585077b..c69f6243 100644
--- a/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLNative.cs
+++ b/Source/OpenTK/Platform/X11/X11GLNative.cs
@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
lock (API.Lock)
- info.VisualID = mode.Index;
+ if (!mode.Index.HasValue)
+ throw new GraphicsModeException("Invalid or unsupported GraphicsMode.");
+ info.VisualID = mode.Index.Value;
int dummy;
window.VisualInfo = (XVisualInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
Functions.XGetVisualInfo(window.Display, XVisualInfoMask.ID, ref info, out dummy), typeof(XVisualInfo));