Liam 2956a33463 Vulkan: update initialization
Co-authored-by: bylaws <>
2022-11-27 14:58:28 -05:00

483 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <span>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "video_core/vulkan_common/vulkan_wrapper.h"
namespace Vulkan {
class NsightAftermathTracker;
/// Format usage descriptor.
enum class FormatType { Linear, Optimal, Buffer };
/// Subgroup size of the guest emulated hardware (Nvidia has 32 threads per subgroup).
const u32 GuestWarpSize = 32;
/// Handles data specific to a physical device.
class Device {
explicit Device(VkInstance instance, vk::PhysicalDevice physical, VkSurfaceKHR surface,
const vk::InstanceDispatch& dld);
* Returns a format supported by the device for the passed requeriments.
* @param wanted_format The ideal format to be returned. It may not be the returned format.
* @param wanted_usage The usage that must be fulfilled even if the format is not supported.
* @param format_type Format type usage.
* @returns A format supported by the device.
VkFormat GetSupportedFormat(VkFormat wanted_format, VkFormatFeatureFlags wanted_usage,
FormatType format_type) const;
/// Returns true if a format is supported.
bool IsFormatSupported(VkFormat wanted_format, VkFormatFeatureFlags wanted_usage,
FormatType format_type) const;
/// Reports a device loss.
void ReportLoss() const;
/// Reports a shader to Nsight Aftermath.
void SaveShader(std::span<const u32> spirv) const;
/// Returns the name of the VkDriverId reported from Vulkan.
std::string GetDriverName() const;
/// Returns the dispatch loader with direct function pointers of the device.
const vk::DeviceDispatch& GetDispatchLoader() const {
return dld;
/// Returns the logical device.
const vk::Device& GetLogical() const {
return logical;
/// Returns the physical device.
vk::PhysicalDevice GetPhysical() const {
return physical;
/// Returns the main graphics queue.
vk::Queue GetGraphicsQueue() const {
return graphics_queue;
/// Returns the main present queue.
vk::Queue GetPresentQueue() const {
return present_queue;
/// Returns main graphics queue family index.
u32 GetGraphicsFamily() const {
return graphics_family;
/// Returns main present queue family index.
u32 GetPresentFamily() const {
return present_family;
/// Returns the current Vulkan API version provided in Vulkan-formatted version numbers.
u32 ApiVersion() const {
return properties.apiVersion;
/// Returns the current driver version provided in Vulkan-formatted version numbers.
u32 GetDriverVersion() const {
return properties.driverVersion;
/// Returns the device name.
std::string_view GetModelName() const {
return properties.deviceName;
/// Returns the driver ID.
VkDriverIdKHR GetDriverID() const {
return driver_id;
/// Returns uniform buffer alignment requeriment.
VkDeviceSize GetUniformBufferAlignment() const {
return properties.limits.minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
/// Returns storage alignment requeriment.
VkDeviceSize GetStorageBufferAlignment() const {
return properties.limits.minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment;
/// Returns the maximum range for storage buffers.
VkDeviceSize GetMaxStorageBufferRange() const {
return properties.limits.maxStorageBufferRange;
/// Returns the maximum size for push constants.
VkDeviceSize GetMaxPushConstantsSize() const {
return properties.limits.maxPushConstantsSize;
/// Returns the maximum size for shared memory.
u32 GetMaxComputeSharedMemorySize() const {
return properties.limits.maxComputeSharedMemorySize;
/// Returns float control properties of the device.
const VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR& FloatControlProperties() const {
return float_controls;
/// Returns true if ASTC is natively supported.
bool IsOptimalAstcSupported() const {
return is_optimal_astc_supported;
/// Returns true if the device supports float16 natively.
bool IsFloat16Supported() const {
return is_float16_supported;
/// Returns true if the device supports int8 natively.
bool IsInt8Supported() const {
return is_int8_supported;
/// Returns true if the device warp size can potentially be bigger than guest's warp size.
bool IsWarpSizePotentiallyBiggerThanGuest() const {
return is_warp_potentially_bigger;
/// Returns true if the device can be forced to use the guest warp size.
bool IsGuestWarpSizeSupported(VkShaderStageFlagBits stage) const {
return guest_warp_stages & stage;
/// Returns the maximum number of push descriptors.
u32 MaxPushDescriptors() const {
return max_push_descriptors;
/// Returns true if formatless image load is supported.
bool IsFormatlessImageLoadSupported() const {
return is_formatless_image_load_supported;
/// Returns true if shader int64 is supported.
bool IsShaderInt64Supported() const {
return is_shader_int64_supported;
/// Returns true if shader int16 is supported.
bool IsShaderInt16Supported() const {
return is_shader_int16_supported;
// Returns true if depth bounds is supported.
bool IsDepthBoundsSupported() const {
return is_depth_bounds_supported;
/// Returns true when blitting from and to depth stencil images is supported.
bool IsBlitDepthStencilSupported() const {
return is_blit_depth_stencil_supported;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_NV_viewport_swizzle.
bool IsNvViewportSwizzleSupported() const {
return nv_viewport_swizzle;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_NV_viewport_array2.
bool IsNvViewportArray2Supported() const {
return nv_viewport_array2;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough.
bool IsNvGeometryShaderPassthroughSupported() const {
return nv_geometry_shader_passthrough;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout.
bool IsKhrUniformBufferStandardLayoutSupported() const {
return khr_uniform_buffer_standard_layout;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_KHR_push_descriptor.
bool IsKhrPushDescriptorSupported() const {
return khr_push_descriptor;
/// Returns true if VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties is enabled.
bool IsKhrPipelineEexecutablePropertiesEnabled() const {
return khr_pipeline_executable_properties;
/// Returns true if VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format is enabled.
bool IsKhrSwapchainMutableFormatEnabled() const {
return khr_swapchain_mutable_format;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout.
bool IsKhrWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutSupported() const {
return khr_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart.
bool IsTopologyListPrimitiveRestartSupported() const {
return is_topology_list_restart_supported;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart.
bool IsPatchListPrimitiveRestartSupported() const {
return is_patch_list_restart_supported;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_index_type_uint8.
bool IsExtIndexTypeUint8Supported() const {
return ext_index_type_uint8;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax.
bool IsExtSamplerFilterMinmaxSupported() const {
return ext_sampler_filter_minmax;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted.
bool IsExtDepthRangeUnrestrictedSupported() const {
return ext_depth_range_unrestricted;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer.
bool IsExtShaderViewportIndexLayerSupported() const {
return ext_shader_viewport_index_layer;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control.
bool IsExtSubgroupSizeControlSupported() const {
return ext_subgroup_size_control;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_transform_feedback.
bool IsExtTransformFeedbackSupported() const {
return ext_transform_feedback;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_custom_border_color.
bool IsExtCustomBorderColorSupported() const {
return ext_custom_border_color;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state.
bool IsExtExtendedDynamicStateSupported() const {
return ext_extended_dynamic_state;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_line_rasterization.
bool IsExtLineRasterizationSupported() const {
return ext_line_rasterization;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state.
bool IsExtVertexInputDynamicStateSupported() const {
return ext_vertex_input_dynamic_state;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export.
bool IsExtShaderStencilExportSupported() const {
return ext_shader_stencil_export;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization.
bool IsExtConservativeRasterizationSupported() const {
return ext_conservative_rasterization;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_EXT_provoking_vertex.
bool IsExtProvokingVertexSupported() const {
return ext_provoking_vertex;
/// Returns true if the device supports VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64.
bool IsExtShaderAtomicInt64Supported() const {
return ext_shader_atomic_int64;
/// Returns the minimum supported version of SPIR-V.
u32 SupportedSpirvVersion() const {
if (instance_version >= VK_API_VERSION_1_3) {
return 0x00010600U;
if (khr_spirv_1_4) {
return 0x00010400U;
return 0x00010000U;
/// Returns true when a known debugging tool is attached.
bool HasDebuggingToolAttached() const {
return has_renderdoc || has_nsight_graphics;
/// Returns true when the device does not properly support cube compatibility.
bool HasBrokenCubeImageCompability() const {
return has_broken_cube_compatibility;
/// Returns the vendor name reported from Vulkan.
std::string_view GetVendorName() const {
return vendor_name;
/// Returns the list of available extensions.
const std::vector<std::string>& GetAvailableExtensions() const {
return supported_extensions;
u64 GetDeviceLocalMemory() const {
return device_access_memory;
bool CanReportMemoryUsage() const {
return ext_memory_budget;
u64 GetDeviceMemoryUsage() const;
u32 GetSetsPerPool() const {
return sets_per_pool;
bool SupportsD24DepthBuffer() const {
return supports_d24_depth;
bool CantBlitMSAA() const {
return cant_blit_msaa;
bool MustEmulateBGR565() const {
return must_emulate_bgr565;
/// Checks if the physical device is suitable.
void CheckSuitability(bool requires_swapchain) const;
/// Loads extensions into a vector and stores available ones in this object.
std::vector<const char*> LoadExtensions(bool requires_surface);
/// Sets up queue families.
void SetupFamilies(VkSurfaceKHR surface);
/// Sets up device features.
void SetupFeatures();
/// Sets up device properties.
void SetupProperties();
/// Collects telemetry information from the device.
void CollectTelemetryParameters();
/// Collects information about attached tools.
void CollectToolingInfo();
/// Collects information about the device's local memory.
void CollectPhysicalMemoryInfo();
/// Returns a list of queue initialization descriptors.
std::vector<VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo> GetDeviceQueueCreateInfos() const;
/// Returns true if ASTC textures are natively supported.
bool IsOptimalAstcSupported(const VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures& features) const;
/// Returns true if the device natively supports blitting depth stencil images.
bool TestDepthStencilBlits() const;
VkInstance instance; ///< Vulkan instance.
vk::DeviceDispatch dld; ///< Device function pointers.
vk::PhysicalDevice physical; ///< Physical device.
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties properties; ///< Device properties.
VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR float_controls{}; ///< Float control properties.
vk::Device logical; ///< Logical device.
vk::Queue graphics_queue; ///< Main graphics queue.
vk::Queue present_queue; ///< Main present queue.
u32 instance_version{}; ///< Vulkan onstance version.
u32 graphics_family{}; ///< Main graphics queue family index.
u32 present_family{}; ///< Main present queue family index.
VkDriverIdKHR driver_id{}; ///< Driver ID.
VkShaderStageFlags guest_warp_stages{}; ///< Stages where the guest warp size can be forced.
u64 device_access_memory{}; ///< Total size of device local memory in bytes.
u32 max_push_descriptors{}; ///< Maximum number of push descriptors
u32 sets_per_pool{}; ///< Sets per Description Pool
bool is_optimal_astc_supported{}; ///< Support for native ASTC.
bool is_float16_supported{}; ///< Support for float16 arithmetic.
bool is_int8_supported{}; ///< Support for int8 arithmetic.
bool is_warp_potentially_bigger{}; ///< Host warp size can be bigger than guest.
bool is_formatless_image_load_supported{}; ///< Support for shader image read without format.
bool is_depth_bounds_supported{}; ///< Support for depth bounds.
bool is_shader_float64_supported{}; ///< Support for float64.
bool is_shader_int64_supported{}; ///< Support for int64.
bool is_shader_int16_supported{}; ///< Support for int16.
bool is_shader_storage_image_multisample{}; ///< Support for image operations on MSAA images.
bool is_blit_depth_stencil_supported{}; ///< Support for blitting from and to depth stencil.
bool is_topology_list_restart_supported{}; ///< Support for primitive restart with list
///< topologies.
bool is_patch_list_restart_supported{}; ///< Support for primitive restart with list patch.
bool is_integrated{}; ///< Is GPU an iGPU.
bool is_virtual{}; ///< Is GPU a virtual GPU.
bool is_non_gpu{}; ///< Is SoftwareRasterizer, FPGA, non-GPU device.
bool nv_viewport_swizzle{}; ///< Support for VK_NV_viewport_swizzle.
bool nv_viewport_array2{}; ///< Support for VK_NV_viewport_array2.
bool nv_geometry_shader_passthrough{}; ///< Support for VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough.
bool khr_uniform_buffer_standard_layout{}; ///< Support for scalar uniform buffer layouts.
bool khr_spirv_1_4{}; ///< Support for VK_KHR_spirv_1_4.
bool khr_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout{}; ///< Support for explicit workgroup layouts.
bool khr_push_descriptor{}; ///< Support for VK_KHR_push_descritor.
bool khr_pipeline_executable_properties{}; ///< Support for executable properties.
bool khr_swapchain_mutable_format{}; ///< Support for VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format.
bool ext_index_type_uint8{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_index_type_uint8.
bool ext_sampler_filter_minmax{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax.
bool ext_depth_range_unrestricted{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted.
bool ext_shader_viewport_index_layer{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer.
bool ext_tooling_info{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_tooling_info.
bool ext_subgroup_size_control{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control.
bool ext_transform_feedback{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_transform_feedback.
bool ext_custom_border_color{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_custom_border_color.
bool ext_extended_dynamic_state{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state.
bool ext_line_rasterization{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_line_rasterization.
bool ext_vertex_input_dynamic_state{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state.
bool ext_shader_stencil_export{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export.
bool ext_shader_atomic_int64{}; ///< Support for VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64.
bool ext_conservative_rasterization{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization.
bool ext_provoking_vertex{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_provoking_vertex.
bool ext_memory_budget{}; ///< Support for VK_EXT_memory_budget.
bool nv_device_diagnostics_config{}; ///< Support for VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config.
bool has_broken_cube_compatibility{}; ///< Has broken cube compatiblity bit
bool has_renderdoc{}; ///< Has RenderDoc attached
bool has_nsight_graphics{}; ///< Has Nsight Graphics attached
bool supports_d24_depth{}; ///< Supports D24 depth buffers.
bool cant_blit_msaa{}; ///< Does not support MSAA<->MSAA blitting.
bool must_emulate_bgr565{}; ///< Emulates BGR565 by swizzling RGB565 format.
// Telemetry parameters
std::string vendor_name; ///< Device's driver name.
std::vector<std::string> supported_extensions; ///< Reported Vulkan extensions.
std::vector<size_t> valid_heap_memory; ///< Heaps used.
/// Format properties dictionary.
std::unordered_map<VkFormat, VkFormatProperties> format_properties;
/// Nsight Aftermath GPU crash tracker
std::unique_ptr<NsightAftermathTracker> nsight_aftermath_tracker;
} // namespace Vulkan