// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_state.h" namespace OpenGL { OpenGLState OpenGLState::cur_state; bool OpenGLState::s_rgb_used; OpenGLState::OpenGLState() { // These all match default OpenGL values geometry_shaders.enabled = false; framebuffer_srgb.enabled = false; cull.enabled = false; cull.mode = GL_BACK; cull.front_face = GL_CCW; depth.test_enabled = false; depth.test_func = GL_LESS; depth.write_mask = GL_TRUE; primitive_restart.enabled = false; primitive_restart.index = 0; for (auto& item : color_mask) { item.red_enabled = GL_TRUE; item.green_enabled = GL_TRUE; item.blue_enabled = GL_TRUE; item.alpha_enabled = GL_TRUE; } stencil.test_enabled = false; auto reset_stencil = [](auto& config) { config.test_func = GL_ALWAYS; config.test_ref = 0; config.test_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; config.write_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; config.action_depth_fail = GL_KEEP; config.action_depth_pass = GL_KEEP; config.action_stencil_fail = GL_KEEP; }; reset_stencil(stencil.front); reset_stencil(stencil.back); for (auto& item : viewports) { item.x = 0; item.y = 0; item.width = 0; item.height = 0; item.depth_range_near = 0.0f; item.depth_range_far = 1.0f; item.scissor.enabled = false; item.scissor.x = 0; item.scissor.y = 0; item.scissor.width = 0; item.scissor.height = 0; } for (auto& item : blend) { item.enabled = true; item.rgb_equation = GL_FUNC_ADD; item.a_equation = GL_FUNC_ADD; item.src_rgb_func = GL_ONE; item.dst_rgb_func = GL_ZERO; item.src_a_func = GL_ONE; item.dst_a_func = GL_ZERO; } independant_blend.enabled = false; blend_color.red = 0.0f; blend_color.green = 0.0f; blend_color.blue = 0.0f; blend_color.alpha = 0.0f; logic_op.enabled = false; logic_op.operation = GL_COPY; for (auto& texture_unit : texture_units) { texture_unit.Reset(); } draw.read_framebuffer = 0; draw.draw_framebuffer = 0; draw.vertex_array = 0; draw.vertex_buffer = 0; draw.uniform_buffer = 0; draw.shader_program = 0; draw.program_pipeline = 0; clip_distance = {}; point.size = 1; fragment_color_clamp.enabled = false; } void OpenGLState::ApplyDefaultState() { glDisable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void OpenGLState::ApplySRgb() const { // sRGB if (framebuffer_srgb.enabled != cur_state.framebuffer_srgb.enabled) { if (framebuffer_srgb.enabled) { // Track if sRGB is used s_rgb_used = true; glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB); } else { glDisable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyCulling() const { // Culling const bool cull_changed = cull.enabled != cur_state.cull.enabled; if (cull_changed) { if (cull.enabled) { glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); } else { glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); } } if (cull.enabled) { if (cull_changed || cull.mode != cur_state.cull.mode) { glCullFace(cull.mode); } if (cull_changed || cull.front_face != cur_state.cull.front_face) { glFrontFace(cull.front_face); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyColorMask() const { if (GLAD_GL_ARB_viewport_array && independant_blend.enabled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumRenderTargets; i++) { const auto& updated = color_mask[i]; const auto& current = cur_state.color_mask[i]; if (updated.red_enabled != current.red_enabled || updated.green_enabled != current.green_enabled || updated.blue_enabled != current.blue_enabled || updated.alpha_enabled != current.alpha_enabled) { glColorMaski(static_cast(i), updated.red_enabled, updated.green_enabled, updated.blue_enabled, updated.alpha_enabled); } } } else { const auto& updated = color_mask[0]; const auto& current = cur_state.color_mask[0]; if (updated.red_enabled != current.red_enabled || updated.green_enabled != current.green_enabled || updated.blue_enabled != current.blue_enabled || updated.alpha_enabled != current.alpha_enabled) { glColorMask(updated.red_enabled, updated.green_enabled, updated.blue_enabled, updated.alpha_enabled); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyDepth() const { // Depth test const bool depth_test_changed = depth.test_enabled != cur_state.depth.test_enabled; if (depth_test_changed) { if (depth.test_enabled) { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } else { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } } if (depth.test_enabled && (depth_test_changed || depth.test_func != cur_state.depth.test_func)) { glDepthFunc(depth.test_func); } // Depth mask if (depth.write_mask != cur_state.depth.write_mask) { glDepthMask(depth.write_mask); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyPrimitiveRestart() const { const bool primitive_restart_changed = primitive_restart.enabled != cur_state.primitive_restart.enabled; if (primitive_restart_changed) { if (primitive_restart.enabled) { glEnable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); } else { glDisable(GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART); } } if (primitive_restart_changed || (primitive_restart.enabled && primitive_restart.index != cur_state.primitive_restart.index)) { glPrimitiveRestartIndex(primitive_restart.index); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyStencilTest() const { const bool stencil_test_changed = stencil.test_enabled != cur_state.stencil.test_enabled; if (stencil_test_changed) { if (stencil.test_enabled) { glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } else { glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); } } if (stencil.test_enabled) { auto config_stencil = [stencil_test_changed](GLenum face, const auto& config, const auto& prev_config) { if (stencil_test_changed || config.test_func != prev_config.test_func || config.test_ref != prev_config.test_ref || config.test_mask != prev_config.test_mask) { glStencilFuncSeparate(face, config.test_func, config.test_ref, config.test_mask); } if (stencil_test_changed || config.action_depth_fail != prev_config.action_depth_fail || config.action_depth_pass != prev_config.action_depth_pass || config.action_stencil_fail != prev_config.action_stencil_fail) { glStencilOpSeparate(face, config.action_stencil_fail, config.action_depth_fail, config.action_depth_pass); } if (config.write_mask != prev_config.write_mask) { glStencilMaskSeparate(face, config.write_mask); } }; config_stencil(GL_FRONT, stencil.front, cur_state.stencil.front); config_stencil(GL_BACK, stencil.back, cur_state.stencil.back); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyViewport() const { if (GLAD_GL_ARB_viewport_array && geometry_shaders.enabled) { for (GLuint i = 0; i < static_cast(Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumViewports); i++) { const auto& current = cur_state.viewports[i]; const auto& updated = viewports[i]; if (updated.x != current.x || updated.y != current.y || updated.width != current.width || updated.height != current.height) { glViewportIndexedf(i, updated.x, updated.y, updated.width, updated.height); } if (updated.depth_range_near != current.depth_range_near || updated.depth_range_far != current.depth_range_far) { glDepthRangeIndexed(i, updated.depth_range_near, updated.depth_range_far); } const bool scissor_changed = updated.scissor.enabled != current.scissor.enabled; if (scissor_changed) { if (updated.scissor.enabled) { glEnablei(GL_SCISSOR_TEST, i); } else { glDisablei(GL_SCISSOR_TEST, i); } } if (updated.scissor.enabled && (scissor_changed || updated.scissor.x != current.scissor.x || updated.scissor.y != current.scissor.y || updated.scissor.width != current.scissor.width || updated.scissor.height != current.scissor.height)) { glScissorIndexed(i, updated.scissor.x, updated.scissor.y, updated.scissor.width, updated.scissor.height); } } } else { const auto& current = cur_state.viewports[0]; const auto& updated = viewports[0]; if (updated.x != current.x || updated.y != current.y || updated.width != current.width || updated.height != current.height) { glViewport(static_cast(updated.x), static_cast(updated.y), static_cast(updated.width), static_cast(updated.height)); } if (updated.depth_range_near != current.depth_range_near || updated.depth_range_far != current.depth_range_far) { glDepthRange(updated.depth_range_near, updated.depth_range_far); } const bool scissor_changed = updated.scissor.enabled != current.scissor.enabled; if (scissor_changed) { if (updated.scissor.enabled) { glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } else { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } } if (updated.scissor.enabled && (scissor_changed || updated.scissor.x != current.scissor.x || updated.scissor.y != current.scissor.y || updated.scissor.width != current.scissor.width || updated.scissor.height != current.scissor.height)) { glScissor(updated.scissor.x, updated.scissor.y, updated.scissor.width, updated.scissor.height); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyGlobalBlending() const { const Blend& current = cur_state.blend[0]; const Blend& updated = blend[0]; const bool blend_changed = updated.enabled != current.enabled; if (blend_changed) { if (updated.enabled) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); } } if (!updated.enabled) { return; } if (updated.separate_alpha) { if (blend_changed || updated.src_rgb_func != current.src_rgb_func || updated.dst_rgb_func != current.dst_rgb_func || updated.src_a_func != current.src_a_func || updated.dst_a_func != current.dst_a_func) { glBlendFuncSeparate(updated.src_rgb_func, updated.dst_rgb_func, updated.src_a_func, updated.dst_a_func); } if (blend_changed || updated.rgb_equation != current.rgb_equation || updated.a_equation != current.a_equation) { glBlendEquationSeparate(updated.rgb_equation, updated.a_equation); } } else { if (blend_changed || updated.src_rgb_func != current.src_rgb_func || updated.dst_rgb_func != current.dst_rgb_func) { glBlendFunc(updated.src_rgb_func, updated.dst_rgb_func); } if (blend_changed || updated.rgb_equation != current.rgb_equation) { glBlendEquation(updated.rgb_equation); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyTargetBlending(std::size_t target, bool force) const { const Blend& updated = blend[target]; const Blend& current = cur_state.blend[target]; const bool blend_changed = updated.enabled != current.enabled || force; if (blend_changed) { if (updated.enabled) { glEnablei(GL_BLEND, static_cast(target)); } else { glDisablei(GL_BLEND, static_cast(target)); } } if (!updated.enabled) { return; } if (updated.separate_alpha) { if (blend_changed || updated.src_rgb_func != current.src_rgb_func || updated.dst_rgb_func != current.dst_rgb_func || updated.src_a_func != current.src_a_func || updated.dst_a_func != current.dst_a_func) { glBlendFuncSeparateiARB(static_cast(target), updated.src_rgb_func, updated.dst_rgb_func, updated.src_a_func, updated.dst_a_func); } if (blend_changed || updated.rgb_equation != current.rgb_equation || updated.a_equation != current.a_equation) { glBlendEquationSeparateiARB(static_cast(target), updated.rgb_equation, updated.a_equation); } } else { if (blend_changed || updated.src_rgb_func != current.src_rgb_func || updated.dst_rgb_func != current.dst_rgb_func) { glBlendFunciARB(static_cast(target), updated.src_rgb_func, updated.dst_rgb_func); } if (blend_changed || updated.rgb_equation != current.rgb_equation) { glBlendEquationiARB(static_cast(target), updated.rgb_equation); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplyBlending() const { if (independant_blend.enabled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumRenderTargets; i++) { ApplyTargetBlending(i, independant_blend.enabled != cur_state.independant_blend.enabled); } } else { ApplyGlobalBlending(); } if (blend_color.red != cur_state.blend_color.red || blend_color.green != cur_state.blend_color.green || blend_color.blue != cur_state.blend_color.blue || blend_color.alpha != cur_state.blend_color.alpha) { glBlendColor(blend_color.red, blend_color.green, blend_color.blue, blend_color.alpha); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyLogicOp() const { const bool logic_op_changed = logic_op.enabled != cur_state.logic_op.enabled; if (logic_op_changed) { if (logic_op.enabled) { glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } else { glDisable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP); } } if (logic_op.enabled && (logic_op_changed || logic_op.operation != cur_state.logic_op.operation)) { glLogicOp(logic_op.operation); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyTextures() const { for (std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(texture_units); ++i) { const auto& texture_unit = texture_units[i]; const auto& cur_state_texture_unit = cur_state.texture_units[i]; if (texture_unit.texture != cur_state_texture_unit.texture) { glActiveTexture(TextureUnits::MaxwellTexture(static_cast(i)).Enum()); glBindTexture(texture_unit.target, texture_unit.texture); } // Update the texture swizzle if (texture_unit.swizzle.r != cur_state_texture_unit.swizzle.r || texture_unit.swizzle.g != cur_state_texture_unit.swizzle.g || texture_unit.swizzle.b != cur_state_texture_unit.swizzle.b || texture_unit.swizzle.a != cur_state_texture_unit.swizzle.a) { std::array mask = {texture_unit.swizzle.r, texture_unit.swizzle.g, texture_unit.swizzle.b, texture_unit.swizzle.a}; glTexParameteriv(texture_unit.target, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, mask.data()); } } } void OpenGLState::ApplySamplers() const { bool has_delta{}; std::size_t first{}, last{}; std::array samplers; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(samplers); ++i) { samplers[i] = texture_units[i].sampler; if (samplers[i] != cur_state.texture_units[i].sampler) { if (!has_delta) { first = i; has_delta = true; } last = i; } } if (has_delta) { glBindSamplers(static_cast(first), static_cast(last - first + 1), samplers.data()); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyFramebufferState() const { // Framebuffer if (draw.read_framebuffer != cur_state.draw.read_framebuffer) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, draw.read_framebuffer); } if (draw.draw_framebuffer != cur_state.draw.draw_framebuffer) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, draw.draw_framebuffer); } } void OpenGLState::ApplyVertexBufferState() const { // Vertex array if (draw.vertex_array != cur_state.draw.vertex_array) { glBindVertexArray(draw.vertex_array); } // Vertex buffer if (draw.vertex_buffer != cur_state.draw.vertex_buffer) { glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, draw.vertex_buffer); } } void OpenGLState::Apply() const { ApplyFramebufferState(); ApplyVertexBufferState(); // Uniform buffer if (draw.uniform_buffer != cur_state.draw.uniform_buffer) { glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, draw.uniform_buffer); } // Shader program if (draw.shader_program != cur_state.draw.shader_program) { glUseProgram(draw.shader_program); } // Program pipeline if (draw.program_pipeline != cur_state.draw.program_pipeline) { glBindProgramPipeline(draw.program_pipeline); } // Clip distance for (std::size_t i = 0; i < clip_distance.size(); ++i) { if (clip_distance[i] != cur_state.clip_distance[i]) { if (clip_distance[i]) { glEnable(GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0 + static_cast(i)); } else { glDisable(GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0 + static_cast(i)); } } } // Point if (point.size != cur_state.point.size) { glPointSize(point.size); } if (GLAD_GL_ARB_color_buffer_float) { if (fragment_color_clamp.enabled != cur_state.fragment_color_clamp.enabled) { glClampColor(GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR_ARB, fragment_color_clamp.enabled ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); } } ApplyColorMask(); ApplyViewport(); ApplyStencilTest(); ApplySRgb(); ApplyCulling(); ApplyDepth(); ApplyPrimitiveRestart(); ApplyBlending(); ApplyLogicOp(); ApplyTextures(); ApplySamplers(); cur_state = *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::UnbindTexture(GLuint handle) { for (auto& unit : texture_units) { if (unit.texture == handle) { unit.Unbind(); } } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetSampler(GLuint handle) { for (auto& unit : texture_units) { if (unit.sampler == handle) { unit.sampler = 0; } } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetProgram(GLuint handle) { if (draw.shader_program == handle) { draw.shader_program = 0; } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetPipeline(GLuint handle) { if (draw.program_pipeline == handle) { draw.program_pipeline = 0; } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetBuffer(GLuint handle) { if (draw.vertex_buffer == handle) { draw.vertex_buffer = 0; } if (draw.uniform_buffer == handle) { draw.uniform_buffer = 0; } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetVertexArray(GLuint handle) { if (draw.vertex_array == handle) { draw.vertex_array = 0; } return *this; } OpenGLState& OpenGLState::ResetFramebuffer(GLuint handle) { if (draw.read_framebuffer == handle) { draw.read_framebuffer = 0; } if (draw.draw_framebuffer == handle) { draw.draw_framebuffer = 0; } return *this; } } // namespace OpenGL