// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/common_paths.h" #include "common/common_types.h" #include "common/file_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "core/file_sys/patch_manager.h" #include "yuzu/compatibility_list.h" #include "yuzu/game_list.h" #include "yuzu/game_list_p.h" #include "yuzu/game_list_worker.h" #include "yuzu/main.h" #include "yuzu/ui_settings.h" GameListSearchField::KeyReleaseEater::KeyReleaseEater(GameList* gamelist) : gamelist{gamelist} {} // EventFilter in order to process systemkeys while editing the searchfield bool GameListSearchField::KeyReleaseEater::eventFilter(QObject* obj, QEvent* event) { // If it isn't a KeyRelease event then continue with standard event processing if (event->type() != QEvent::KeyRelease) return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); QKeyEvent* keyEvent = static_cast(event); int rowCount = gamelist->tree_view->model()->rowCount(); QString edit_filter_text = gamelist->search_field->edit_filter->text().toLower(); // If the searchfield's text hasn't changed special function keys get checked // If no function key changes the searchfield's text the filter doesn't need to get reloaded if (edit_filter_text == edit_filter_text_old) { switch (keyEvent->key()) { // Escape: Resets the searchfield case Qt::Key_Escape: { if (edit_filter_text_old.isEmpty()) { return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } else { gamelist->search_field->edit_filter->clear(); edit_filter_text = ""; } break; } // Return and Enter // If the enter key gets pressed first checks how many and which entry is visible // If there is only one result launch this game case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: { QStandardItemModel* item_model = new QStandardItemModel(gamelist->tree_view); QModelIndex root_index = item_model->invisibleRootItem()->index(); QStandardItem* child_file; QString file_path; int resultCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) { if (!gamelist->tree_view->isRowHidden(i, root_index)) { ++resultCount; child_file = gamelist->item_model->item(i, 0); file_path = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::FullPathRole).toString(); } } if (resultCount == 1) { // To avoid loading error dialog loops while confirming them using enter // Also users usually want to run a diffrent game after closing one gamelist->search_field->edit_filter->setText(""); edit_filter_text = ""; emit gamelist->GameChosen(file_path); } else { return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } break; } default: return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } } edit_filter_text_old = edit_filter_text; return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); } void GameListSearchField::setFilterResult(int visible, int total) { label_filter_result->setText(tr("%1 of %n result(s)", "", total).arg(visible)); } void GameListSearchField::clear() { edit_filter->setText(""); } void GameListSearchField::setFocus() { if (edit_filter->isVisible()) { edit_filter->setFocus(); } } GameListSearchField::GameListSearchField(GameList* parent) : QWidget{parent} { KeyReleaseEater* keyReleaseEater = new KeyReleaseEater(parent); layout_filter = new QHBoxLayout; layout_filter->setMargin(8); label_filter = new QLabel; label_filter->setText(tr("Filter:")); edit_filter = new QLineEdit; edit_filter->setText(""); edit_filter->setPlaceholderText(tr("Enter pattern to filter")); edit_filter->installEventFilter(keyReleaseEater); edit_filter->setClearButtonEnabled(true); connect(edit_filter, &QLineEdit::textChanged, parent, &GameList::onTextChanged); label_filter_result = new QLabel; button_filter_close = new QToolButton(this); button_filter_close->setText("X"); button_filter_close->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); button_filter_close->setStyleSheet("QToolButton{ border: none; padding: 0px; color: " "#000000; font-weight: bold; background: #F0F0F0; }" "QToolButton:hover{ border: none; padding: 0px; color: " "#EEEEEE; font-weight: bold; background: #E81123}"); connect(button_filter_close, &QToolButton::clicked, parent, &GameList::onFilterCloseClicked); layout_filter->setSpacing(10); layout_filter->addWidget(label_filter); layout_filter->addWidget(edit_filter); layout_filter->addWidget(label_filter_result); layout_filter->addWidget(button_filter_close); setLayout(layout_filter); } /** * Checks if all words separated by spaces are contained in another string * This offers a word order insensitive search function * * @param haystack String that gets checked if it contains all words of the userinput string * @param userinput String containing all words getting checked * @return true if the haystack contains all words of userinput */ static bool ContainsAllWords(const QString& haystack, const QString& userinput) { const QStringList userinput_split = userinput.split(' ', QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); return std::all_of(userinput_split.begin(), userinput_split.end(), [&haystack](const QString& s) { return haystack.contains(s); }); } // Event in order to filter the gamelist after editing the searchfield void GameList::onTextChanged(const QString& newText) { int rowCount = tree_view->model()->rowCount(); QString edit_filter_text = newText.toLower(); QModelIndex root_index = item_model->invisibleRootItem()->index(); // If the searchfield is empty every item is visible // Otherwise the filter gets applied if (edit_filter_text.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) { tree_view->setRowHidden(i, root_index, false); } search_field->setFilterResult(rowCount, rowCount); } else { int result_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; ++i) { const QStandardItem* child_file = item_model->item(i, 0); const QString file_path = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::FullPathRole).toString().toLower(); QString file_name = file_path.mid(file_path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); const QString file_title = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::TitleRole).toString().toLower(); const QString file_programmid = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::ProgramIdRole).toString().toLower(); // Only items which filename in combination with its title contains all words // that are in the searchfield will be visible in the gamelist // The search is case insensitive because of toLower() // I decided not to use Qt::CaseInsensitive in containsAllWords to prevent // multiple conversions of edit_filter_text for each game in the gamelist if (ContainsAllWords(file_name.append(' ').append(file_title), edit_filter_text) || (file_programmid.count() == 16 && edit_filter_text.contains(file_programmid))) { tree_view->setRowHidden(i, root_index, false); ++result_count; } else { tree_view->setRowHidden(i, root_index, true); } search_field->setFilterResult(result_count, rowCount); } } } void GameList::onFilterCloseClicked() { main_window->filterBarSetChecked(false); } GameList::GameList(FileSys::VirtualFilesystem vfs, GMainWindow* parent) : QWidget{parent}, vfs(std::move(vfs)) { watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); connect(watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, &GameList::RefreshGameDirectory); this->main_window = parent; layout = new QVBoxLayout; tree_view = new QTreeView; search_field = new GameListSearchField(this); item_model = new QStandardItemModel(tree_view); tree_view->setModel(item_model); tree_view->setAlternatingRowColors(true); tree_view->setSelectionMode(QHeaderView::SingleSelection); tree_view->setSelectionBehavior(QHeaderView::SelectRows); tree_view->setVerticalScrollMode(QHeaderView::ScrollPerPixel); tree_view->setHorizontalScrollMode(QHeaderView::ScrollPerPixel); tree_view->setSortingEnabled(true); tree_view->setEditTriggers(QHeaderView::NoEditTriggers); tree_view->setUniformRowHeights(true); tree_view->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); item_model->insertColumns(0, COLUMN_COUNT); item_model->setHeaderData(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::Horizontal, "Name"); item_model->setHeaderData(COLUMN_COMPATIBILITY, Qt::Horizontal, "Compatibility"); item_model->setHeaderData(COLUMN_ADD_ONS, Qt::Horizontal, "Add-ons"); item_model->setHeaderData(COLUMN_FILE_TYPE, Qt::Horizontal, "File type"); item_model->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SIZE, Qt::Horizontal, "Size"); connect(tree_view, &QTreeView::activated, this, &GameList::ValidateEntry); connect(tree_view, &QTreeView::customContextMenuRequested, this, &GameList::PopupContextMenu); // We must register all custom types with the Qt Automoc system so that we are able to use it // with signals/slots. In this case, QList falls under the umbrells of custom types. qRegisterMetaType>("QList"); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->setSpacing(0); layout->addWidget(tree_view); layout->addWidget(search_field); setLayout(layout); } GameList::~GameList() { emit ShouldCancelWorker(); } void GameList::setFilterFocus() { if (tree_view->model()->rowCount() > 0) { search_field->setFocus(); } } void GameList::setFilterVisible(bool visibility) { search_field->setVisible(visibility); } void GameList::clearFilter() { search_field->clear(); } void GameList::AddEntry(const QList& entry_items) { item_model->invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(entry_items); } void GameList::ValidateEntry(const QModelIndex& item) { // We don't care about the individual QStandardItem that was selected, but its row. const int row = item_model->itemFromIndex(item)->row(); const QStandardItem* child_file = item_model->invisibleRootItem()->child(row, COLUMN_NAME); const QString file_path = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::FullPathRole).toString(); if (file_path.isEmpty()) return; if (!QFileInfo::exists(file_path)) return; const QFileInfo file_info{file_path}; if (file_info.isDir()) { const QDir dir{file_path}; const QStringList matching_main = dir.entryList(QStringList("main"), QDir::Files); if (matching_main.size() == 1) { emit GameChosen(dir.path() + DIR_SEP + matching_main[0]); } return; } // Users usually want to run a diffrent game after closing one search_field->clear(); emit GameChosen(file_path); } void GameList::DonePopulating(QStringList watch_list) { // Clear out the old directories to watch for changes and add the new ones auto watch_dirs = watcher->directories(); if (!watch_dirs.isEmpty()) { watcher->removePaths(watch_dirs); } // Workaround: Add the watch paths in chunks to allow the gui to refresh // This prevents the UI from stalling when a large number of watch paths are added // Also artificially caps the watcher to a certain number of directories constexpr int LIMIT_WATCH_DIRECTORIES = 5000; constexpr int SLICE_SIZE = 25; int len = std::min(watch_list.length(), LIMIT_WATCH_DIRECTORIES); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += SLICE_SIZE) { watcher->addPaths(watch_list.mid(i, i + SLICE_SIZE)); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } tree_view->setEnabled(true); int rowCount = tree_view->model()->rowCount(); search_field->setFilterResult(rowCount, rowCount); if (rowCount > 0) { search_field->setFocus(); } } void GameList::PopupContextMenu(const QPoint& menu_location) { QModelIndex item = tree_view->indexAt(menu_location); if (!item.isValid()) return; int row = item_model->itemFromIndex(item)->row(); QStandardItem* child_file = item_model->invisibleRootItem()->child(row, COLUMN_NAME); u64 program_id = child_file->data(GameListItemPath::ProgramIdRole).toULongLong(); QMenu context_menu; QAction* open_save_location = context_menu.addAction(tr("Open Save Data Location")); QAction* navigate_to_gamedb_entry = context_menu.addAction(tr("Navigate to GameDB entry")); open_save_location->setEnabled(program_id != 0); auto it = FindMatchingCompatibilityEntry(compatibility_list, program_id); navigate_to_gamedb_entry->setVisible(it != compatibility_list.end() && program_id != 0); connect(open_save_location, &QAction::triggered, [&]() { emit OpenFolderRequested(program_id, GameListOpenTarget::SaveData); }); connect(navigate_to_gamedb_entry, &QAction::triggered, [&]() { emit NavigateToGamedbEntryRequested(program_id, compatibility_list); }); context_menu.exec(tree_view->viewport()->mapToGlobal(menu_location)); } void GameList::LoadCompatibilityList() { QFile compat_list{":compatibility_list/compatibility_list.json"}; if (!compat_list.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Unable to open game compatibility list"); return; } if (compat_list.size() == 0) { LOG_WARNING(Frontend, "Game compatibility list is empty"); return; } const QByteArray content = compat_list.readAll(); if (content.isEmpty()) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Unable to completely read game compatibility list"); return; } const QString string_content = content; QJsonDocument json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(string_content.toUtf8()); QJsonArray arr = json.array(); for (const QJsonValueRef& value : arr) { QJsonObject game = value.toObject(); if (game.contains("compatibility") && game["compatibility"].isDouble()) { int compatibility = game["compatibility"].toInt(); QString directory = game["directory"].toString(); QJsonArray ids = game["releases"].toArray(); for (const QJsonValueRef& id_ref : ids) { QJsonObject id_object = id_ref.toObject(); QString id = id_object["id"].toString(); compatibility_list.emplace( id.toUpper().toStdString(), std::make_pair(QString::number(compatibility), directory)); } } } } void GameList::PopulateAsync(const QString& dir_path, bool deep_scan) { if (!FileUtil::Exists(dir_path.toStdString()) || !FileUtil::IsDirectory(dir_path.toStdString())) { LOG_ERROR(Frontend, "Could not find game list folder at {}", dir_path.toLocal8Bit().data()); search_field->setFilterResult(0, 0); return; } tree_view->setEnabled(false); // Delete any rows that might already exist if we're repopulating item_model->removeRows(0, item_model->rowCount()); emit ShouldCancelWorker(); GameListWorker* worker = new GameListWorker(vfs, dir_path, deep_scan, compatibility_list); connect(worker, &GameListWorker::EntryReady, this, &GameList::AddEntry, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(worker, &GameListWorker::Finished, this, &GameList::DonePopulating, Qt::QueuedConnection); // Use DirectConnection here because worker->Cancel() is thread-safe and we want it to cancel // without delay. connect(this, &GameList::ShouldCancelWorker, worker, &GameListWorker::Cancel, Qt::DirectConnection); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(worker); current_worker = std::move(worker); } void GameList::SaveInterfaceLayout() { UISettings::values.gamelist_header_state = tree_view->header()->saveState(); } void GameList::LoadInterfaceLayout() { auto header = tree_view->header(); if (!header->restoreState(UISettings::values.gamelist_header_state)) { // We are using the name column to display icons and titles // so make it as large as possible as default. header->resizeSection(COLUMN_NAME, header->width()); } item_model->sort(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); } const QStringList GameList::supported_file_extensions = {"nso", "nro", "nca", "xci", "nsp"}; void GameList::RefreshGameDirectory() { if (!UISettings::values.gamedir.isEmpty() && current_worker != nullptr) { LOG_INFO(Frontend, "Change detected in the games directory. Reloading game list."); search_field->clear(); PopulateAsync(UISettings::values.gamedir, UISettings::values.gamedir_deepscan); } }