Fork 0
forked from suyu/suyu
Morph 99ceb03a1c general: Convert source file copyright comments over to SPDX
This formats all copyright comments according to SPDX formatting guidelines.
Additionally, this resolves the remaining GPLv2 only licensed files by relicensing them to GPLv2.0-or-later.
2022-04-23 05:55:32 -04:00

310 lines
14 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <span>
#include "common/alignment.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/bit_util.h"
#include "common/div_ceil.h"
#include "video_core/gpu.h"
#include "video_core/textures/decoders.h"
namespace Tegra::Texture {
namespace {
template <bool TO_LINEAR, u32 BYTES_PER_PIXEL>
void SwizzleImpl(std::span<u8> output, std::span<const u8> input, u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth,
u32 block_height, u32 block_depth, u32 stride_alignment) {
// The origin of the transformation can be configured here, leave it as zero as the current API
// doesn't expose it.
static constexpr u32 origin_x = 0;
static constexpr u32 origin_y = 0;
static constexpr u32 origin_z = 0;
// We can configure here a custom pitch
// As it's not exposed 'width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL' will be the expected pitch.
const u32 pitch = width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 stride = Common::AlignUpLog2(width, stride_alignment) * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 gobs_in_x = Common::DivCeilLog2(stride, GOB_SIZE_X_SHIFT);
const u32 block_size = gobs_in_x << (GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height + block_depth);
const u32 slice_size =
Common::DivCeilLog2(height, block_height + GOB_SIZE_Y_SHIFT) * block_size;
const u32 block_height_mask = (1U << block_height) - 1;
const u32 block_depth_mask = (1U << block_depth) - 1;
const u32 x_shift = GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height + block_depth;
for (u32 slice = 0; slice < depth; ++slice) {
const u32 z = slice + origin_z;
const u32 offset_z = (z >> block_depth) * slice_size +
((z & block_depth_mask) << (GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height));
for (u32 line = 0; line < height; ++line) {
const u32 y = line + origin_y;
const auto& table = SWIZZLE_TABLE[y % GOB_SIZE_Y];
const u32 block_y = y >> GOB_SIZE_Y_SHIFT;
const u32 offset_y = (block_y >> block_height) * block_size +
((block_y & block_height_mask) << GOB_SIZE_SHIFT);
for (u32 column = 0; column < width; ++column) {
const u32 x = (column + origin_x) * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 offset_x = (x >> GOB_SIZE_X_SHIFT) << x_shift;
const u32 base_swizzled_offset = offset_z + offset_y + offset_x;
const u32 swizzled_offset = base_swizzled_offset + table[x % GOB_SIZE_X];
const u32 unswizzled_offset =
slice * pitch * height + line * pitch + column * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
u8* const dst = &output[TO_LINEAR ? swizzled_offset : unswizzled_offset];
const u8* const src = &input[TO_LINEAR ? unswizzled_offset : swizzled_offset];
std::memcpy(dst, src, BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
template <bool TO_LINEAR>
void Swizzle(std::span<u8> output, std::span<const u8> input, u32 bytes_per_pixel, u32 width,
u32 height, u32 depth, u32 block_height, u32 block_depth, u32 stride_alignment) {
switch (bytes_per_pixel) {
#define BPP_CASE(x) \
case x: \
return SwizzleImpl<TO_LINEAR, x>(output, input, width, height, depth, block_height, \
block_depth, stride_alignment);
#undef BPP_CASE
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Invalid bytes_per_pixel={}", bytes_per_pixel);
template <u32 BYTES_PER_PIXEL>
void SwizzleSubrect(u32 subrect_width, u32 subrect_height, u32 source_pitch, u32 swizzled_width,
u8* swizzled_data, const u8* unswizzled_data, u32 block_height_bit,
u32 offset_x, u32 offset_y) {
const u32 block_height = 1U << block_height_bit;
const u32 image_width_in_gobs =
(swizzled_width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL + (GOB_SIZE_X - 1)) / GOB_SIZE_X;
for (u32 line = 0; line < subrect_height; ++line) {
const u32 dst_y = line + offset_y;
const u32 gob_address_y =
(dst_y / (GOB_SIZE_Y * block_height)) * GOB_SIZE * block_height * image_width_in_gobs +
((dst_y % (GOB_SIZE_Y * block_height)) / GOB_SIZE_Y) * GOB_SIZE;
const auto& table = SWIZZLE_TABLE[dst_y % GOB_SIZE_Y];
for (u32 x = 0; x < subrect_width; ++x) {
const u32 dst_x = x + offset_x;
const u32 gob_address =
gob_address_y + (dst_x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL / GOB_SIZE_X) * GOB_SIZE * block_height;
const u32 swizzled_offset = gob_address + table[(dst_x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL) % GOB_SIZE_X];
const u32 unswizzled_offset = line * source_pitch + x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u8* const source_line = unswizzled_data + unswizzled_offset;
u8* const dest_addr = swizzled_data + swizzled_offset;
std::memcpy(dest_addr, source_line, BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
template <u32 BYTES_PER_PIXEL>
void UnswizzleSubrect(u32 line_length_in, u32 line_count, u32 pitch, u32 width, u32 block_height,
u32 origin_x, u32 origin_y, u8* output, const u8* input) {
const u32 stride = width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 gobs_in_x = (stride + GOB_SIZE_X - 1) / GOB_SIZE_X;
const u32 block_size = gobs_in_x << (GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height);
const u32 block_height_mask = (1U << block_height) - 1;
const u32 x_shift = GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height;
for (u32 line = 0; line < line_count; ++line) {
const u32 src_y = line + origin_y;
const auto& table = SWIZZLE_TABLE[src_y % GOB_SIZE_Y];
const u32 block_y = src_y >> GOB_SIZE_Y_SHIFT;
const u32 src_offset_y = (block_y >> block_height) * block_size +
((block_y & block_height_mask) << GOB_SIZE_SHIFT);
for (u32 column = 0; column < line_length_in; ++column) {
const u32 src_x = (column + origin_x) * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 src_offset_x = (src_x >> GOB_SIZE_X_SHIFT) << x_shift;
const u32 swizzled_offset = src_offset_y + src_offset_x + table[src_x % GOB_SIZE_X];
const u32 unswizzled_offset = line * pitch + column * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
std::memcpy(output + unswizzled_offset, input + swizzled_offset, BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
template <u32 BYTES_PER_PIXEL>
void SwizzleSliceToVoxel(u32 line_length_in, u32 line_count, u32 pitch, u32 width, u32 height,
u32 block_height, u32 block_depth, u32 origin_x, u32 origin_y, u8* output,
const u8* input) {
UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(origin_x > 0);
UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(origin_y > 0);
const u32 stride = width * BYTES_PER_PIXEL;
const u32 gobs_in_x = (stride + GOB_SIZE_X - 1) / GOB_SIZE_X;
const u32 block_size = gobs_in_x << (GOB_SIZE_SHIFT + block_height + block_depth);
const u32 block_height_mask = (1U << block_height) - 1;
const u32 x_shift = static_cast<u32>(GOB_SIZE_SHIFT) + block_height + block_depth;
for (u32 line = 0; line < line_count; ++line) {
const auto& table = SWIZZLE_TABLE[line % GOB_SIZE_Y];
const u32 block_y = line / GOB_SIZE_Y;
const u32 dst_offset_y =
(block_y >> block_height) * block_size + (block_y & block_height_mask) * GOB_SIZE;
for (u32 x = 0; x < line_length_in; ++x) {
const u32 dst_offset =
((x / GOB_SIZE_X) << x_shift) + dst_offset_y + table[x % GOB_SIZE_X];
const u32 src_offset = x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL + line * pitch;
std::memcpy(output + dst_offset, input + src_offset, BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
} // Anonymous namespace
void UnswizzleTexture(std::span<u8> output, std::span<const u8> input, u32 bytes_per_pixel,
u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth, u32 block_height, u32 block_depth,
u32 stride_alignment) {
Swizzle<false>(output, input, bytes_per_pixel, width, height, depth, block_height, block_depth,
void SwizzleTexture(std::span<u8> output, std::span<const u8> input, u32 bytes_per_pixel, u32 width,
u32 height, u32 depth, u32 block_height, u32 block_depth,
u32 stride_alignment) {
Swizzle<true>(output, input, bytes_per_pixel, width, height, depth, block_height, block_depth,
void SwizzleSubrect(u32 subrect_width, u32 subrect_height, u32 source_pitch, u32 swizzled_width,
u32 bytes_per_pixel, u8* swizzled_data, const u8* unswizzled_data,
u32 block_height_bit, u32 offset_x, u32 offset_y) {
switch (bytes_per_pixel) {
#define BPP_CASE(x) \
case x: \
return SwizzleSubrect<x>(subrect_width, subrect_height, source_pitch, swizzled_width, \
swizzled_data, unswizzled_data, block_height_bit, offset_x, \
#undef BPP_CASE
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Invalid bytes_per_pixel={}", bytes_per_pixel);
void UnswizzleSubrect(u32 line_length_in, u32 line_count, u32 pitch, u32 width, u32 bytes_per_pixel,
u32 block_height, u32 origin_x, u32 origin_y, u8* output, const u8* input) {
switch (bytes_per_pixel) {
#define BPP_CASE(x) \
case x: \
return UnswizzleSubrect<x>(line_length_in, line_count, pitch, width, block_height, \
origin_x, origin_y, output, input);
#undef BPP_CASE
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Invalid bytes_per_pixel={}", bytes_per_pixel);
void SwizzleSliceToVoxel(u32 line_length_in, u32 line_count, u32 pitch, u32 width, u32 height,
u32 bytes_per_pixel, u32 block_height, u32 block_depth, u32 origin_x,
u32 origin_y, u8* output, const u8* input) {
switch (bytes_per_pixel) {
#define BPP_CASE(x) \
case x: \
return SwizzleSliceToVoxel<x>(line_length_in, line_count, pitch, width, height, \
block_height, block_depth, origin_x, origin_y, output, \
#undef BPP_CASE
UNREACHABLE_MSG("Invalid bytes_per_pixel={}", bytes_per_pixel);
void SwizzleKepler(const u32 width, const u32 height, const u32 dst_x, const u32 dst_y,
const u32 block_height_bit, const std::size_t copy_size, const u8* source_data,
u8* swizzle_data) {
const u32 block_height = 1U << block_height_bit;
const u32 image_width_in_gobs{(width + GOB_SIZE_X - 1) / GOB_SIZE_X};
std::size_t count = 0;
for (std::size_t y = dst_y; y < height && count < copy_size; ++y) {
const std::size_t gob_address_y =
(y / (GOB_SIZE_Y * block_height)) * GOB_SIZE * block_height * image_width_in_gobs +
((y % (GOB_SIZE_Y * block_height)) / GOB_SIZE_Y) * GOB_SIZE;
const auto& table = SWIZZLE_TABLE[y % GOB_SIZE_Y];
for (std::size_t x = dst_x; x < width && count < copy_size; ++x) {
const std::size_t gob_address =
gob_address_y + (x / GOB_SIZE_X) * GOB_SIZE * block_height;
const std::size_t swizzled_offset = gob_address + table[x % GOB_SIZE_X];
const u8* source_line = source_data + count;
u8* dest_addr = swizzle_data + swizzled_offset;
*dest_addr = *source_line;
std::size_t CalculateSize(bool tiled, u32 bytes_per_pixel, u32 width, u32 height, u32 depth,
u32 block_height, u32 block_depth) {
if (tiled) {
const u32 aligned_width = Common::AlignUpLog2(width * bytes_per_pixel, GOB_SIZE_X_SHIFT);
const u32 aligned_height = Common::AlignUpLog2(height, GOB_SIZE_Y_SHIFT + block_height);
const u32 aligned_depth = Common::AlignUpLog2(depth, GOB_SIZE_Z_SHIFT + block_depth);
return aligned_width * aligned_height * aligned_depth;
} else {
return width * height * depth * bytes_per_pixel;
u64 GetGOBOffset(u32 width, u32 height, u32 dst_x, u32 dst_y, u32 block_height,
u32 bytes_per_pixel) {
auto div_ceil = [](const u32 x, const u32 y) { return ((x + y - 1) / y); };
const u32 gobs_in_block = 1 << block_height;
const u32 y_blocks = GOB_SIZE_Y << block_height;
const u32 x_per_gob = GOB_SIZE_X / bytes_per_pixel;
const u32 x_blocks = div_ceil(width, x_per_gob);
const u32 block_size = GOB_SIZE * gobs_in_block;
const u32 stride = block_size * x_blocks;
const u32 base = (dst_y / y_blocks) * stride + (dst_x / x_per_gob) * block_size;
const u32 relative_y = dst_y % y_blocks;
return base + (relative_y / GOB_SIZE_Y) * GOB_SIZE;
} // namespace Tegra::Texture