226 lines
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226 lines
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/* Functions that generate widespread file
* formats from nix data structures.
* They all follow a similar interface:
* generator { config-attrs } data
* `config-attrs` are “holes” in the generators
* with sensible default implementations that
* can be overwritten. The default implementations
* are mostly generators themselves, called with
* their respective default values; they can be reused.
* Tests can be found in ./tests.nix
* Documentation in the manual, #sec-generators
{ lib }:
with (lib).trivial;
libStr = lib.strings;
libAttr = lib.attrsets;
flipMapAttrs = flip libAttr.mapAttrs;
inherit (lib) isFunction;
rec {
/* Convert a value to a sensible default string representation.
* The builtin `toString` function has some strange defaults,
* suitable for bash scripts but not much else.
mkValueStringDefault = {}: v: with builtins;
let err = t: v: abort
("generators.mkValueStringDefault: " +
"${t} not supported: ${toPretty {} v}");
in if isInt v then toString v
# we default to not quoting strings
else if isString v then v
# isString returns "1", which is not a good default
else if true == v then "true"
# here it returns to "", which is even less of a good default
else if false == v then "false"
else if null == v then "null"
# if you have lists you probably want to replace this
else if isList v then err "lists" v
# same as for lists, might want to replace
else if isAttrs v then err "attrsets" v
else if isFunction v then err "functions" v
else err "this value is" (toString v);
/* Generate a line of key k and value v, separated by
* character sep. If sep appears in k, it is escaped.
* Helper for synaxes with different separators.
* mkValueString specifies how values should be formatted.
* mkKeyValueDefault {} ":" "f:oo" "bar"
* > "f\:oo:bar"
mkKeyValueDefault = {
mkValueString ? mkValueStringDefault {}
}: sep: k: v:
"${libStr.escape [sep] k}${sep}${mkValueString v}";
/* Generate a key-value-style config file from an attrset.
* mkKeyValue is the same as in toINI.
toKeyValue = {
mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "="
}: attrs:
let mkLine = k: v: mkKeyValue k v + "\n";
in libStr.concatStrings (libAttr.mapAttrsToList mkLine attrs);
/* Generate an INI-style config file from an
* attrset of sections to an attrset of key-value pairs.
* generators.toINI {} {
* foo = { hi = "${pkgs.hello}"; ciao = "bar"; };
* baz = { "also, integers" = 42; };
* }
*> [baz]
*> also, integers=42
*> [foo]
*> ciao=bar
*> hi=/nix/store/y93qql1p5ggfnaqjjqhxcw0vqw95rlz0-hello-2.10
* The mk* configuration attributes can generically change
* the way sections and key-value strings are generated.
* For more examples see the test cases in ./tests.nix.
toINI = {
# apply transformations (e.g. escapes) to section names
mkSectionName ? (name: libStr.escape [ "[" "]" ] name),
# format a setting line from key and value
mkKeyValue ? mkKeyValueDefault {} "="
}: attrsOfAttrs:
# map function to string for each key val
mapAttrsToStringsSep = sep: mapFn: attrs:
libStr.concatStringsSep sep
(libAttr.mapAttrsToList mapFn attrs);
mkSection = sectName: sectValues: ''
[${mkSectionName sectName}]
'' + toKeyValue { inherit mkKeyValue; } sectValues;
# map input to ini sections
mapAttrsToStringsSep "\n" mkSection attrsOfAttrs;
/* Generates JSON from an arbitrary (non-function) value.
* For more information see the documentation of the builtin.
toJSON = {}: builtins.toJSON;
/* YAML has been a strict superset of JSON since 1.2, so we
* use toJSON. Before it only had a few differences referring
* to implicit typing rules, so it should work with older
* parsers as well.
toYAML = {}@args: toJSON args;
/* Pretty print a value, akin to `builtins.trace`.
* Should probably be a builtin as well.
toPretty = {
/* If this option is true, attrsets like { __pretty = fn; val = …; }
will use fn to convert val to a pretty printed representation.
(This means fn is type Val -> String.) */
allowPrettyValues ? false
}@args: v: with builtins;
let isPath = v: typeOf v == "path";
in if isInt v then toString v
else if isString v then ''"${libStr.escape [''"''] v}"''
else if true == v then "true"
else if false == v then "false"
else if null == v then "null"
else if isPath v then toString v
else if isList v then "[ "
+ libStr.concatMapStringsSep " " (toPretty args) v
+ " ]"
else if isAttrs v then
# apply pretty values if allowed
if attrNames v == [ "__pretty" "val" ] && allowPrettyValues
then v.__pretty v.val
# TODO: there is probably a better representation?
else if v ? type && v.type == "derivation" then
# "<δ:${concatStringsSep "," (builtins.attrNames v)}>"
else "{ "
+ libStr.concatStringsSep " " (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
(name: value:
"${toPretty args name} = ${toPretty args value};") v)
+ " }"
else if isFunction v then
let fna = lib.functionArgs v;
showFnas = concatStringsSep "," (libAttr.mapAttrsToList
(name: hasDefVal: if hasDefVal then "(${name})" else name)
in if fna == {} then "<λ>"
else "<λ:{${showFnas}}>"
else abort "toPretty: should never happen (v = ${v})";
# PLIST handling
toPLIST = {}: v: let
pprExpr = ind: x: with builtins;
if isNull x then "" else
if isBool x then pprBool ind x else
if isInt x then pprInt ind x else
if isString x then pprStr ind x else
if isList x then pprList ind x else
if isAttrs x then pprAttrs ind x else
abort "pprExpr: should never happen (v = ${v})";
pprLiteral = ind: x: ind + x;
pprBool = ind: x: pprLiteral ind (if x then "<true/>" else "<false/>");
pprInt = ind: x: pprLiteral ind "<integer>${toString x}</integer>";
pprStr = ind: x: pprLiteral ind "<string>${x}</string>";
pprKey = ind: x: pprLiteral ind "<key>${x}</key>";
pprIndent = ind: pprExpr "\t${ind}";
pprItem = ind: libStr.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (pprIndent ind);
pprList = ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" [
(pprLiteral ind "<array>")
(pprItem ind x)
(pprLiteral ind "</array>")
pprAttrs = ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" [
(pprLiteral ind "<dict>")
(pprAttr ind x)
(pprLiteral ind "</dict>")
pprAttr = let attrFilter = name: value: name != "_module" && value != null;
in ind: x: libStr.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: value: lib.optional (attrFilter name value) [
(pprKey "\t${ind}" name)
(pprExpr "\t${ind}" value)
]) x));
in ''
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
${pprExpr "" v}