The current algorithm creates attributes with null values for packages with no source in a variant of MELPA. Though will satify dependencies they produce no files, and though a build that transitively depends on one them will be successful, Emacs won't find them and any code depending on them won't work. The solution with minimal code change would have been filtering the list of results from melpaDerivation by comparing the value against null, but that leads to an infinite recursion. This commit also moves legacy renames from the shared to the unstable set, as the corresponding null value elements won't exist in the stable set anymore. The test used for the problem was: $ nix-build --show-trace ./default.nix -A emacs26Packages.melpaStablePackages.findr error: expression does not evaluate to a derivation (or a set or list of those) The expected output, obtained with this commit is: $ nix-build --show-trace ./default.nix -A emacs26Packages.melpaStablePackages.findr error: attribute 'findr' in selection path 'emacs26Packages.melpaStablePackages.findr' not found
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lib: self:
fetcherGenerators = { repo ? null
, url ? null
, ... }:
{ sha256
, commit
, ...}: {
github = self.callPackage ({ fetchFromGitHub }:
fetchFromGitHub {
owner = lib.head (lib.splitString "/" repo);
repo = lib.head (lib.tail (lib.splitString "/" repo));
rev = commit;
inherit sha256;
) {};
gitlab = self.callPackage ({ fetchFromGitLab }:
fetchFromGitLab {
owner = lib.head (lib.splitString "/" repo);
repo = lib.head (lib.tail (lib.splitString "/" repo));
rev = commit;
inherit sha256;
) {};
git = self.callPackage ({ fetchgit }:
fetchgit {
rev = commit;
inherit sha256 url;
) {};
bitbucket = self.callPackage ({ fetchhg }:
fetchhg {
rev = commit;
url = "${repo}";
inherit sha256;
) {};
hg = self.callPackage ({ fetchhg }:
fetchhg {
rev = commit;
inherit sha256 url;
) {};
in {
melpaDerivation = variant:
{ ename, fetcher
, commit ? null
, sha256 ? null
, ... }@args:
sourceArgs = args.${variant};
version = sourceArgs.version or null;
deps = sourceArgs.deps or null;
error = sourceArgs.error or args.error or null;
hasSource = lib.hasAttr variant args;
pname = builtins.replaceStrings [ "@" ] [ "at" ] ename;
broken = ! isNull error;
if hasSource then
lib.nameValuePair ename (
self.callPackage ({ melpaBuild, fetchurl, ... }@pkgargs:
melpaBuild {
inherit pname;
ename = ename;
version = if isNull version then "" else
lib.concatStringsSep "." (map toString version);
# TODO: Broken should not result in src being null (hack to avoid eval errors)
src = if (isNull sha256 || broken) then null else
lib.getAttr fetcher (fetcherGenerators args sourceArgs);
recipe = if isNull commit then null else
fetchurl {
name = pname + "-recipe";
url = "${commit}/recipes/${ename}";
inherit sha256;
packageRequires = lib.optionals (! isNull deps)
(map (dep: pkgargs.${dep} or self.${dep} or null)
meta = (sourceArgs.meta or {}) // {
inherit broken;
) {}