Nick Novitski 7bb0611e2e vim_configurable: Add packPath option to vimrcConfig (#22776)
* vim_configurable: Add packages option to vimrcConfig

Version 8 of vim adds the concept of "vim packages": directories which
contain one or more vim plugins, in either "start" or "opt"
subdirectories. Those in "start" are to be loaded automatically, while
those in "opt" can be loaded manually. Vim detects any packages located
in one of its "packpaths".

The packages option takes a set of sets describing one or more vim
packages, and adds the derivation containing these packages to the

* fix documentation.
2017-02-22 01:06:34 +01:00

431 lines
14 KiB

{stdenv, vim, vimPlugins, vim_configurable, buildEnv, writeText, writeScriptBin
, nix-prefetch-hg, nix-prefetch-git }:
Install Vim like this eg using nixos option environment.systemPackages which will provide
vim-with-plugins in PATH:
vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim-with-plugins";
# add custom .vimrc lines like this:
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
set hidden
# store your plugins in Vim packages
vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
# loaded on launch
start = [ youcompleteme fugitive ];
# manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
opt = [ phpCompletion elm-vim ];
# To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
# autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion
# plugins can also be managed by VAM
vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = pkgs.vimPlugins; # optional
vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
# load always
{ name = "youcompleteme"; }
{ names = ["youcompleteme" "foo"]; }
# only load when opening a .php file
{ name = "phpCompletion"; ft_regex = "^php\$"; }
{ name = "phpCompletion"; filename_regex = "^.php\$"; }
# provide plugin which can be loaded manually:
{ name = "phpCompletion"; tag = "lazy"; }
# full documentation at
# there is a pathogen implementation as well, but its startup is slower and [VAM] has more feature
# vimrcConfig.pathogen.knownPlugins = vimPlugins; # optional
# vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = ["vim-addon-nix"];
Typical plugin files:
doc/plugin-documentation.txt (traditional documentation)
README(.md) (nowadays thanks to github)
Vim offers the :h rtp setting which works for most plugins. Thus adding
this to your .vimrc should make most plugins work:
set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/share/vim-plugins/youcompleteme
" or for p in ["youcompleteme"] | exec 'set rtp+=~/.nix-profile/share/vim-plugins/'.p | endfor
which is what the [VAM]/pathogen solutions above basically do.
Learn about about plugin Vim plugin mm managers at
The documentation can be accessed by Vim's :help command if it was tagged.
See vimHelpTags sample code below.
The example file pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/default.nix provides both:
* manually mantained plugins
* plugins created by VAM's nix#ExportPluginsForNix implementation
I highly recommend to lookup vim plugin attribute names at the [vim-pi] project
which is a database containing all plugins from and quite a lot of found at github and similar sources. vim-pi's documented purpose
is to associate script ids to human readable names so that dependencies
can be describe easily.
How to find a name?
* or VAM's
* grep vim-pi
* use VAM's completion or :AddonsInfo command
It might happen than a plugin is not known by vim-pi yet. We encourage you to
contribute to vim-pi so that plugins can be updated automatically.
Most convenient is to use a ~/.vim-scripts file putting a plugin name into each line
as documented by [VAM]'s
It is the same format you pass to vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries from the
usage example above.
Then create a temp vim file and insert:
let opts = {}
let opts.path_to_nixpkgs = '/etc/nixos/nixpkgs'
let opts.cache_file = '/tmp/export-vim-plugin-for-nix-cache-file'
let opts.plugin_dictionaries = map(readfile("vim-plugins"), 'eval(v:val)')
" add more files
" let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(.. other file )
call nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts)
Then ":source %" it.
nix#ExportPluginsForNix is provided by ./vim2nix
A buffer will open containing the plugin derivation lines as well list
fitting the vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries option.
Thus the most simple usage would be:
vim_with_plugins =
let vim = vim_configurable;
inherit (vimUtil.override {inherit vim}) rtpPath addRtp buildVimPlugin vimHelpTags;
vimPlugins = [
# the derivation list from the buffer created by nix#ExportPluginsForNix
# don't set which will default to pkgs.vimPlugins
in vim.customize {
name = "vim-with-plugins";
vimrcConfig.customRC = '' .. '';
vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins;
vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
# the plugin list form ~/.vim-scripts turned into nix format added to
# the buffer created by the nix#ExportPluginsForNix
vim_with_plugins can be installed like any other application within Nix.
inherit (stdenv) lib;
findDependenciesRecursively = {knownPlugins, names}:
let depsOf = name: (builtins.getAttr name knownPlugins).dependencies or [];
recurseNames = path: names: lib.concatMap (name: recurse ([name]++path)) names;
recurse = path:
let name = builtins.head path;
in if builtins.elem name (builtins.tail path)
then throw "recursive vim dependencies"
else [name] ++ recurseNames path (depsOf name);
in lib.uniqList { inputList = recurseNames [] names; };
vimrcFile = {
packages ? null,
vam ? null,
pathogen ? null,
customRC ? ""
/* pathogen mostly can set &rtp at startup time. Its used very commonly.
pathogenImpl = lib.optionalString (pathogen != null)
knownPlugins = pathogen.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
plugins = map (name: knownPlugins.${name}) (findDependenciesRecursively { inherit knownPlugins; names = pathogen.pluginNames; });
pluginsEnv = buildEnv {
name = "pathogen-plugin-env";
paths = map (x: "${x}/${vimPlugins.rtpPath}") plugins;
let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',')."${vimPlugins.pathogen.rtp}"
execute pathogen#infect('${pluginsEnv}/{}')
vim-addon-manager = VAM
* maps names to plugin location
* manipulates &rtp at startup time
or when Vim has been running for a while
* can activate plugins laziy (eg when loading a specific filetype)
* knows about vim plugin dependencies (addon-info.json files)
* still is minimalistic (only loads one file), the "check out" code it also
has only gets loaded when a plugin is requested which is not found on disk
vamImpl = lib.optionalString (vam != null)
knownPlugins = vam.knownPlugins or vimPlugins;
toNames = x:
if builtins.isString x then [x]
else (lib.optional (x ? name)
++ (x.names or []);
names = findDependenciesRecursively { inherit knownPlugins; names = lib.concatMap toNames vam.pluginDictionaries; };
# Vim almost reads JSON, so eventually JSON support should be added to Nix
# TODO: proper quoting
toNix = x:
if (builtins.isString x) then "'${x}'"
else if builtins.isAttrs x && builtins ? out then toNix "${x}" # a derivation
else if builtins.isAttrs x then "{${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList (n: v: "${toNix n}: ${toNix v}") x)}}"
else if builtins.isList x then "[${lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " toNix x}]"
else throw "turning ${lib.showVal x} into a VimL thing not implemented yet";
in assert builtins.hasAttr "vim-addon-manager" knownPlugins;
let g:nix_plugin_locations = {}
${lib.concatMapStrings (name: ''
let g:nix_plugin_locations['${name}'] = "${knownPlugins.${name}.rtp}"
'') names}
let g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager'] = "${knownPlugins."vim-addon-manager".rtp}"
let g:vim_addon_manager = {}
if exists('g:nix_plugin_locations')
" nix managed config
" override default function making VAM aware of plugin locations:
fun! NixPluginLocation(name)
let path = get(g:nix_plugin_locations, a:name, "")
return path == "" ? vam#DefaultPluginDirFromName(a:name) : path
let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_dir_by_name = 'NixPluginLocation'
" tell Vim about VAM:
let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":','). g:nix_plugin_locations['vim-addon-manager']
" standalone config
let &rtp.=(empty(&rtp)?"":',').c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager'
if !isdirectory(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager/autoload')
" checkout VAM
execute '!git clone --depth=1 git:// '
\ shellescape(c.plugin_root_dir.'/vim-addon-manager', 1)
" tell vam about which plugins to load when:
let l = []
${lib.concatMapStrings (p: "call add(l, ${toNix p})\n") vam.pluginDictionaries}
call vam#Scripts(l, {})
nativeImpl = lib.optionalString (packages != null)
link = (packageName: dir: pluginPath: "ln -sf ${pluginPath}/share/vim-plugins/* $out/pack/${packageName}/${dir}");
packageLinks = (packageName: {start ? [], opt ? []}:
["mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/start"]
++ ( (link packageName "start") start)
++ ["mkdir -p $out/pack/${packageName}/opt"]
++ ( (link packageName "opt") opt)
packDir = (packages:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "vim-pack-dir";
src = ./.;
installPhase = lib.concatStringsSep
(lib.flatten (lib.mapAttrsToList packageLinks packages));
set packpath-=~/.vim/after
set packpath+=${packDir packages}
set packpath+=~/.vim/after
# somebody else could provide these implementations
vundleImpl = "";
neobundleImpl = "";
in writeText "vimrc" ''
" minimal setup, generated by NIX
set nocompatible
filetype indent plugin on | syn on
rec {
inherit vimrcFile;
# shell script with custom name passing [-u vimrc] [-U gvimrc] to vim
vimWithRC = {vimExecutable, name ? null, vimrcFile ? null, gvimrcFile ? null}:
let rcOption = o: file: stdenv.lib.optionalString (file != null) "-${o} ${file}";
in writeScriptBin (if name == null then "vim" else name) ''
exec ${vimExecutable} ${rcOption "u" vimrcFile} ${rcOption "U" gvimrcFile} "$@"
# add a customize option to a vim derivation
makeCustomizable = vim: vim // {
customize = {name, vimrcConfig}: vimWithRC {
vimExecutable = "${vim}/bin/vim";
inherit name;
vimrcFile = vimrcFile vimrcConfig;
pluginnames2Nix = {name, namefiles} : vim_configurable.customize {
inherit name;
vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = vimPlugins;
vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = ["vim2nix"];
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
" Yes - this is impure and will create the cache file and checkout vim-pi
" into ~/.vim/vim-addons
let g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir = "/tmp/vim2nix-".$USER
if !isdirectory(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir)
call mkdir(g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir)
echom repeat("=", 80)
echom "WARNING: reusing cache directory :".g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir
echom repeat("=", 80)
let opts = {}
let opts.nix_prefetch_git = "${nix-prefetch-git}/bin/nix-prefetch-git"
let opts.nix_prefetch_hg = "${nix-prefetch-hg}/bin/nix-prefetch-hg"
let opts.cache_file = g:vim_addon_manager.plugin_root_dir.'/cache'
let opts.plugin_dictionaries = []
${lib.concatMapStrings (file: "let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(readfile(\"${file}\"), 'eval(v:val)')\n") namefiles }
" uncomment for debugging failures
" let opts.try_catch = 0
" add more files
" let opts.plugin_dictionaries += map(.. other file )
call nix#ExportPluginsForNix(opts)
rtpPath = "share/vim-plugins";
vimHelpTags = ''
if [ -d "$1/doc" ]; then
${vim}/bin/vim -N -u NONE -i NONE -n -E -s -c "helptags $1/doc" +quit! || echo "docs to build failed"
addRtp = path: derivation:
derivation // { rtp = "${derivation}/${path}"; };
buildVimPlugin = a@{
namePrefix ? "vimplugin-",
unpackPhase ? "",
configurePhase ? "",
buildPhase ? "",
path ? (builtins.parseDrvName name).name,
addonInfo ? null,
addRtp "${rtpPath}/${path}" (stdenv.mkDerivation (a // {
name = namePrefix + name;
inherit unpackPhase configurePhase buildPhase addonInfo;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/${rtpPath}
cp -r . $target
vimHelpTags $target
if [ -n "$addonInfo" ]; then
echo "$addonInfo" > $target/addon-info.json
vim_with_vim2nix = vim_configurable.customize { name = "vim"; vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [ "vim-addon-vim2nix" ]; };
buildVimPluginFrom2Nix = a: buildVimPlugin ({
buildPhase = ":";
configurePhase =":";
} // a);
# test cases:
test_vim_with_vim_addon_nix_using_vam = vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim-with-vim-addon-nix-using-vam";
vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [{name = "vim-addon-nix"; }];
test_vim_with_vim_addon_nix_using_pathogen = vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim-with-vim-addon-nix-using-pathogen";
vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = [ "vim-addon-nix" ];
test_vim_with_vim_addon_nix = vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim-with-vim-addon-nix";
vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage.start = with vimPlugins; [ vim-addon-nix ];