815 lines
20 KiB
815 lines
20 KiB
{ stdenv
, lib
, fetchFromGitHub
, python3
, inetutils
, tzdata
, nixosTests
# Look up dependencies of specified components in component-packages.nix
, extraComponents ? [ ]
# Additional packages to add to propagatedBuildInputs
, extraPackages ? ps: []
# Override Python packages using
# self: super: { pkg = super.pkg.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { ... }); }
# Applied after defaultOverrides
, packageOverrides ? self: super: {}
# Skip pip install of required packages on startup
, skipPip ? true }:
defaultOverrides = [
# Override the version of some packages pinned in Home Assistant's setup.py and requirements_all.txt
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/125414
(mkOverride "flask" "2.0.1" "0mcgwq7b4qd99mf5bsvs3wphchxarf8kgil4hwww3blj31xjak0w")
(mkOverride "itsdangerous" "2.0.1" "1w6gfb2zhbcmrfj6digwzw1z68w6zg1q87rm6la2m412zil4swly")
(mkOverride "jinja2" "3.0.1" "197ms1wimxql650245v63wkv04n8bicj549wfhp51bx68x5lhgvh")
(mkOverride "markupsafe" "2.0.1" "02k2ynmqvvd0z0gakkf8s4idyb606r7zgga41jrkhqmigy06fk2r")
(self: super: {
werkzeug = super.werkzeug.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "2.0.1";
src = oldAttrs.src.override {
inherit version;
sha256 = "0hlwawnn8c41f254qify5jnjj8xb97n294h09bqimzqhs0qdpq8x";
checkInputs = oldAttrs.checkInputs ++ [ python3.pkgs.pytest-xprocess ];
pytestFlagsArray = [ "-m 'not filterwarnings'" ];
(mkOverride "flask-restful" "0.3.9" "0gm5dz088v3d2k1dkcp9b3nnqpkk0fp2jly870hijj2xhc5nbv6c")
(self: super: {
debugpy = super.debugpy.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
# tests fail with flask/werkezug>=2.0
doCheck = false;
# Pinned due to API changes in iaqualink>=2.0, remove after
# https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/48137 was merged
(self: super: {
iaqualink = super.iaqualink.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "0.3.4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "flz";
repo = "iaqualink-py";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "16mn6nd9x3hm6j6da99qhwbqs95hh8wx21r1h1m9csl76z77n9lh";
checkInputs = oldAttrs.checkInputs ++ [ python3.pkgs.asynctest ];
# Pinned due to API changes in pyjwt>=2.0
(self: super: {
pyjwt = super.pyjwt.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "1.7.1";
src = oldAttrs.src.override {
inherit version;
sha256 = "15hflax5qkw1v6nssk1r0wkj83jgghskcmn875m3wgvpzdvajncd";
disabledTests = [
# Pinned due to bug in ring-doorbell 0.7.0
# https://github.com/tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell/issues/240
(mkOverride "ring-doorbell" "0.6.2"
# Pinned due to API changes in pyflunearyou>=2.0
(self: super: {
pyflunearyou = super.pyflunearyou.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "1.0.7";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bachya";
repo = "pyflunearyou";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0hq55k298m9a90qb3lasw9bi093hzndrah00rfq94bp53aq0is99";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace pyproject.toml \
--replace "poetry.masonry.api" "poetry.core.masonry.api" \
--replace 'msgpack = "^0.6.2"' 'msgpack = "*"' \
--replace 'ujson = "^1.35"' 'ujson = "*"'
# Pinned due to API changes in pylast 4.2.1
(mkOverride "pylast" "4.2.0"
# Pinned due to API changes in pyopenuv>=1.1.0
(self: super: {
pyopenuv = super.pyopenuv.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "1.0.13";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bachya";
repo = "pyopenuv";
rev = version;
sha256 = "1gx9xjkyvqqy8410lnbshq1j5y4cb0cdc4m505g17rwdzdwb01y8";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace pyproject.toml \
--replace "poetry.masonry.api" "poetry.core.masonry.api"
# Pinned due to API changes in pyruckus>0.12
(self: super: {
pyruckus = super.pyruckus.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "0.12";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "gabe565";
repo = "pyruckus";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0ykv6r6blbj3fg9fplk9i7xclkv5d93rwvx0fm5s8ms9f2s9ih8z";
# Remove after https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/121854 has passed staging-next
(self: super: {
sqlalchemy = super.sqlalchemy.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "1.4.13";
src = oldAttrs.src.override {
inherit version;
sha256 = "0npsg38d11skv04zvsi90j93f6jdgm8666ds2ri7shr1pz1732hx";
patches = [];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ python3.pkgs.greenlet ];
# home-assistant-frontend does not exist in python3.pkgs
(self: super: {
home-assistant-frontend = self.callPackage ./frontend.nix { };
mkOverride = attrname: version: sha256:
self: super: {
${attrname} = super.${attrname}.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: {
inherit version;
src = oldAttrs.src.override {
inherit version sha256;
py = python3.override {
# Put packageOverrides at the start so they are applied after defaultOverrides
packageOverrides = lib.foldr lib.composeExtensions (self: super: { }) ([ packageOverrides ] ++ defaultOverrides);
componentPackages = import ./component-packages.nix;
availableComponents = builtins.attrNames componentPackages.components;
getPackages = component: builtins.getAttr component componentPackages.components;
componentBuildInputs = lib.concatMap (component: getPackages component py.pkgs) extraComponents;
# Ensure that we are using a consistent package set
extraBuildInputs = extraPackages py.pkgs;
# Don't forget to run parse-requirements.py after updating
hassVersion = "2021.6.4";
in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "homeassistant";
version = assert (componentPackages.version == hassVersion); hassVersion;
# check REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER in homeassistant/const.py
disabled = pythonOlder "3.8";
# don't try and fail to strip 6600+ python files, it takes minutes!
dontStrip = true;
inherit availableComponents;
# PyPI tarball is missing tests/ directory
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "home-assistant";
repo = "core";
rev = version;
sha256 = "058dx5hg0a3zvd85sxglbadigfzajmzx8i5jxvw0ww9yp8002qj1";
# leave this in, so users don't have to constantly update their downstream patch handling
patches = [
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace setup.py \
--replace "attrs==21.2.0" "attrs" \
--replace "awesomeversion==21.4.0" "awesomeversion" \
--replace "bcrypt==3.1.7" "bcrypt" \
--replace "cryptography==3.3.2" "cryptography" \
--replace "pip>=8.0.3,<20.3" "pip" \
--replace "ruamel.yaml==0.15.100" "ruamel.yaml"
substituteInPlace tests/test_config.py --replace '"/usr"' '"/build/media"'
propagatedBuildInputs = [
# Only packages required in setup.py + hass-frontend
] ++ lib.optionals (pythonOlder "3.9") [
] ++ componentBuildInputs ++ extraBuildInputs;
makeWrapperArgs = lib.optional skipPip "--add-flags --skip-pip";
# upstream only tests on Linux, so do we.
doCheck = stdenv.isLinux;
checkInputs = [
# test infrastructure (selectively from requirement_test.txt)
# required by tests/auth/mfa_modules
] ++ lib.concatMap (component: getPackages component py.pkgs) componentTests;
# We can reasonably test components that don't communicate with any network
# services. Before adding new components to this list make sure we have all
# its dependencies packaged and listed in ./component-packages.nix.
componentTests = [
] ++ lib.optionals (builtins.any (s: s == stdenv.hostPlatform.system) debugpy.meta.platforms) [
pytestFlagsArray = [
# parallelize test run
"--numprocesses auto"
# assign tests grouped by file to workers
"--dist loadfile"
# retry racy tests that end in "RuntimeError: Event loop is closed"
"--reruns 3"
"--only-rerun RuntimeError"
# enable full variable printing on error
# screenlogic/test_config_flow.py: Tries to send out UDP broadcasts
"--deselect tests/components/screenlogic/test_config_flow.py::test_form_cannot_connect"
# asuswrt/test_config_flow.py: Sandbox network limitations, fails with unexpected error
"--deselect tests/components/asuswrt/test_config_flow.py::test_on_connect_failed"
# shelly/test_config_flow.py: Tries to join multicast group
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_title_without_name"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form_auth"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form_errors_test_connection"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_user_setup_ignored_device"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form_auth_errors_test_connection"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form_auth_errors_test_connection"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_form_auth_errors_test_connection"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_zeroconf"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_zeroconf_sleeping_device"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_zeroconf_sleeping_device_error"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_zeroconf_sleeping_device_error"
"--deselect tests/components/shelly/test_config_flow.py::test_zeroconf_require_auth"
# prometheus/test_init.py: Spurious AssertionError regarding humidifier_target_humidity_percent metric
"--deselect tests/components/prometheus/test_init.py::test_view"
# smhi/test_init.py: Tries to fetch data from the network: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
"--deselect tests/components/smhi/test_init.py::test_remove_entry"
# wallbox/test_config_flow.py: Tries to connect to api.wall-box.cim: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
"--deselect tests/components/wallbox/test_config_flow.py::test_form_invalid_auth"
"--deselect tests/components/wallbox/test_config_flow.py::test_form_cannot_connect"
# tests are located in tests/
# dynamically add packages required for component tests
] ++ map (component: "tests/components/" + component) componentTests;
disabledTestPaths = [
# don't bulk test all components
# pyotp since v2.4.0 complains about the short mock keys, hass pins v2.3.0
disabledTests = [
# AssertionError: assert 1 == 0
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyqwikswitch'
# keyring.errors.NoKeyringError: No recommended backend was available.
# generic/test_camera.py: AssertionError: 500 == 200
# util/test_package.py: AssertionError on package.is_installed('homeassistant>=999.999.999')
# homeassistant/util/thread.py:51: SystemError
# {'theme_color': '#03A9F4'} != {'theme_color': 'blue'}
# onboarding tests rpi_power component, for which we are lacking rpi_bad_power library
preCheck = ''
export HOME="$TEMPDIR"
# the tests require the existance of a media dir
mkdir /build/media
# put ping binary into PATH, e.g. for wake_on_lan tests
export PATH=${inetutils}/bin:$PATH
# set up zoneinfo data for backports-zoneinfo in pvpc_hourly_pricing tests
export PYTHONTZPATH="${tzdata}/share/zoneinfo"
# error out when component test directory is missing, otherwise hidden by xdist execution :(
for component in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " (map lib.escapeShellArg componentTests)}; do
test -d "tests/components/$component" || {
>2& echo "ERROR: Tests for component '$component' were enabled, but they do not exist!"
exit 1
passthru = {
inherit (py.pkgs) hass-frontend;
tests = {
inherit (nixosTests) home-assistant;
python = py;
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "https://home-assistant.io/";
description = "Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = teams.home-assistant.members;
platforms = platforms.linux;