Snapserver expects the arguments `--tcp.bind_to_address` and `--http.bind_to_address` instead of the `--tcp.address` (and http equivalent) versions. This caused the process to listen on `` (for TCP and HTTP sockets) regardless of the configuration value. It also never listend on the IPv6 address `::` as our module system made the user believe. This commit fixes the above issue and ensures that (at least for the TCP socket) that our default `::` does indeed allow connections via IPv6 (to localhost aka ::1).
89 lines
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89 lines
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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ...} :
port = 10004;
tcpPort = 10005;
httpPort = 10080;
tcpStreamPort = 10006;
bufferSize = 742;
in {
name = "snapcast";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ hexa ];
nodes = {
server = {
services.snapserver = {
enable = true;
port = port;
tcp.port = tcpPort;
http.port = httpPort;
buffer = bufferSize;
streams = {
mpd = {
type = "pipe";
location = "/run/snapserver/mpd";
query.mode = "create";
bluetooth = {
type = "pipe";
location = "/run/snapserver/bluetooth";
tcp = {
type = "tcp";
location = "${toString tcpStreamPort}";
meta = {
type = "meta";
location = "/mpd/bluetooth/tcp";
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.snapcast ];
client = {
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.snapcast ];
testScript = ''
import json
get_rpc_version = {"id": "1", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Server.GetRPCVersion"}
server.wait_until_succeeds("ss -ntl | grep -q ${toString port}")
server.wait_until_succeeds("ss -ntl | grep -q ${toString tcpPort}")
server.wait_until_succeeds("ss -ntl | grep -q ${toString httpPort}")
server.wait_until_succeeds("ss -ntl | grep -q ${toString tcpStreamPort}")
with subtest("check that pipes are created"):
server.succeed("test -p /run/snapserver/mpd")
server.succeed("test -p /run/snapserver/bluetooth")
with subtest("test tcp json-rpc"):
server.succeed(f"echo '{json.dumps(get_rpc_version)}' | nc -w 1 localhost ${toString tcpPort}")
with subtest("test http json-rpc"):
"curl --fail http://localhost:${toString httpPort}/jsonrpc -d '{json.dumps(get_rpc_version)}'"
with subtest("test a ipv6 connection"):
server.execute("systemd-run --unit=snapcast-local-client snapclient -h ::1 -p ${toString port}")
"journalctl -o cat -u snapserver.service | grep -q 'Hello from'"
server.wait_until_succeeds("journalctl -o cat -u snapcast-local-client | grep -q 'buffer: ${toString bufferSize}'")
with subtest("test a connection"):
client.execute("systemd-run --unit=snapcast-client snapclient -h server -p ${toString port}")
"journalctl -o cat -u snapserver.service | grep -q 'Hello from'"
client.wait_until_succeeds("journalctl -o cat -u snapcast-client | grep -q 'buffer: ${toString bufferSize}'")