This is the master branch of nixpkgs, initially pulled from commit 8debf2f9a63d54ae4f28994290437ba54c681c7b The intent of this repo is to be merged onto nixpkgs master. This will also be of help for which I will need in order for development (it will also be helpful to know what to do for setting up the environment for the master server. Currently I am focusing on this so I can actually see what is still missing) This repo will be removed once the PR to the nixpkgs github goes through
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Andreas Rammhold 1e47dd9cb8 cpython: Enable LTO on all builds as it doesn't break reproducibility
LTO allows us to optimise the binaries we are shipping a bit further
than just with the regular -Ox and other compiler flags. It also is
deterministic and doesn't harm our reproducibility efforts while
providing us with up to 10% performance gain (and sometimes slightly
slower). See the table below for a comparsion of this version with the
Python 3.9 build that sets -fno-semantic-interposition.

| Benchmark               | py39-nsip.nix.json | py39-nsip-lto.nix.json | Change       | Significance           |
| 2to3                    | 642 ms             | 620 ms                 | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=12.04)  |
| chameleon               | 14.6 ms            | 14.4 ms                | 1.02x faster | Not significant        |
| chaos                   | 182 ms             | 182 ms                 | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
| crypto_pyaes            | 175 ms             | 172 ms                 | 1.02x faster | Not significant        |
| deltablue               | 11.2 ms            | 11.2 ms                | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| django_template         | 82.0 ms            | 81.4 ms                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| dulwich_log             | 101 ms             | 99.8 ms                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| fannkuch                | 634 ms             | 638 ms                 | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| float                   | 176 ms             | 189 ms                 | 1.08x slower | Significant (t=-4.30)  |
| go                      | 366 ms             | 365 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| hexiom                  | 14.9 ms            | 15.1 ms                | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| json_dumps              | 18.7 ms            | 18.5 ms                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| json_loads              | 37.9 us            | 37.3 us                | 1.02x faster | Not significant        |
| logging_format          | 14.2 us            | 14.3 us                | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| logging_silent          | 305 ns             | 313 ns                 | 1.02x slower | Significant (t=-3.91)  |
| logging_simple          | 13.0 us            | 13.2 us                | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| mako                    | 24.7 ms            | 23.3 ms                | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=10.74)  |
| meteor_contest          | 130 ms             | 128 ms                 | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| nbody                   | 201 ms             | 201 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| nqueens                 | 152 ms             | 154 ms                 | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| pathlib                 | 26.3 ms            | 26.2 ms                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| pickle                  | 13.1 us            | 13.7 us                | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-10.36) |
| pickle_dict             | 26.6 us            | 27.1 us                | 1.02x slower | Not significant        |
| pickle_list             | 4.34 us            | 4.31 us                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| pickle_pure_python      | 738 us             | 759 us                 | 1.03x slower | Significant (t=-5.26)  |
| pidigits                | 181 ms             | 181 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| pyflate                 | 959 ms             | 974 ms                 | 1.02x slower | Not significant        |
| python_startup          | 34.0 ms            | 31.4 ms                | 1.08x faster | Significant (t=29.75)  |
| python_startup_no_site  | 15.3 ms            | 14.5 ms                | 1.06x faster | Significant (t=17.58)  |
| raytrace                | 849 ms             | 846 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| regex_compile           | 261 ms             | 261 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| regex_dna               | 187 ms             | 221 ms                 | 1.18x slower | Significant (t=-46.94) |
| regex_effbot            | 3.66 ms            | 3.98 ms                | 1.09x slower | Significant (t=-18.55) |
| regex_v8                | 29.7 ms            | 29.3 ms                | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| richards                | 113 ms             | 110 ms                 | 1.03x faster | Significant (t=3.47)   |
| scimark_fft             | 592 ms             | 590 ms                 | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| scimark_lu              | 253 ms             | 265 ms                 | 1.05x slower | Significant (t=-8.97)  |
| scimark_monte_carlo     | 170 ms             | 177 ms                 | 1.04x slower | Significant (t=-4.96)  |
| scimark_sor             | 310 ms             | 315 ms                 | 1.02x slower | Not significant        |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 8.36 ms            | 8.33 ms                | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| spectral_norm           | 232 ms             | 229 ms                 | 1.02x faster | Not significant        |
| sqlalchemy_declarative  | 185 ms             | 183 ms                 | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| sqlalchemy_imperative   | 27.4 ms            | 27.6 ms                | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| sqlite_synth            | 4.73 us            | 4.73 us                | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| sympy_expand            | 813 ms             | 819 ms                 | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| sympy_integrate         | 31.6 ms            | 31.8 ms                | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| sympy_str               | 477 ms             | 479 ms                 | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
| sympy_sum               | 245 ms             | 247 ms                 | 1.01x slower | Not significant        |
| telco                   | 11.3 ms            | 11.4 ms                | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
| tornado_http            | 172 ms             | 172 ms                 | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
| unpack_sequence         | 56.2 ns            | 51.2 ns                | 1.10x faster | Significant (t=2.50)   |
| unpickle                | 19.8 us            | 19.5 us                | 1.02x faster | Not significant        |
| unpickle_list           | 5.75 us            | 5.75 us                | 1.00x faster | Not significant        |
| unpickle_pure_python    | 524 us             | 522 us                 | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| xml_etree_generate      | 148 ms             | 148 ms                 | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
| xml_etree_iterparse     | 129 ms             | 131 ms                 | 1.02x slower | Not significant        |
| xml_etree_parse         | 179 ms             | 177 ms                 | 1.01x faster | Not significant        |
| xml_etree_process       | 118 ms             | 119 ms                 | 1.00x slower | Not significant        |
2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
.github workflows: fix documentation for periodic 24 hours merge 2021-07-01 20:16:36 +09:00
doc python3: 3.8 -> 3.9 2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
lib strings.nix: Fix overly monomorphic type signature comments 2021-07-04 20:52:48 +02:00
maintainers Merge pull request #129005 from pimeys/planetscale 2021-07-05 03:22:20 +01:00
nixos Merge master into staging-next 2021-07-05 18:01:11 +00:00
pkgs cpython: Enable LTO on all builds as it doesn't break reproducibility 2021-07-05 12:34:02 -07:00
.version Move to repo root, where it is more visible. 2021-06-26 04:51:38 +02:00
flake.nix Move to repo root, where it is more visible. 2021-06-26 04:51:38 +02:00

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Nixpkgs is among the most active projects on GitHub. While thousands of open issues and pull requests might seem a lot at first, it helps consider it in the context of the scope of the project. Nixpkgs describes how to build tens of thousands of pieces of software and implements a Linux distribution. The GitHub Insights page gives a sense of the project activity.

Community contributions are always welcome through GitHub Issues and Pull Requests. When pull requests are made, our tooling automation bot, OfBorg will perform various checks to help ensure expression quality.

The Nixpkgs maintainers are people who have assigned themselves to maintain specific individual packages. We encourage people who care about a package to assign themselves as a maintainer. When a pull request is made against a package, OfBorg will notify the appropriate maintainer(s). The Nixpkgs committers are people who have been given permission to merge.

Most contributions are based on and merged into these branches:

  • master is the main branch where all small contributions go
  • staging is branched from master, changes that have a big impact on Hydra builds go to this branch
  • staging-next is branched from staging and only fixes to stabilize and security fixes with a big impact on Hydra builds should be contributed to this branch. This branch is merged into master when deemed of sufficiently high quality

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Nixpkgs is licensed under the MIT License.

Note: MIT license does not apply to the packages built by Nixpkgs, merely to the files in this repository (the Nix expressions, build scripts, NixOS modules, etc.). It also might not apply to patches included in Nixpkgs, which may be derivative works of the packages to which they apply. The aforementioned artifacts are all covered by the licenses of the respective packages.