# azure ## Demo Here's a demo of this being used: https://asciinema.org/a/euXb9dIeUybE3VkstLWLbvhmp ## Usage This is meant to be an example image that you can copy into your own project and modify to your own needs. Notice that the example image includes a built-in test user account, which by default uses your `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub` as an `authorized_key`. Build and upload the image ```shell $ ./upload-image.sh ./examples/basic/image.nix ... + attr=azbasic + nix-build ./examples/basic/image.nix --out-link azure /nix/store/qdpzknpskzw30vba92mb24xzll1dqsmd-azure-image ... 95.5 %, 0 Done, 0 Failed, 1 Pending, 0 Skipped, 1 Total, 2-sec Throughput (Mb/s): 932.9565 ... /subscriptions/aff271ee-e9be-4441-b9bb-42f5af4cbaeb/resourceGroups/nixos-images/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/azure-image-todo-makethisbetter ``` Take the output, boot an Azure VM: ``` img="/subscriptions/.../..." # use output from last command ./boot-vm.sh "${img}" ... => booted ```